Good Morning out there! Today is the Sixth Day within the Octave of the
Nativity of the Lord, also known as, the sixth day of Christmas! I love that
my birthday falls during the Christmas season! Sometimes I'm like a small
child, when I woke up today, I danced around in my flannel pajamas singing
it's my birthday, it's my birthday! I'm not excited because I may get presents,
but because I'm alive! Each day is a gift, our lives are a gift from God.
I want to share something from the Magnificat (a monthly Catholic book with
the readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and Responsorial
Psalms that will be proclaimed at daily Mass). The booklet also includes;
morning prayers, a hymn from the scriptures, evening prayers, a meditation
for the day, and a short story about the lives of certain Saints.
The following is from the readings for today in the Magnificat:
Canticle of Judith
As for me, I am old and gray. I have lived with you from my youth to the
present day. 1 Samuel 12:2
Anna had grown old in faith and hope, but when she saw the Child of God's
promise brought to the temple, she sang in her heart a new song of praise
and thanksgiving. One is never too old to be surprised by joy.
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 2:36-40
There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe
of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her
husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four.
She was constantly in the temple, worshiping day and night with fasting and
prayer. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and
spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.
When the pair had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they
returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew in size
and strength, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
Canticle of Mary
Glory in his holy name;
Rejoice , O hearts that seek the Lord! Look to the
Lord in his strength; seek to serve him constantly.
1 Chronicles 16:10-11
I wanted to share these readings with you because I realize how much they
describe the way I feel today. So I start my new year of life today, with hope,
with joy, with faith, with anticipation of the days ahead, and most of all,
with love in my heart and a prayer of thanksgiving on my lips.
Blessings to you all! I pray that we will all keep the true meaning of Christmas
and the beautiful spirit of Christmas in our hearts and homes throughout
this year, and in the new year to come.
Bye for now, Sharla
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Christmas is More Than Just One Day!
Hello out there! I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas! I love the
entire Christmas Season! We spent Christmas Eve with our children and
grandchildren. We went to the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass and then came back
home for food and fun! My daughter-in-law's parents and one of my son's
friends from school (whom we claim as one of our own) joined us also.
We have a beautiful nativity scene on the front porch, I wrapped our statue
of Baby Jesus in a warm blanket and placed him in the manger, and then we
sang Happy Birthday. The grandkids love that. I did have to tell them that we
were not adding the "Cha Cha Cha" part as we sang to Baby Jesus!
On Christmas Day, Jim and I woke up to a quiet house! While he fixed
breakfast, I ran some sugar cookies that my daughter and grandkids made up
to the Sack Lunch Ministry at our church. Some really special people made sure
that lunches were given out on Christmas Day to those in need! I delivered the
cookies and gave all those sweet people a hug and wished them a Merry Christmas
and headed back home. I baked a pecan pie to take to my sister-in-laws for a
late lunch. We enjoyed visiting and catching up with our extended family.
On the third day of Christmas I baked banana bread and ordered cards with pictures
of my family to send out for a Happy New Year! (Needless to say, I didn't get my
Christmas cards out in time!)
On the fourth day of Christmas I delivered banana bread to many of my neighbors.
Tomorrow is my birthday! I will be 51, I can't believe it!
Well, I just wanted to say hello and that I hope you are all having a blessed Christmas
season! I'll try to write another post tomorrow.
I will close with this verse from the bible:
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126:3
Bye for now, Sharla
entire Christmas Season! We spent Christmas Eve with our children and
grandchildren. We went to the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass and then came back
home for food and fun! My daughter-in-law's parents and one of my son's
friends from school (whom we claim as one of our own) joined us also.
We have a beautiful nativity scene on the front porch, I wrapped our statue
of Baby Jesus in a warm blanket and placed him in the manger, and then we
sang Happy Birthday. The grandkids love that. I did have to tell them that we
were not adding the "Cha Cha Cha" part as we sang to Baby Jesus!
On Christmas Day, Jim and I woke up to a quiet house! While he fixed
breakfast, I ran some sugar cookies that my daughter and grandkids made up
to the Sack Lunch Ministry at our church. Some really special people made sure
that lunches were given out on Christmas Day to those in need! I delivered the
cookies and gave all those sweet people a hug and wished them a Merry Christmas
and headed back home. I baked a pecan pie to take to my sister-in-laws for a
late lunch. We enjoyed visiting and catching up with our extended family.
On the third day of Christmas I baked banana bread and ordered cards with pictures
of my family to send out for a Happy New Year! (Needless to say, I didn't get my
Christmas cards out in time!)
On the fourth day of Christmas I delivered banana bread to many of my neighbors.
Tomorrow is my birthday! I will be 51, I can't believe it!
Well, I just wanted to say hello and that I hope you are all having a blessed Christmas
season! I'll try to write another post tomorrow.
I will close with this verse from the bible:
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Psalm 126:3
Bye for now, Sharla
Saturday, December 20, 2014
My Nativity Scene, A Time of Preparation
Good Morning out there! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Advent! I set
up my beautiful nativity scene outside on Thursday. Just waiting for Christmas
to place baby Jesus in the manger. My grandkids know why I don't have Him with
Mary and Joseph yet, we are still waiting for Him to come, waiting for His birth!
I have hay bales stacked up on each side of my nativity scene. The baby lambs are
laying up on top of one of the hay bales. After I put the nativity scene out on my
front porch I went to the grocery store. When I got back home, I saw my cat laying
up on the hay bale next to the baby lambs! She must be waiting for baby Jesus too.
A couple of years ago a porcupine would come in our yard and eat the acorns that
had fallen from our oak tree. He would walk right in front of the nativity scene.
One day he was right next to the hay bale, he wanted to be with the other animals
waiting for baby Jesus! I went outside and took pictures of him. My husband
hollered out the door that I was going to end up with quills in my rear if I didn't
watch out! No quills in the rear, but I did get a lot of neat pictures! I'll post them so
that you can see them.
I love Advent, and I love the Christmas season, but most of all I love the "Reason for
the Season." I wish all of you joy and happiness, family time, and peace.
Remember to take time to sit and have a cup of coffee, tea, or eggnog and just enjoy
the beauty of this time of year. Reach out to someone who doesn't have family,
stop by for a visit, take a plate of cookies, give them your time.
Blessings to you all! Happy Advent, remember to enjoy the time of preparation!
Bye for now, Sharla
up my beautiful nativity scene outside on Thursday. Just waiting for Christmas
to place baby Jesus in the manger. My grandkids know why I don't have Him with
Mary and Joseph yet, we are still waiting for Him to come, waiting for His birth!
I have hay bales stacked up on each side of my nativity scene. The baby lambs are
laying up on top of one of the hay bales. After I put the nativity scene out on my
front porch I went to the grocery store. When I got back home, I saw my cat laying
up on the hay bale next to the baby lambs! She must be waiting for baby Jesus too.
A couple of years ago a porcupine would come in our yard and eat the acorns that
had fallen from our oak tree. He would walk right in front of the nativity scene.
One day he was right next to the hay bale, he wanted to be with the other animals
waiting for baby Jesus! I went outside and took pictures of him. My husband
hollered out the door that I was going to end up with quills in my rear if I didn't
watch out! No quills in the rear, but I did get a lot of neat pictures! I'll post them so
that you can see them.
I love Advent, and I love the Christmas season, but most of all I love the "Reason for
the Season." I wish all of you joy and happiness, family time, and peace.
Remember to take time to sit and have a cup of coffee, tea, or eggnog and just enjoy
the beauty of this time of year. Reach out to someone who doesn't have family,
stop by for a visit, take a plate of cookies, give them your time.
Blessings to you all! Happy Advent, remember to enjoy the time of preparation!
Bye for now, Sharla
Friday, December 5, 2014
Every Baby Should Be Able To Grow Up and Have A Story To Tell
Once upon a time, fifty or so years ago, a baby girl was born and she needed
a home. Never knowing the circumstances or the reason why, her birth mother
couldn't keep her, she had to say goodbye. This little baby girl was three days
old when a loving family came, and took her to their home. Now this baby girl
had a family of her own.
With love and joy and happiness this baby girl grew up, she never met a stranger
and her heart was full of love. She loved to hear the stories about her special day,
the day her family came and gave her their name.
When she was only eight years old, the scary news came, her loving mother had
cancer, the little girl was afraid. Her mother was strong and courageous as she
battled day to day, and when the girl was twelve years old the angels came, and
took her mother away. She knew her mother was in heaven, no more pain did her
mother feel, and although she understood why it had to be this way, the grief she felt
in her heart would never go away.
The young not quite teenage girl was strong, she was raised that way. She had
watched her mother suffer and never heard her complain. Her mother had prepared
her, knowing this day would come. Her love of God, her father, older brother,
church family and friends, would be there for her, as the years came and went.
She was now a young lady, thought she was so grown up, off she went to college,
another life event. She made new friends and she had fun, but she
missed her dad, her brother, his wife, and friends back home.
Then one day it happened, a Sunday afternoon, she met a man, the most wonderful,
handsome man and her heart grew and grew.
Within a short time they were married, became husband and wife. So thankful God
had blessed her with someone she would cherish and love all of her life.
She had a new name, and a home of her own, she was also blessed with a stepson, she
quickly grew to love as her very own.
Expecting their first child, the baby grew, and as the mother heard the heart beat and felt
her baby move, she was amazed at what her body was going through. With her husband
at her side the doctor said, "It's a boy" and the mother cried, my first born is a son,
and the emotions that went through her can never be described, but the love and
protectiveness she felt for this child was an overwhelming feeling that would never die.
As she held her son close to her breast, she thanked God for his life, for being so
blessed. When the baby boy was just three months old, the new mom found out she
was expecting once more. When her husband came home from work that day he sat
down in the rocking chair and held their son. She knelt on the floor and leaned against
his legs as she shared the good news of another baby on the way. He smiled and told
her everything would be ok.
This happened during the time when the oil boom had gone bust, work was slow, there
had been lay-offs and his new job didn't pay as much. There would be no insurance to
cover the costs. They saved and worked side jobs to pay for the birth, the hard times
together, they grew so close.
The baby boy walked at ten months old, and his mom chased after him as her other
baby began to grow. The mother heard the heart beat and felt her baby move, and once
more, she was amazed at what her body was going through.
The baby boy was happy and had a beautiful smile, he was into everything, and his
pregnant mom was tired! Would this new baby be a brother or a sister, for the two boys
they already had, another son or a daughter, either way, they would be glad! The night
before the baby came, the mom was in the kitchen, she looked into the living room just
in time to see her baby boy dive from the chair into the presents beneath the
Christmas tree. She dashed across the floor and caught him mid-air, nine months
pregnant, not a moment to spare!
Early the next morning, the labor pains came, they picked up their sleepy baby boy
and all loaded up in the black pick-up truck. They took him to his aunt and uncles and
told him they'd be back, and off to the hospital they dashed.
Just four hours later with her husband at her side they heard the doctor say, "It's a girl"
and then they cried. Tears of joy, a daughter, a baby girl, and the emotions that went
through her can never be described, but the love and protectiveness she felt for this
child was an overwhelming feeling that would never die. As she held her daughter
close to her breast, she thanked God for her life, for being so blessed.
The next year was busy with two babies under two. The baby boy was fearless, and
loved to run and climb. The baby girl was carried upon her mother's hip to keep her
off the floor, and safe from baby brother who would zoom back and forth. The baby
girl was happy and loved her mom and dad, she would laugh at her brother's antics and
stay close by her mama's side. She loved her swing, and you can guess why, the floor
was otherwise occupied!
The years went by and the children grew up. They loved when their oldest son came
for a visit, their family complete. They were a close knit family, and shared so
much love. They were raised going to Mass and all their sacraments they made.
God was always a priority and still is to this day.
Three weddings have been celebrated and blessings of grandbabies galore, who could
ask for anything more!
Yes, it's true, this story is about me and my sweet, and amazing family.
I seem to get nostalgic this time of year. My son and daughter both have birthdays
this month. They were both born on Fridays, and it was cold and had snowed both
years. I remember Jim driving us home in our old black pick-up truck. There was a
Christmas tree in the living room to welcome us as we stepped in.
Their birthdays are right before Christmas, and mine is right after. We celebrate the
birth of Jesus right between our birthdays, yes, December is a special month for us!
I think back to the years when I was pregnant and how we got things ready for the birth
of our babies. It makes me think of how Advent is a time of waiting, of preparation.
Having been adopted at birth, I don't take life for granted. Life is a gift, and we are all
beautifully, fearfully, wonderfully made. Every baby should be able to grow up and
have a story to tell.
I hope you enjoyed my story! Bye for now, Sharla
a home. Never knowing the circumstances or the reason why, her birth mother
couldn't keep her, she had to say goodbye. This little baby girl was three days
old when a loving family came, and took her to their home. Now this baby girl
had a family of her own.
With love and joy and happiness this baby girl grew up, she never met a stranger
and her heart was full of love. She loved to hear the stories about her special day,
the day her family came and gave her their name.
When she was only eight years old, the scary news came, her loving mother had
cancer, the little girl was afraid. Her mother was strong and courageous as she
battled day to day, and when the girl was twelve years old the angels came, and
took her mother away. She knew her mother was in heaven, no more pain did her
mother feel, and although she understood why it had to be this way, the grief she felt
in her heart would never go away.
The young not quite teenage girl was strong, she was raised that way. She had
watched her mother suffer and never heard her complain. Her mother had prepared
her, knowing this day would come. Her love of God, her father, older brother,
church family and friends, would be there for her, as the years came and went.
She was now a young lady, thought she was so grown up, off she went to college,
another life event. She made new friends and she had fun, but she
missed her dad, her brother, his wife, and friends back home.
Then one day it happened, a Sunday afternoon, she met a man, the most wonderful,
handsome man and her heart grew and grew.
Within a short time they were married, became husband and wife. So thankful God
had blessed her with someone she would cherish and love all of her life.
She had a new name, and a home of her own, she was also blessed with a stepson, she
quickly grew to love as her very own.
Expecting their first child, the baby grew, and as the mother heard the heart beat and felt
her baby move, she was amazed at what her body was going through. With her husband
at her side the doctor said, "It's a boy" and the mother cried, my first born is a son,
and the emotions that went through her can never be described, but the love and
protectiveness she felt for this child was an overwhelming feeling that would never die.
As she held her son close to her breast, she thanked God for his life, for being so
blessed. When the baby boy was just three months old, the new mom found out she
was expecting once more. When her husband came home from work that day he sat
down in the rocking chair and held their son. She knelt on the floor and leaned against
his legs as she shared the good news of another baby on the way. He smiled and told
her everything would be ok.
This happened during the time when the oil boom had gone bust, work was slow, there
had been lay-offs and his new job didn't pay as much. There would be no insurance to
cover the costs. They saved and worked side jobs to pay for the birth, the hard times
together, they grew so close.
The baby boy walked at ten months old, and his mom chased after him as her other
baby began to grow. The mother heard the heart beat and felt her baby move, and once
more, she was amazed at what her body was going through.
The baby boy was happy and had a beautiful smile, he was into everything, and his
pregnant mom was tired! Would this new baby be a brother or a sister, for the two boys
they already had, another son or a daughter, either way, they would be glad! The night
before the baby came, the mom was in the kitchen, she looked into the living room just
in time to see her baby boy dive from the chair into the presents beneath the
Christmas tree. She dashed across the floor and caught him mid-air, nine months
pregnant, not a moment to spare!
Early the next morning, the labor pains came, they picked up their sleepy baby boy
and all loaded up in the black pick-up truck. They took him to his aunt and uncles and
told him they'd be back, and off to the hospital they dashed.
Just four hours later with her husband at her side they heard the doctor say, "It's a girl"
and then they cried. Tears of joy, a daughter, a baby girl, and the emotions that went
through her can never be described, but the love and protectiveness she felt for this
child was an overwhelming feeling that would never die. As she held her daughter
close to her breast, she thanked God for her life, for being so blessed.
The next year was busy with two babies under two. The baby boy was fearless, and
loved to run and climb. The baby girl was carried upon her mother's hip to keep her
off the floor, and safe from baby brother who would zoom back and forth. The baby
girl was happy and loved her mom and dad, she would laugh at her brother's antics and
stay close by her mama's side. She loved her swing, and you can guess why, the floor
was otherwise occupied!
The years went by and the children grew up. They loved when their oldest son came
for a visit, their family complete. They were a close knit family, and shared so
much love. They were raised going to Mass and all their sacraments they made.
God was always a priority and still is to this day.
Three weddings have been celebrated and blessings of grandbabies galore, who could
ask for anything more!
Yes, it's true, this story is about me and my sweet, and amazing family.
I seem to get nostalgic this time of year. My son and daughter both have birthdays
this month. They were both born on Fridays, and it was cold and had snowed both
years. I remember Jim driving us home in our old black pick-up truck. There was a
Christmas tree in the living room to welcome us as we stepped in.
Their birthdays are right before Christmas, and mine is right after. We celebrate the
birth of Jesus right between our birthdays, yes, December is a special month for us!
I think back to the years when I was pregnant and how we got things ready for the birth
of our babies. It makes me think of how Advent is a time of waiting, of preparation.
Having been adopted at birth, I don't take life for granted. Life is a gift, and we are all
beautifully, fearfully, wonderfully made. Every baby should be able to grow up and
have a story to tell.
I hope you enjoyed my story! Bye for now, Sharla
Monday, December 1, 2014
Part 2 - We Have the Most Wonderful Time Every Day
Good Morning out there! I started a post on Saturday that detailed family events
during the week of Thanksgiving. I had to sign off before I finished because of
another family get together. So, I will pick up where I left off...............
Monday 11/24/14
If you read my preceding post then you know that Jim and I arrived home from
visiting our son, daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters from Houston on
Sunday evening.
The alarm goes off at 4:00 am, the snooze button was hit a couple of times! Since
we hit the snooze button we had to hurry! Jim and I signed up to pray at the
Adoration Chapel on Monday mornings at 5:00 am. This was only our second
Monday, and we did not want to be late. Coffee in hand we dashed out the door.
If you have never been to an Adoration Chapel, you should go. We are Catholic,
if you have ever read any of my posts, you already know that. Anyway, St. Margaret's
Church has a 24 hour Adoration Chapel where people are signed up to pray for
1 hour time slots. It is so peaceful in this small, beautiful chapel. I can tell that
Jim and I will treasure this one hour a week where we go and pray and sit quietly
with the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance. If you are not Catholic,
the monstrance is a receptacle in which the consecrated Host (Eucharist) is exposed
for adoration.
The rest of Monday was pretty ordinary: laundry, book work, fixing lunch for the
guys, Jim and our son come home for lunch just about everyday.
Tuesday 11/25/14
I started the day baking, I made 2 loaves of beer bread. Really good, really easy!
I sliced one loaf and took it to share with the workers at The Sack Lunch Ministry
at my parish. We handed out 70+ sack lunches to the homeless and those in need
during lunch. I love being part of this ministry. It is a very humbling experience,
it really makes you thankful for what you have.
I ran some errands, bought groceries, and started dinner. Jim and I were expecting
company for dinner, our daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters! They were
leaving on Wednesday to go have Thanksgiving with my son-in-law's family. So
they came over Tuesday night to be with us! The girls, ages 2 1/2 and 8 love to perform.
They sang jingle bells and danced all around the house! I can't even remember what
I fixed for dinner! Anyway, we enjoyed the visit, hugged them goodbye and walked
them outside to their car.
I remember what we had for dinner now, Jess brought over her yummy potato soup,
and I made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches!
Wednesday 11/26/14
Crazy, busy day! I'm going to describe this day in short hand! Shopped, cooked lunch,
bolt in tire, got new tire, made cornbread, baked two pumpkin pies, boiled eggs,
washed lots of dishes!
Thursday 11/27/14
It is Thanksgiving! Alarm goes off at 6:00 am, make myself get up. Stumble into the
kitchen and poor coffee. Bake double batch of brownies for the special Thanksgiving
meal that the Sack Lunch Ministry is providing for the day. Jim helps me get the
turkey in the browning bag and into the oven. Go and get ready for 9:00 am Mass.
I'm breathing a sigh of relief right now, I love being in Mass! Bishop Sis gives an
excellent homily on being grateful. He explains that we have to learn how to be
grateful, it is not something we are born with. He names off 10 tips to help us learn
how to be more grateful! What an awesome homily for Thanksgiving Day! After Mass,
Jim and I take the brownies and one of the pumpkin pies over to the kitchen where
they will serve lunch. We hug the wonderful workers who are volunteering their time
to serve others! I found out the next day that Bishop Sis not only went and blessed the
meal, but he also stayed and helped serve! What a wonderful example for us all!
Meanwhile back at the Ynostrosa hacienda: checked on turkey, looks great. Jim chopped
onions and celery and peeled potatoes while I mixed up the dressing in my big roasting
pan. Set the table, made tea and lemonade, opened up the cans of cranberry sauce, and
all the rest of the stuff you do!
Our son, daughter-in-law, two grandsons, two granddaughters, my son's friend from
junior high and high school and his son all joined us for a wonderful meal. My daughter
in-law brought a green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and three pies, that each of the
older children had helped bake!
Son's family left about 7:30 pm. Sat down and rested for a little while.
Daughter's family got back in town, came over about 8:30pm, ate a snack, visited and
left the girls for a sleep over with Nana and Pa! We were all asleep no later than
10:30 pm.
Friday 11/28/14
Jim had to go to work, being self-employed you don't get many days off! The girls were
up bright and early, I fixed breakfast. All my grandkids like "real" breakfasts. They are
not crazy about cereal unless it is a snack. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, or tortillas.
The girls play, and I clean up a little. Daughter calls and says she and hubby are picking
up lunch and headed our way! Jim and Son come home for lunch, everyone eats. Everyone
leaves! Jim and I are home alone for a little while. At 4:30pm I meet my son and his family,
I pick up our oldest grandson, he is 8, and youngest granddaughter, she is 1 1/2 to bring home
with me. They are headed to a football game out of town, they take our 4 year old grandson
and 7 year old granddaughter with them. The other two are having a sleep over with Nana
and Pa! Play, eat, bathe, rock the little one to sleep! In bed by 10:00pm
Saturday 11/29/14
Wake up bright and early! I make buttermilk pancakes from scratch and Jimmy cooks bacon
and eggs! Have breakfast with our grandkids and get them ready for mom and dad to pick up!
They arrive about 9:15am, they are taking the kids to see Santa ride the train into
the Santa Fe Depot, and then visit the museum there. They meet our son-in-law and
granddaughters there! Jim gets ready to go to a job and I am home alone! Laundry, laundry
and more laundry! It sure is quiet when I'm all alone! This closes out our busy week!
Read my post before this one to get the whole week of Jim and I spending time with our
Thank you God for all our blessings!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. During this busy
time of year remember to take a few moments for yourself. We all need a little quiet time
I'm going to close with a prayer that is in "the Word among us" todays readings.
Monday, December 1
1st Week of Advent
Keep us alert, we pray, O Lord our God,
as we await the advent of Christ your Son,
so that, when he comes and knocks, he may
find us watchful in prayer and exultant in his
praise. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
during the week of Thanksgiving. I had to sign off before I finished because of
another family get together. So, I will pick up where I left off...............
Monday 11/24/14
If you read my preceding post then you know that Jim and I arrived home from
visiting our son, daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters from Houston on
Sunday evening.
The alarm goes off at 4:00 am, the snooze button was hit a couple of times! Since
we hit the snooze button we had to hurry! Jim and I signed up to pray at the
Adoration Chapel on Monday mornings at 5:00 am. This was only our second
Monday, and we did not want to be late. Coffee in hand we dashed out the door.
If you have never been to an Adoration Chapel, you should go. We are Catholic,
if you have ever read any of my posts, you already know that. Anyway, St. Margaret's
Church has a 24 hour Adoration Chapel where people are signed up to pray for
1 hour time slots. It is so peaceful in this small, beautiful chapel. I can tell that
Jim and I will treasure this one hour a week where we go and pray and sit quietly
with the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance. If you are not Catholic,
the monstrance is a receptacle in which the consecrated Host (Eucharist) is exposed
for adoration.
The rest of Monday was pretty ordinary: laundry, book work, fixing lunch for the
guys, Jim and our son come home for lunch just about everyday.
Tuesday 11/25/14
I started the day baking, I made 2 loaves of beer bread. Really good, really easy!
I sliced one loaf and took it to share with the workers at The Sack Lunch Ministry
at my parish. We handed out 70+ sack lunches to the homeless and those in need
during lunch. I love being part of this ministry. It is a very humbling experience,
it really makes you thankful for what you have.
I ran some errands, bought groceries, and started dinner. Jim and I were expecting
company for dinner, our daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters! They were
leaving on Wednesday to go have Thanksgiving with my son-in-law's family. So
they came over Tuesday night to be with us! The girls, ages 2 1/2 and 8 love to perform.
They sang jingle bells and danced all around the house! I can't even remember what
I fixed for dinner! Anyway, we enjoyed the visit, hugged them goodbye and walked
them outside to their car.
I remember what we had for dinner now, Jess brought over her yummy potato soup,
and I made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches!
Wednesday 11/26/14
Crazy, busy day! I'm going to describe this day in short hand! Shopped, cooked lunch,
bolt in tire, got new tire, made cornbread, baked two pumpkin pies, boiled eggs,
washed lots of dishes!
Thursday 11/27/14
It is Thanksgiving! Alarm goes off at 6:00 am, make myself get up. Stumble into the
kitchen and poor coffee. Bake double batch of brownies for the special Thanksgiving
meal that the Sack Lunch Ministry is providing for the day. Jim helps me get the
turkey in the browning bag and into the oven. Go and get ready for 9:00 am Mass.
I'm breathing a sigh of relief right now, I love being in Mass! Bishop Sis gives an
excellent homily on being grateful. He explains that we have to learn how to be
grateful, it is not something we are born with. He names off 10 tips to help us learn
how to be more grateful! What an awesome homily for Thanksgiving Day! After Mass,
Jim and I take the brownies and one of the pumpkin pies over to the kitchen where
they will serve lunch. We hug the wonderful workers who are volunteering their time
to serve others! I found out the next day that Bishop Sis not only went and blessed the
meal, but he also stayed and helped serve! What a wonderful example for us all!
Meanwhile back at the Ynostrosa hacienda: checked on turkey, looks great. Jim chopped
onions and celery and peeled potatoes while I mixed up the dressing in my big roasting
pan. Set the table, made tea and lemonade, opened up the cans of cranberry sauce, and
all the rest of the stuff you do!
Our son, daughter-in-law, two grandsons, two granddaughters, my son's friend from
junior high and high school and his son all joined us for a wonderful meal. My daughter
in-law brought a green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and three pies, that each of the
older children had helped bake!
Son's family left about 7:30 pm. Sat down and rested for a little while.
Daughter's family got back in town, came over about 8:30pm, ate a snack, visited and
left the girls for a sleep over with Nana and Pa! We were all asleep no later than
10:30 pm.
Friday 11/28/14
Jim had to go to work, being self-employed you don't get many days off! The girls were
up bright and early, I fixed breakfast. All my grandkids like "real" breakfasts. They are
not crazy about cereal unless it is a snack. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, or tortillas.
The girls play, and I clean up a little. Daughter calls and says she and hubby are picking
up lunch and headed our way! Jim and Son come home for lunch, everyone eats. Everyone
leaves! Jim and I are home alone for a little while. At 4:30pm I meet my son and his family,
I pick up our oldest grandson, he is 8, and youngest granddaughter, she is 1 1/2 to bring home
with me. They are headed to a football game out of town, they take our 4 year old grandson
and 7 year old granddaughter with them. The other two are having a sleep over with Nana
and Pa! Play, eat, bathe, rock the little one to sleep! In bed by 10:00pm
Saturday 11/29/14
Wake up bright and early! I make buttermilk pancakes from scratch and Jimmy cooks bacon
and eggs! Have breakfast with our grandkids and get them ready for mom and dad to pick up!
They arrive about 9:15am, they are taking the kids to see Santa ride the train into
the Santa Fe Depot, and then visit the museum there. They meet our son-in-law and
granddaughters there! Jim gets ready to go to a job and I am home alone! Laundry, laundry
and more laundry! It sure is quiet when I'm all alone! This closes out our busy week!
Read my post before this one to get the whole week of Jim and I spending time with our
Thank you God for all our blessings!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. During this busy
time of year remember to take a few moments for yourself. We all need a little quiet time
I'm going to close with a prayer that is in "the Word among us" todays readings.
Monday, December 1
1st Week of Advent
Keep us alert, we pray, O Lord our God,
as we await the advent of Christ your Son,
so that, when he comes and knocks, he may
find us watchful in prayer and exultant in his
praise. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
We HaveThe Most Wonderful Time Every Day!
Hello out there! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
We were blessed to spend time with all of our children and grandchildren over
the past week.
The week of family time began last Friday night. Our family events
unfolded like this:
Friday 11/21/14
We took care of two of our granddaughters while their mom, dad (our son) and brothers,
(our two grandsons) went to a football game on Friday evening.
Our daughter, her husband and their two daughters (two more granddaughters) came
over to eat dinner and let the kids play. Their family went home at about 9:00pm.
Our granddaughters were picked up about 11:15 pm. The youngest is almost one and
a half, she was sound asleep. The oldest is seven and she was still watching Disney
movies! Their "Pa" my husband, was sound asleep also. Their "Nana" of course me,
was still awake cleaning and watching over my little ones.
Saturday 11/22/14
The alarm goes off at 5:15 am, please hit snooze! No can do, we have to get up, and
get ready because we are headed to Houston to see our oldest son, his wife and our
other two granddaughters!
We arrived at about 3:00 pm because of a delay that I won't even go in to. All that
matters is we made it safely! We visited, caught up, went out to eat, and talked about
the big family vacation that is coming up in December! The girls are growing up too
fast! We head to the hotel that is only about 10 minutes away to get some sleep!
Sunday 11/23/14
We kind of wake up about 7:00 am. My sweet husband goes to the breakfast area to
bring me a much needed cup of coffee! The phone rings at about 7:30 am, and the call
is from our six year old granddaughter. She politely asks if we will stop and pick
up some donuts on our way to their house, and then she tells me what she and our
eight year old granddaughter would like. I was told that our son and daughter-in-law
were cooking "a real" breakfast for us! We got ready, checked out of the hotel,
picked up donuts, and drove to our son's home! We were greeted with hugs, and
barking from the dogs. We sat down and had a wonderful breakfast with our family.
Then, my husband and son started working on the girls playhouse in the backyard.
After more visiting, and wishing we could stay longer, we loaded up to head home.
At 3:00 pm we were headed west, back home. We arrived home about 9:45 pm.
Thank you God, for the safe trip!
I will talk about the rest of the week in another post! My daughter and her family
are fixing to come over. My husband is on his way home, he's been helping our
son do some work on his house that they are trying to sale.
We have plenty of yummy left overs from Thanksgiving day, and I also made a big
batch of Chex Party Mix, it's that time of year!
Have a wonderful evening.
"Thank God the Father at all times for everything, in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20
Bye for now, Sharla
We were blessed to spend time with all of our children and grandchildren over
the past week.
The week of family time began last Friday night. Our family events
unfolded like this:
Friday 11/21/14
We took care of two of our granddaughters while their mom, dad (our son) and brothers,
(our two grandsons) went to a football game on Friday evening.
Our daughter, her husband and their two daughters (two more granddaughters) came
over to eat dinner and let the kids play. Their family went home at about 9:00pm.
Our granddaughters were picked up about 11:15 pm. The youngest is almost one and
a half, she was sound asleep. The oldest is seven and she was still watching Disney
movies! Their "Pa" my husband, was sound asleep also. Their "Nana" of course me,
was still awake cleaning and watching over my little ones.
Saturday 11/22/14
The alarm goes off at 5:15 am, please hit snooze! No can do, we have to get up, and
get ready because we are headed to Houston to see our oldest son, his wife and our
other two granddaughters!
We arrived at about 3:00 pm because of a delay that I won't even go in to. All that
matters is we made it safely! We visited, caught up, went out to eat, and talked about
the big family vacation that is coming up in December! The girls are growing up too
fast! We head to the hotel that is only about 10 minutes away to get some sleep!
Sunday 11/23/14
We kind of wake up about 7:00 am. My sweet husband goes to the breakfast area to
bring me a much needed cup of coffee! The phone rings at about 7:30 am, and the call
is from our six year old granddaughter. She politely asks if we will stop and pick
up some donuts on our way to their house, and then she tells me what she and our
eight year old granddaughter would like. I was told that our son and daughter-in-law
were cooking "a real" breakfast for us! We got ready, checked out of the hotel,
picked up donuts, and drove to our son's home! We were greeted with hugs, and
barking from the dogs. We sat down and had a wonderful breakfast with our family.
Then, my husband and son started working on the girls playhouse in the backyard.
After more visiting, and wishing we could stay longer, we loaded up to head home.
At 3:00 pm we were headed west, back home. We arrived home about 9:45 pm.
Thank you God, for the safe trip!
I will talk about the rest of the week in another post! My daughter and her family
are fixing to come over. My husband is on his way home, he's been helping our
son do some work on his house that they are trying to sale.
We have plenty of yummy left overs from Thanksgiving day, and I also made a big
batch of Chex Party Mix, it's that time of year!
Have a wonderful evening.
"Thank God the Father at all times for everything, in the name
of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20
Bye for now, Sharla
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
O Lord, I am not worthy, thank you for my many blessings. Amen.
Good Morning out there! I hope that everyone is doing well and staying warm!
It is 23 degrees right now (8:20 a.m.) but the sun is shining, and it looks like it
is going to be a beautiful day! I'm getting back into my old routine, now that the
40 Days for Life Campaign is over. Though I have to admit, I miss the daily
fellowship! However, I have enjoyed sitting by the fireplace, with a roaring fire,
on these cold days! I was way behind on the book work for our family business,
so I have been busy catching up. On the cold days, I dragged the little table my
grandkids use when they are coloring, working puzzles, and eating their snacks
on, over by the fireplace and worked! Of course when everyone comes over, I
have to move all my stuff back into my office!
It has been so cold at night, that we have let our dogs come inside to sleep. They
are a mess, Stormy is an English Bulldog, and Bella is 3/4 Blue Healer, and 1/4
Australian Shepherd. They are both really good dogs, very protective of me and
the grandkids! We have tile floors in our home, and there is a red throw rug between
the kitchen and living room. Both of the "girls" were on the rug this morning, and
Jim was trying to come into the kitchen to eat. He had to step over them because
they were not moving! We both laughed, they are so funny!
I don't know if I told y'all that my daughter and her husband are expecting another
baby, a little girl, due in the spring. We are all excited, this makes three little
girls for them! Their oldest daughter is eight, and she is very practical. When they
found out the baby is a "sister", she said "Well that's good, because we are prepared
for a girl, we have all girl stuff already!" Their youngest is two and a half, and she
sings to her mommy's tummy, and tells us where the baby is!
My son and his wife are also expecting in the spring. If everyone stays on schedule
the babies will be born about a week a part! They have two boys and two girls,
this baby will be the tie breaker! They are waiting until the baby is born to find
out if this one is a "brother" or a "sister"! The boys want a brother, the girls want
a sister, but really and truly, they are just excited about having another sibling.
Jim and I are excited about our new grandbabies! Our oldest son (my stepson) and
his wife have two girls, I dreamed that she was also expecting, but was informed
that it was just a dream! Jim and I are very blessed to have ten grandchildren now!
Even though we won't be able to hold two of them until the spring, they are already
loved and prayed for, already a big part of our growing family.
Last week I was with my daughter and her family when they did the sonogram. There
is know way to adequately describe how amazing it is to see my newest granddaughter's
development, her little nose, and how she placed her hand over her knee while we were
watching. I'm just so thankful, I feel so blessed.
Well, I better get busy. I have a lot to accomplish today. I think I'm also going to make
some oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips in them! I'm still trying to figure out what
I'm going to fix the guys for lunch (my husband and son come home for lunch most days).
I've got the dessert figured out though!
I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with many blessings!
I'm going to close with a prayer written by Cardinal Newman.
Dear Lord, shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in
contact with may feel Your Presence in my soul...Let me thus praise you in the
way you love best, by shining on those around me. Amen.
Bye for now, Sharla
It is 23 degrees right now (8:20 a.m.) but the sun is shining, and it looks like it
is going to be a beautiful day! I'm getting back into my old routine, now that the
40 Days for Life Campaign is over. Though I have to admit, I miss the daily
fellowship! However, I have enjoyed sitting by the fireplace, with a roaring fire,
on these cold days! I was way behind on the book work for our family business,
so I have been busy catching up. On the cold days, I dragged the little table my
grandkids use when they are coloring, working puzzles, and eating their snacks
on, over by the fireplace and worked! Of course when everyone comes over, I
have to move all my stuff back into my office!
It has been so cold at night, that we have let our dogs come inside to sleep. They
are a mess, Stormy is an English Bulldog, and Bella is 3/4 Blue Healer, and 1/4
Australian Shepherd. They are both really good dogs, very protective of me and
the grandkids! We have tile floors in our home, and there is a red throw rug between
the kitchen and living room. Both of the "girls" were on the rug this morning, and
Jim was trying to come into the kitchen to eat. He had to step over them because
they were not moving! We both laughed, they are so funny!
I don't know if I told y'all that my daughter and her husband are expecting another
baby, a little girl, due in the spring. We are all excited, this makes three little
girls for them! Their oldest daughter is eight, and she is very practical. When they
found out the baby is a "sister", she said "Well that's good, because we are prepared
for a girl, we have all girl stuff already!" Their youngest is two and a half, and she
sings to her mommy's tummy, and tells us where the baby is!
My son and his wife are also expecting in the spring. If everyone stays on schedule
the babies will be born about a week a part! They have two boys and two girls,
this baby will be the tie breaker! They are waiting until the baby is born to find
out if this one is a "brother" or a "sister"! The boys want a brother, the girls want
a sister, but really and truly, they are just excited about having another sibling.
Jim and I are excited about our new grandbabies! Our oldest son (my stepson) and
his wife have two girls, I dreamed that she was also expecting, but was informed
that it was just a dream! Jim and I are very blessed to have ten grandchildren now!
Even though we won't be able to hold two of them until the spring, they are already
loved and prayed for, already a big part of our growing family.
Last week I was with my daughter and her family when they did the sonogram. There
is know way to adequately describe how amazing it is to see my newest granddaughter's
development, her little nose, and how she placed her hand over her knee while we were
watching. I'm just so thankful, I feel so blessed.
Well, I better get busy. I have a lot to accomplish today. I think I'm also going to make
some oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips in them! I'm still trying to figure out what
I'm going to fix the guys for lunch (my husband and son come home for lunch most days).
I've got the dessert figured out though!
I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with many blessings!
I'm going to close with a prayer written by Cardinal Newman.
Dear Lord, shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in
contact with may feel Your Presence in my soul...Let me thus praise you in the
way you love best, by shining on those around me. Amen.
Bye for now, Sharla
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
40 Days of Prayer, Fellowship, and Blessings!
Good Morning out there! The fall 40 Days for Life Campaign is over! I received
an email from the 40 Days headquarters letting me know that 546 babies were
saved during this campaign! Isn't that amazing? I'm so thankful for all the people
who took the time to go and pray. Peaceful, prayerful vigils. I can only imagine
what these young ladies are thinking when they are taken to an abortion facility.
I'm so glad that there were people who care standing outside in prayer, telling them
that there is help available.
We don't have an abortion facility where I live, the Planned Parenthood closed
down in September 2013. They did not do surgical abortions, but they did give out
the pill that would cause a chemical abortion. We use to pray in front of the Planned
Parenthood during the 40 Days for Life Campaigns until it closed down.
We still wanted to be involved, and found out that we could still have a campaign
in our city as long as it was outside where we would be visible.
Our campaign was held in the courtyard of our parish, Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Our vigil hours were from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm each and every day from Wednesday,
September 24 - Sunday, November 2, 2104. We had many people come and
pray throughout the days of the campaign. Several people came 4 and 5 times a
week. Some people came daily. Many stayed and prayed for more than 1 hour at
a time. We had rosary groups come and pray in the courtyard. People would stay
and visit after their prayers or devotions. It was an amazing time of fellowship.
We came together to pray for the unborn, for their families, for the whole world.
The courtyard use to be a place we walked through to get inside the school building.
It has now become a place of prayer. A peaceful place where you feel the Holy Spirit.
You can feel God's Presence there. Time just seemed to slip by as you prayed. You
never felt alone there, even if you were the only one there.
The big oak trees gave us shade, the daily visits from a squirrel, the birds singing, our
courtyard has become a peaceful place of prayer!
We did have trouble with pesky mosquitos! They were vicious! We kept bottles of
repellant on the table! But those mosquitos were a small nuisance! The blessings we
all received from the devotion to our prayers was indescribable. My life will never be
the same. I will hold forever in my heart the beautiful, humbling witness of God's
faithful people coming together in prayer. New friendships made, a closer bond
with old friends, the joy of worship, the joy of fellowship!
At the beginning of the 40 Days for Life Campaign, we would pray the Divine Mercy
Chaplet together when the church bells would ring at 3:00 pm. Mid-way through the
campaign, we would tentatively sing the chaplet, and towards the end, we would
sing with confidence, knowing that our voices lifted up as one made a beautiful
melody, a song of praise to our God. One day last week when I had gone home, the
ladies shared with me that while they were singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a man
was standing outside the courtyard, listening to them. The ladies stopped singing
before they started the next decade to ask him if he needed something, if they could
help him? He replied that he didn't want to disturb them, the song was so beautiful.
He explained what he needed, and then they finished singing the Divine Mercy
As I'm writing this post, I can hear the rain pouring outside. We had beautiful
weather during the campaign. Here in West Texas, rain is always a welcome blessing.
I thank God for the rain, and for the babies saved. I pray for the families of these
babies, that they will be given the guidance and help they need.
I thank God for all the people who participated in 40 Days for Life Campaigns
everywhere. I'm going to close with a refrain from a song we sing at Mass.
"Lead me Lord, lead me Lord, by the light of truth, to seek and to find
the narrow way. Be my way, be my truth, be my life, my Lord,
and lead me Lord, today."
Blessings to you all! Bye for now, Sharla
an email from the 40 Days headquarters letting me know that 546 babies were
saved during this campaign! Isn't that amazing? I'm so thankful for all the people
who took the time to go and pray. Peaceful, prayerful vigils. I can only imagine
what these young ladies are thinking when they are taken to an abortion facility.
I'm so glad that there were people who care standing outside in prayer, telling them
that there is help available.
We don't have an abortion facility where I live, the Planned Parenthood closed
down in September 2013. They did not do surgical abortions, but they did give out
the pill that would cause a chemical abortion. We use to pray in front of the Planned
Parenthood during the 40 Days for Life Campaigns until it closed down.
We still wanted to be involved, and found out that we could still have a campaign
in our city as long as it was outside where we would be visible.
Our campaign was held in the courtyard of our parish, Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Our vigil hours were from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm each and every day from Wednesday,
September 24 - Sunday, November 2, 2104. We had many people come and
pray throughout the days of the campaign. Several people came 4 and 5 times a
week. Some people came daily. Many stayed and prayed for more than 1 hour at
a time. We had rosary groups come and pray in the courtyard. People would stay
and visit after their prayers or devotions. It was an amazing time of fellowship.
We came together to pray for the unborn, for their families, for the whole world.
The courtyard use to be a place we walked through to get inside the school building.
It has now become a place of prayer. A peaceful place where you feel the Holy Spirit.
You can feel God's Presence there. Time just seemed to slip by as you prayed. You
never felt alone there, even if you were the only one there.
The big oak trees gave us shade, the daily visits from a squirrel, the birds singing, our
courtyard has become a peaceful place of prayer!
We did have trouble with pesky mosquitos! They were vicious! We kept bottles of
repellant on the table! But those mosquitos were a small nuisance! The blessings we
all received from the devotion to our prayers was indescribable. My life will never be
the same. I will hold forever in my heart the beautiful, humbling witness of God's
faithful people coming together in prayer. New friendships made, a closer bond
with old friends, the joy of worship, the joy of fellowship!
At the beginning of the 40 Days for Life Campaign, we would pray the Divine Mercy
Chaplet together when the church bells would ring at 3:00 pm. Mid-way through the
campaign, we would tentatively sing the chaplet, and towards the end, we would
sing with confidence, knowing that our voices lifted up as one made a beautiful
melody, a song of praise to our God. One day last week when I had gone home, the
ladies shared with me that while they were singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a man
was standing outside the courtyard, listening to them. The ladies stopped singing
before they started the next decade to ask him if he needed something, if they could
help him? He replied that he didn't want to disturb them, the song was so beautiful.
He explained what he needed, and then they finished singing the Divine Mercy
As I'm writing this post, I can hear the rain pouring outside. We had beautiful
weather during the campaign. Here in West Texas, rain is always a welcome blessing.
I thank God for the rain, and for the babies saved. I pray for the families of these
babies, that they will be given the guidance and help they need.
I thank God for all the people who participated in 40 Days for Life Campaigns
everywhere. I'm going to close with a refrain from a song we sing at Mass.
"Lead me Lord, lead me Lord, by the light of truth, to seek and to find
the narrow way. Be my way, be my truth, be my life, my Lord,
and lead me Lord, today."
Blessings to you all! Bye for now, Sharla
Friday, October 24, 2014
There Are Angels Among Us, Sent Down To Us, From God, Above
Good Morning out there! It is extremely early, 4:15 am to be exact, but I can't sleep!
How are y'all doing? Today is Day 31 of the fall 40 Days for Life Campaign. Only
9 days left! So many blessings! I want to list some of the many blessings that I see
and experience each day. I'm touched by angels everyday, God is so great!
I wish that I had taken the time to list one recap of each day as it happened.
But since I didn't, here are just some of the blessings I've received during this pro-life
prayer campaign.
On weekdays, we have an average of 32 people a day come and pray. On the weekend
the average is about 20 people a day. (Give or take a little).Some of these
people come daily, some come multiple times a week. Some pop in for 20 - 30 minutes.
Others stay for an hour, and then there are those who spend 2 hours or more.
One of my friends, Irma, is at the courtyard at 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. and comes back
again at 3:00 pm. (When the church bells ring at 3, we sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet).
Needless to say, she is an angel, and a dear friend. She has also brought me an apple
and a granola bar because she was worried I wasn't eating! She has also sent me home
and stayed longer! Since she is there at 7, I don't have to be there until 8!
Another one of my friends, Muriel, comes daily, she fills in when I need her. (A lot)
She also comes at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings and stays until right before Mass at
10:00 a.m. She then comes back at 5:45 p.m. and closes up at 7:00 p.m. so that my
husband and I can go to the 6:00 p.m. Mass. Another angel and dear friend.
My friend, Candi, will show up and say, "Go home, Sharla, you need a break! I've got
you covered!" She has done this several times. She also brought me an apple, washed,
cut in half, in a baggie! We pray together, visit, and we always end up in tears! She always
shows up just when I need her most, another angel, another dear friend.
There are many more who send me on my way, so many special people I am blessed
to spend time with almost each and every day. We have this common bond, our love
of God, our faith, our pro-life stance, our commitment to speaking up for the unborn.
Last but definitely not least is my own family, my wonderful husband, my children,
my grandchildren. They are so supportive. They come and pray, they help close up
so that I can go on home. They understand when I'm tired, and for the last 31 days,
they've done everything they can to make my life easier since I spend so much time
at the courtyard. They never complain and love to hear about the many blessings of
prayer and fellowship I've been apart of that day.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, full of blessings and angels! I am going to go and
get ready to start my day at the courtyard! I will need lots of coffee today! Really, I just
need God's grace, His love, His angels, I need Him!
Bye for now, Sharla
From his fullness we have all received,
grace upon grace.
John 1:16
How are y'all doing? Today is Day 31 of the fall 40 Days for Life Campaign. Only
9 days left! So many blessings! I want to list some of the many blessings that I see
and experience each day. I'm touched by angels everyday, God is so great!
I wish that I had taken the time to list one recap of each day as it happened.
But since I didn't, here are just some of the blessings I've received during this pro-life
prayer campaign.
On weekdays, we have an average of 32 people a day come and pray. On the weekend
the average is about 20 people a day. (Give or take a little).Some of these
people come daily, some come multiple times a week. Some pop in for 20 - 30 minutes.
Others stay for an hour, and then there are those who spend 2 hours or more.
One of my friends, Irma, is at the courtyard at 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Fri. and comes back
again at 3:00 pm. (When the church bells ring at 3, we sing the Divine Mercy Chaplet).
Needless to say, she is an angel, and a dear friend. She has also brought me an apple
and a granola bar because she was worried I wasn't eating! She has also sent me home
and stayed longer! Since she is there at 7, I don't have to be there until 8!
Another one of my friends, Muriel, comes daily, she fills in when I need her. (A lot)
She also comes at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings and stays until right before Mass at
10:00 a.m. She then comes back at 5:45 p.m. and closes up at 7:00 p.m. so that my
husband and I can go to the 6:00 p.m. Mass. Another angel and dear friend.
My friend, Candi, will show up and say, "Go home, Sharla, you need a break! I've got
you covered!" She has done this several times. She also brought me an apple, washed,
cut in half, in a baggie! We pray together, visit, and we always end up in tears! She always
shows up just when I need her most, another angel, another dear friend.
There are many more who send me on my way, so many special people I am blessed
to spend time with almost each and every day. We have this common bond, our love
of God, our faith, our pro-life stance, our commitment to speaking up for the unborn.
Last but definitely not least is my own family, my wonderful husband, my children,
my grandchildren. They are so supportive. They come and pray, they help close up
so that I can go on home. They understand when I'm tired, and for the last 31 days,
they've done everything they can to make my life easier since I spend so much time
at the courtyard. They never complain and love to hear about the many blessings of
prayer and fellowship I've been apart of that day.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, full of blessings and angels! I am going to go and
get ready to start my day at the courtyard! I will need lots of coffee today! Really, I just
need God's grace, His love, His angels, I need Him!
Bye for now, Sharla
From his fullness we have all received,
grace upon grace.
John 1:16
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A Courtyard Full of Life
Good Morning out there! How are y'all doing? A quick post before I head to the
courtyard at Sacred Heart. Today is Day 29 of our fall 40 Days for Life Campaign!
Everyday has been a blessing to me, witnessing all the faithful pro-life people who
come and pray. You might think that at this point of the campaign people would
stop coming as much, but that hasn't happened! On Monday, two ladies joined us
in the courtyard, and this was the first time they have ever participated in a 40 days
campaign. I'm going to upload some pictures for y'all to see. The courtyard is full
of life, full of prayers, fellowship, laughter, joy and sometimes tears! The last 28 days
have been amazing, I'm looking forward to today, day 29, and the days to follow!
If you would like information about some of the other campaigns, and daily updates
from the 40 Days for Life headquarters, please visit their website:
I post several things/pictures/albums on my 40 days face book page. If you would
like to see them, my page is: 40 Days for Life - San Angelo, TX
Blessings to you all! Bye for now, Sharla
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6
courtyard at Sacred Heart. Today is Day 29 of our fall 40 Days for Life Campaign!
Everyday has been a blessing to me, witnessing all the faithful pro-life people who
come and pray. You might think that at this point of the campaign people would
stop coming as much, but that hasn't happened! On Monday, two ladies joined us
in the courtyard, and this was the first time they have ever participated in a 40 days
campaign. I'm going to upload some pictures for y'all to see. The courtyard is full
of life, full of prayers, fellowship, laughter, joy and sometimes tears! The last 28 days
have been amazing, I'm looking forward to today, day 29, and the days to follow!
If you would like information about some of the other campaigns, and daily updates
from the 40 Days for Life headquarters, please visit their website:
I post several things/pictures/albums on my 40 days face book page. If you would
like to see them, my page is: 40 Days for Life - San Angelo, TX
Blessings to you all! Bye for now, Sharla
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Prayers, Faith and Peace
Hello out there! Is anybody still reading my blog? I'm sorry that I haven't
written very many posts lately. I've been so busy with our 40 Days for Life
Campaign I just haven't had much spare time. When I do have some spare
time I have to do things like; wash clothes, cook, do some paperwork for
our family business, you know, that kind of stuff that is never ending!
Anyway, I just want to share with y'all how amazing the first 15 days of the
40 day campaign have been. So many people have been coming out to the
courtyard and praying. It has been such a blessing for me to see all these
faithful people. Some people pray in groups, some people pray by themselves,
but there is always so much joy. Smiling faces, hugs, faith sharing, laughter,
quiet time, peacefulness, and most of all, the love and presence of Jesus Christ.
People of all ages have come out to pray, mothers with small children who color
on the concrete with side walk chalk. Couples, sisters, rosary groups, families,
friends, the list goes on and on. When a new person shows up they are immediately
welcomed to our growing family of people who pray for the unborn, who pray for
families, who pray for the whole world. We are united in our belief that life begins at
conception, that babies are a gift from God, and our faith in God. Each day I am
blessed with the witness of these faithful people.
Right now something else has been on my heart, and on the hearts of many of those
who come and pray. We are worried about those of you in countries that are at war.
We are praying for you and your families.
I can't imagine what you are dealing with, what you are going through.
I pray that all of you who live in these war torn countries are safe and cared for.
I pray that no harm comes to you or those you love. I pray for peace for your countries.
I pray for guidance and leadership for my country and yours. I listen to the news and I
know that a lot of innocent people are living in fear and worse. It may not seem like much,
but I lit a candle at church today and prayed for all of you. When I wake up during the
night, I pray for you.
Please know that wherever you are, we are praying for you daily during this 40 Days
for Life Campaign, we are lifting you up in our prayers. Peace be with you. God's blessings
to you and yours.
Please God, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Please protect the innocent,
please take care of families, please have mercy on us all. Amen.
written very many posts lately. I've been so busy with our 40 Days for Life
Campaign I just haven't had much spare time. When I do have some spare
time I have to do things like; wash clothes, cook, do some paperwork for
our family business, you know, that kind of stuff that is never ending!
Anyway, I just want to share with y'all how amazing the first 15 days of the
40 day campaign have been. So many people have been coming out to the
courtyard and praying. It has been such a blessing for me to see all these
faithful people. Some people pray in groups, some people pray by themselves,
but there is always so much joy. Smiling faces, hugs, faith sharing, laughter,
quiet time, peacefulness, and most of all, the love and presence of Jesus Christ.
People of all ages have come out to pray, mothers with small children who color
on the concrete with side walk chalk. Couples, sisters, rosary groups, families,
friends, the list goes on and on. When a new person shows up they are immediately
welcomed to our growing family of people who pray for the unborn, who pray for
families, who pray for the whole world. We are united in our belief that life begins at
conception, that babies are a gift from God, and our faith in God. Each day I am
blessed with the witness of these faithful people.
Right now something else has been on my heart, and on the hearts of many of those
who come and pray. We are worried about those of you in countries that are at war.
We are praying for you and your families.
I can't imagine what you are dealing with, what you are going through.
I pray that all of you who live in these war torn countries are safe and cared for.
I pray that no harm comes to you or those you love. I pray for peace for your countries.
I pray for guidance and leadership for my country and yours. I listen to the news and I
know that a lot of innocent people are living in fear and worse. It may not seem like much,
but I lit a candle at church today and prayed for all of you. When I wake up during the
night, I pray for you.
Please know that wherever you are, we are praying for you daily during this 40 Days
for Life Campaign, we are lifting you up in our prayers. Peace be with you. God's blessings
to you and yours.
Please God, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Please protect the innocent,
please take care of families, please have mercy on us all. Amen.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Hello out there! I miss posting on my blog! I've been so busy with the
40 Days for Life Campaign I just haven't had any extra time! A really
quick post to say hello and I hope you are all doing well.
Please know that we are praying for families all over the whole world.
We are praying for the unborn, we are praying for mothers and fathers,
and we are praying for those whose lives are torn apart because of the
terrorist attacks and hostile take overs. I pray that God keeps all of you
safe. I pray that God protects your families, I pray for an end to war.
I pray for an end to abortion.
So many people have been coming out to pray, some come everyday.
Some spend hours in prayer, lifting you up. I know that people from other
countries read my blog, I'm praying for you, we are all lifting you up in
prayer during these 40 days.
Blessings to all, I have to get back to the courtyard and pray!
Bye for now, Sharla
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
Jude 2
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves
those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
A quote from St. Anselm of Canterbury
Enter into the inner chamber of your mind. Shut out all
things save God and whatever may aid you in seeking God;
and having barred the door of your chamber, seek Him.
40 Days for Life Campaign I just haven't had any extra time! A really
quick post to say hello and I hope you are all doing well.
Please know that we are praying for families all over the whole world.
We are praying for the unborn, we are praying for mothers and fathers,
and we are praying for those whose lives are torn apart because of the
terrorist attacks and hostile take overs. I pray that God keeps all of you
safe. I pray that God protects your families, I pray for an end to war.
I pray for an end to abortion.
So many people have been coming out to pray, some come everyday.
Some spend hours in prayer, lifting you up. I know that people from other
countries read my blog, I'm praying for you, we are all lifting you up in
prayer during these 40 days.
Blessings to all, I have to get back to the courtyard and pray!
Bye for now, Sharla
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
Jude 2
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves
those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
A quote from St. Anselm of Canterbury
Enter into the inner chamber of your mind. Shut out all
things save God and whatever may aid you in seeking God;
and having barred the door of your chamber, seek Him.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Hello out there! I haven't had much time to blog so I wanted to check in with y'all
and see how everyone is doing? I'm the campaign leader for the upcoming 40 Days
for Life in San Angelo, TX. I have been busy planning the Kick-Off Rally that will
be on Wednesday, September 24th from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Cathedral courtyard.
I'm really looking forward to it. Sacred Sound will be providing the praise and
worship music, and the Guadalupana's are furnishing the cookies. We are going to
have a lot of side walk chalk so that the kids can trace their handprints on the concrete
slab and everyone can write positive, pro-life messages. It will be a great family
praise and worship evening filled with upbeat music!
The fall 40 Days for Life Campaign is from 9/24-11/2/14. We will have a prayer vigil
each and every day from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in the courtyard. All pro-life people
are invited to come and pray for an end to abortion, and to pray for the mothers and
fathers, to pray for families, and to especially pray for the unborn.
I have brochures for our local pregnancy help center, for adoption agencies, and some
brochures and prayer cards from Rapahel's Refuge. We will also be taking donations
for items most needed at our pregnancy help center.
I'm going to close with the prayer from Raphael's Refuge prayer cards. This prayer is
for those who have lost their baby due to a miscarriage, stillbirth, and any type of
early infant death, or childhood death.
Parent's Prayer for a Departed Baby
Holy Spirit, creator of life and love, thank you for
breathing life into the soul of my baby.
Heavenly Father, thank you for letting me play
a role in my baby's creation.
Lord Jesus, thank you for my baby's love.
From my empty arms, I place my baby
into your arms, to be held for all eternity.
Amen Have a great week! Bye for now, Sharla
and see how everyone is doing? I'm the campaign leader for the upcoming 40 Days
for Life in San Angelo, TX. I have been busy planning the Kick-Off Rally that will
be on Wednesday, September 24th from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Cathedral courtyard.
I'm really looking forward to it. Sacred Sound will be providing the praise and
worship music, and the Guadalupana's are furnishing the cookies. We are going to
have a lot of side walk chalk so that the kids can trace their handprints on the concrete
slab and everyone can write positive, pro-life messages. It will be a great family
praise and worship evening filled with upbeat music!
The fall 40 Days for Life Campaign is from 9/24-11/2/14. We will have a prayer vigil
each and every day from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm in the courtyard. All pro-life people
are invited to come and pray for an end to abortion, and to pray for the mothers and
fathers, to pray for families, and to especially pray for the unborn.
I have brochures for our local pregnancy help center, for adoption agencies, and some
brochures and prayer cards from Rapahel's Refuge. We will also be taking donations
for items most needed at our pregnancy help center.
I'm going to close with the prayer from Raphael's Refuge prayer cards. This prayer is
for those who have lost their baby due to a miscarriage, stillbirth, and any type of
early infant death, or childhood death.
Parent's Prayer for a Departed Baby
Holy Spirit, creator of life and love, thank you for
breathing life into the soul of my baby.
Heavenly Father, thank you for letting me play
a role in my baby's creation.
Lord Jesus, thank you for my baby's love.
From my empty arms, I place my baby
into your arms, to be held for all eternity.
Amen Have a great week! Bye for now, Sharla
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Hello out there! It's a beautiful, overcast day here in San Angelo, TX. We were blessed
with rain overnight, we are always thankful for the rain out here! I just got home
from helping out with the Sack Lunch Ministry, our parish, Sacred Heart Cathedral provides
for the homeless and other people in need. Our parish is in the downtown area and we give
out sack lunches Monday - Friday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. We fed a lot of people
today, we gave out over 80 sack lunches. You never know how many people will stop
by, we usually hand out between 40 -80 lunches a day. In the summer, we hand out
more because kids are home from school. Everyone is always so appreciative. I only
help out twice a month, some of the other volunteers are there almost every day.
After we cleaned up and locked the doors I went over to the parish office and visited
with the secretary about the details for the kick-off rally we'll have next Wednesday
evening for the 40 Days for Life Campaign. I bought two candles and walked over
to the sanctuary. I love being in the sanctuary during the day when no one else is in
there. There is no way to describe the peace I feel when I kneel down to pray. It's so
quiet in there, light comes through the stained glass windows and it's beautiful. I look
up at the huge crucifix hanging on the wall behind the altar, a reminder that my Jesus
died on the cross for all of our sins. I walked down the side isle towards the back where
the shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe is, I was going to light my candles and say a
prayer, but I noticed that all the candle holders were already full. I smiled and sat my
candles on the floor and knelt down on the kneeler. When I saw all those candles
burning it was a visual image to me of faith. Every person who lit a candle and knelt
down and asked Mother Mary to pray for their special need, who lifted up their
prayer to God, what a beautiful sign of faith. I prayed for everyone who lit a candle,
I prayed for my family and then I softly sang the Hail Mary so overcome with emotion,
and the peace I felt at that moment. God is always with us, sometimes we need to step out
and away from all the noise in today's world to feel His presence. I'm so thankful
that I took the time to spend a few quiet minutes alone with God and was able to
witness the faith of His prayerful people.
I brought my candles home with me, they'll be lit later on, and every time I pass by
and see the flicker of the light, a prayer of peace for all of you, whether near or far
will be on lips and in my heart.
God bless you all, Sharla
"Lead me Lord lead me Lord by the light of truth, to seek and to find the narrow way,
be my way be my truth be my life my Lord, and lead me Lord today."
with rain overnight, we are always thankful for the rain out here! I just got home
from helping out with the Sack Lunch Ministry, our parish, Sacred Heart Cathedral provides
for the homeless and other people in need. Our parish is in the downtown area and we give
out sack lunches Monday - Friday from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. We fed a lot of people
today, we gave out over 80 sack lunches. You never know how many people will stop
by, we usually hand out between 40 -80 lunches a day. In the summer, we hand out
more because kids are home from school. Everyone is always so appreciative. I only
help out twice a month, some of the other volunteers are there almost every day.
After we cleaned up and locked the doors I went over to the parish office and visited
with the secretary about the details for the kick-off rally we'll have next Wednesday
evening for the 40 Days for Life Campaign. I bought two candles and walked over
to the sanctuary. I love being in the sanctuary during the day when no one else is in
there. There is no way to describe the peace I feel when I kneel down to pray. It's so
quiet in there, light comes through the stained glass windows and it's beautiful. I look
up at the huge crucifix hanging on the wall behind the altar, a reminder that my Jesus
died on the cross for all of our sins. I walked down the side isle towards the back where
the shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe is, I was going to light my candles and say a
prayer, but I noticed that all the candle holders were already full. I smiled and sat my
candles on the floor and knelt down on the kneeler. When I saw all those candles
burning it was a visual image to me of faith. Every person who lit a candle and knelt
down and asked Mother Mary to pray for their special need, who lifted up their
prayer to God, what a beautiful sign of faith. I prayed for everyone who lit a candle,
I prayed for my family and then I softly sang the Hail Mary so overcome with emotion,
and the peace I felt at that moment. God is always with us, sometimes we need to step out
and away from all the noise in today's world to feel His presence. I'm so thankful
that I took the time to spend a few quiet minutes alone with God and was able to
witness the faith of His prayerful people.
I brought my candles home with me, they'll be lit later on, and every time I pass by
and see the flicker of the light, a prayer of peace for all of you, whether near or far
will be on lips and in my heart.
God bless you all, Sharla
"Lead me Lord lead me Lord by the light of truth, to seek and to find the narrow way,
be my way be my truth be my life my Lord, and lead me Lord today."
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Babies are Babies No Matter How Small...............Please God Help Us Save Them All!
Hello out there! This morning there was a picture from National Pro-life Alliance
on my face book page. I saved it, and you can see it if you go to the view my
complete profile. Anyway, it's a picture of a stork and the saying is:
"We're Having A Clump Of Cells!" .................Said No One Ever!
I can't tell you how many times I've asked, "Who says I'm pregnant but don't get
excited until it's a baby?" I mean it, have you ever heard anyone say that?! Well
I hit the Like button and then I posted the following comment:
So true! Have you ever heard anyone say this? I sure haven't! I remember jumping
around saying I'm pregnant! We're going to have a baby, and from there you're already
wondering, is it a girl, is it a boy, we've got to think of the greatest name and so on....
I wonder if anyone ever does say, "I'm pregnant, but it's just a fetus right now, so we'll
think about this later, you know, when it's really a baby. So when might that be,
lets see.....the heart starts beating 18 days after conception. Come on people wake up!
There's a baby in there! Take care of this wonderful gift God has blessed you with!
Back in April, I had one post about the first 6th months of gestation, and then another
day I posted about the 7th, 8th, and 9th months. I going to copy and paste them below.
A baby is such a miracle, amazing from day one. Life begins at conception.
Day 1: Fertilization
The sperm joins with the egg to form one cell. This single cell contains the complex genetic
makeup for every detail of a new human being. The child's sex, hair and eye color, height
skin tone, etc. After fertilization, nothing new is added but oxygen, nutrition, and time.
1st Month (1-4 Weeks) Did you know that a developing baby's heart begins to beat at just 18 days? Isn't that
amazing. Muscles are forming, and arms, legs eyes, and ears have begun to show.
2nd Month (5-8 Weeks)
By six weeks the jaw forms, including teeth and taste buds. The baby begins to swallow
amniotic fluid, and some have been observed hiccupping.
The kidneys begin to function. Fingers and toes are developing.
At seven weeks a baby's chest and abdomen are fully formed.
3rd Month (9-12 Weeks)
The baby now has fingerprints, turns his or her head, and opens and closes their mouth.
The gender can already be determined.
4th Month (13-16 Weeks)
This little baby is growing, and will be between 8-10 inches in length, and weighs about
one-half pound by the end of the fourth month.
His or her little ears can hear their momma's heartbeat, and external noises.
5th Month (17-20 Weeks)
This little one is growing bigger, and moving a lot. Some babies have been seen sucking
their thumb during a sonogram at the fifth month.
6th Month (21-24 Weeks)
A baby's oil and sweat glands are functioning, this little one is growing rapidly and his or
her lungs are becoming more developed.
7th Month (25-28 Weeks) This little baby boy or girl now recognizes his or her mother's voice. They exercise by stretching and kicking as they grow even bigger. They can use their senses of hearing, touch, and taste. They can even open their eyes and look around. If the baby is a boy, a son, this is when his testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. What a miracle a new life is.
8th Month (29-32 Weeks)
Now the baby's skin will thicken, with a layer of fat stored underneath. This helps with insulation and provides nourishment. He or she will swallow a gallon of amniotic fluid per day. The mom will be able to feel an elbow or heel, sometimes a little rear end, as her son or daughter kicks and moves in this cramped area. (I remember that my daughter had the hiccups a lot, it was such a funny and neat feeling. I know my son was doing flips in my stomach!)
9th Month (33-36 Weeks)
He or she will gain one half pound per week, and they are getting ready for birth. The bones in his or her head are soft and flexible to more easily mold and go through the birth canal. Did you know that ninety percent of our development happens in the womb?
Babies are babies no matter how small, please God help us save them all!
Bye for now, Sharla
on my face book page. I saved it, and you can see it if you go to the view my
complete profile. Anyway, it's a picture of a stork and the saying is:
"We're Having A Clump Of Cells!" .................Said No One Ever!
I can't tell you how many times I've asked, "Who says I'm pregnant but don't get
excited until it's a baby?" I mean it, have you ever heard anyone say that?! Well
I hit the Like button and then I posted the following comment:
So true! Have you ever heard anyone say this? I sure haven't! I remember jumping
around saying I'm pregnant! We're going to have a baby, and from there you're already
wondering, is it a girl, is it a boy, we've got to think of the greatest name and so on....
I wonder if anyone ever does say, "I'm pregnant, but it's just a fetus right now, so we'll
think about this later, you know, when it's really a baby. So when might that be,
lets see.....the heart starts beating 18 days after conception. Come on people wake up!
There's a baby in there! Take care of this wonderful gift God has blessed you with!
Back in April, I had one post about the first 6th months of gestation, and then another
day I posted about the 7th, 8th, and 9th months. I going to copy and paste them below.
A baby is such a miracle, amazing from day one. Life begins at conception.
Day 1: Fertilization
The sperm joins with the egg to form one cell. This single cell contains the complex genetic
makeup for every detail of a new human being. The child's sex, hair and eye color, height
skin tone, etc. After fertilization, nothing new is added but oxygen, nutrition, and time.
1st Month (1-4 Weeks) Did you know that a developing baby's heart begins to beat at just 18 days? Isn't that
amazing. Muscles are forming, and arms, legs eyes, and ears have begun to show.
2nd Month (5-8 Weeks)
By six weeks the jaw forms, including teeth and taste buds. The baby begins to swallow
amniotic fluid, and some have been observed hiccupping.
The kidneys begin to function. Fingers and toes are developing.
At seven weeks a baby's chest and abdomen are fully formed.
3rd Month (9-12 Weeks)
The baby now has fingerprints, turns his or her head, and opens and closes their mouth.
The gender can already be determined.
4th Month (13-16 Weeks)
This little baby is growing, and will be between 8-10 inches in length, and weighs about
one-half pound by the end of the fourth month.
His or her little ears can hear their momma's heartbeat, and external noises.
5th Month (17-20 Weeks)
This little one is growing bigger, and moving a lot. Some babies have been seen sucking
their thumb during a sonogram at the fifth month.
6th Month (21-24 Weeks)
A baby's oil and sweat glands are functioning, this little one is growing rapidly and his or
her lungs are becoming more developed.
7th Month (25-28 Weeks) This little baby boy or girl now recognizes his or her mother's voice. They exercise by stretching and kicking as they grow even bigger. They can use their senses of hearing, touch, and taste. They can even open their eyes and look around. If the baby is a boy, a son, this is when his testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum. What a miracle a new life is.
8th Month (29-32 Weeks)
Now the baby's skin will thicken, with a layer of fat stored underneath. This helps with insulation and provides nourishment. He or she will swallow a gallon of amniotic fluid per day. The mom will be able to feel an elbow or heel, sometimes a little rear end, as her son or daughter kicks and moves in this cramped area. (I remember that my daughter had the hiccups a lot, it was such a funny and neat feeling. I know my son was doing flips in my stomach!)
9th Month (33-36 Weeks)
He or she will gain one half pound per week, and they are getting ready for birth. The bones in his or her head are soft and flexible to more easily mold and go through the birth canal. Did you know that ninety percent of our development happens in the womb?
Babies are babies no matter how small, please God help us save them all!
Bye for now, Sharla
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Good Morning out there! I hope everyone is having a great week. I saw a picture on
face book this morning of Mother Teresa. Her quotes are always thought provoking.
This one really hit me hard today. Mother Teresa said "It is a poverty to decide that a child
must die so that you may live as you wish."
Last night I was at Family Night at our parish. We have our religious education classes and
all kinds of adult bible study classes on Wednesday nights. Last night was the first night back
after summer break. We served chili dogs in the cafeteria, and then moved to the gym
where we had praise and worship music, the upbeat kind the kids love, with all the different
hand movements. Sacred Sound provided the music and they are awesome! The adults
(me included) also love the songs. I really like the one that goes "I say yes, yes Lord, I say
yes!" I'm not very coordinated so I have a little trouble with all the movements, but
I try! Anyway, I know that most churches offer all kinds of classes and activities, and
I really think that is a wonderful place for families to be, to grow, and spend time together.
To sum this all up, I'll say it again, a baby is a gift from God. Our lives are gifts from God,
what we do with our life, how we treat others, how we love others, is our gift back to
God. So go out, reach out and take care of each other, take care of your family.
Bye for now, Sharla
face book this morning of Mother Teresa. Her quotes are always thought provoking.
This one really hit me hard today. Mother Teresa said "It is a poverty to decide that a child
must die so that you may live as you wish."
You know, things don't always go as we plan, dream or hope. Many times God is
reminding us that He is in charge of our lives, not us. Maybe it's a job loss, a transfer,
not getting the house you want, or maybe it's something like not having good enough
credit for an expensive vehicle. An unplanned pregnancy definitely changes everything,
absolutely changes how you live your life, but if you stop and think about it, this baby is
a gift from God. Maybe you need a new direction. This baby will change your life for the
better, this baby is part of you. To all the men out there, no matter what age you are, if your
girlfriend or wife is pregnant, be a real man. Take care of your family, take care of your responsibilities. Love, protect and support them, be proud to be called dad, for that matter,
be proud to be a husband! Take pride in yourself and say "Hey, it's going to be ok, we can
do this." Your girlfriends, your wives, they need to hear you say, we're a family, yes this
changes everything, but for the better! Children need their mothers and their fathers, babies
are such a blessing, when did we get so off track. We need commercials and tv shows that
support family instead of the stupid stuff that's on. We need magazine covers that have good
moms and dads on the front page, happy families, not the trash that is on the rack right by
the check out stand in the stores. Men, step up to the plate as real men, and be a great dad,
be a great boyfriend, better yet, be a great husband, make the commitment that says this is
for real, this is forever! I keep seeing all the challenges on face book to raise money for
good causes, and that is great. But here is a real challenge, take care of your family. Be
there, day in and day out. The world tells you that partying is the way to go, it's a big lie.
Being part of a loving, caring family is the most amazing gift you can have, and give to
others. Put God first, find a parish home, get involved , spend time with your family.
That is something you will never regret. Ladies, motherhood is awesome, but be careful
who you pick to date and marry, make sure they want the same things in life that you do.
But especially make sure they will be good, loving and supportive fathers. This ugliness
in our world will not change unless we change. We need to get our priorities straight, we
need to put God first, family second, and everything else will fall into place.
all kinds of adult bible study classes on Wednesday nights. Last night was the first night back
after summer break. We served chili dogs in the cafeteria, and then moved to the gym
where we had praise and worship music, the upbeat kind the kids love, with all the different
hand movements. Sacred Sound provided the music and they are awesome! The adults
(me included) also love the songs. I really like the one that goes "I say yes, yes Lord, I say
yes!" I'm not very coordinated so I have a little trouble with all the movements, but
I try! Anyway, I know that most churches offer all kinds of classes and activities, and
I really think that is a wonderful place for families to be, to grow, and spend time together.
To sum this all up, I'll say it again, a baby is a gift from God. Our lives are gifts from God,
what we do with our life, how we treat others, how we love others, is our gift back to
God. So go out, reach out and take care of each other, take care of your family.
Bye for now, Sharla
Monday, September 1, 2014
Hello out there! Happy Labor Day! Last week was an extremely busy week. I drove
one of my dearest friends to San Antonio for her doctor's appointment, I had a
catechist meeting Wednesday night, and a Parish Council meeting Thursday night.
I babysat one of my granddaughters one afternoon. Friday night, my daughter and
her family, and my son and his family came over for dinner. Everyone had such a good
time that they all came back over Saturday night as well! The grandkids have so much
fun together, and there is always plenty to eat! Some where in between, I actually
did some book work for our family business, JY Welding. My husband, and our
son (he works for us) come home for lunch almost everyday, I usually fix a big lunch
for them. Every now and then I say "you are on your own today!" Oh, and I'm also
working on the upcoming 40 Days for Life Campaign! I sent an article to the news-
paper and they published it on Friday under the Letters to the Editor section. I'll post
it at the end of today's blog. I have to go do laundry now, I just wanted to say hello,
and I hope you have a great week! Thanks for reading my blog, blessings to all!
This is an invitation for every pro-life person in San Angelo and all surrounding
communities. If you are pro-life, you are encouraged, welcome, and invited to join us
in the upcoming 40 Days for Life Campaign that includes prayer, fasting and community
If you would like more information about 40 Days for Life there website is:
Sacred Heart Cathedral will be hosting the 40 Days for Life Campaign in the school courtyard, 20 E. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903 beginning Wednesday, September 24, and continuing through
Sunday, November 2. The vigil times are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. each and every day. This is a non-denominational event and an opportunity for people of all faiths to come together and pray for an
end to abortion. Please consider signing up to pray one hour each week in the school courtyard.
All groups and organizations are encouraged to participate. Please don’t be silent. These precious
babies need our prayers. Their mothers and fathers need our prayers too.
To those of you who can't join us, please pray for the unborn, please pray for an end to abortion,
and please pray for all the 40 Days for Life Campaigns. Thank you, have a great day!
Bye for now, Sharla
one of my dearest friends to San Antonio for her doctor's appointment, I had a
catechist meeting Wednesday night, and a Parish Council meeting Thursday night.
I babysat one of my granddaughters one afternoon. Friday night, my daughter and
her family, and my son and his family came over for dinner. Everyone had such a good
time that they all came back over Saturday night as well! The grandkids have so much
fun together, and there is always plenty to eat! Some where in between, I actually
did some book work for our family business, JY Welding. My husband, and our
son (he works for us) come home for lunch almost everyday, I usually fix a big lunch
for them. Every now and then I say "you are on your own today!" Oh, and I'm also
working on the upcoming 40 Days for Life Campaign! I sent an article to the news-
paper and they published it on Friday under the Letters to the Editor section. I'll post
it at the end of today's blog. I have to go do laundry now, I just wanted to say hello,
and I hope you have a great week! Thanks for reading my blog, blessings to all!
This is an invitation for every pro-life person in San Angelo and all surrounding
communities. If you are pro-life, you are encouraged, welcome, and invited to join us
in the upcoming 40 Days for Life Campaign that includes prayer, fasting and community
If you would like more information about 40 Days for Life there website is:
Sacred Heart Cathedral will be hosting the 40 Days for Life Campaign in the school courtyard, 20 E. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903 beginning Wednesday, September 24, and continuing through
Sunday, November 2. The vigil times are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. each and every day. This is a non-denominational event and an opportunity for people of all faiths to come together and pray for an
end to abortion. Please consider signing up to pray one hour each week in the school courtyard.
All groups and organizations are encouraged to participate. Please don’t be silent. These precious
babies need our prayers. Their mothers and fathers need our prayers too.
To those of you who can't join us, please pray for the unborn, please pray for an end to abortion,
and please pray for all the 40 Days for Life Campaigns. Thank you, have a great day!
Bye for now, Sharla
Monday, August 25, 2014
Hello out there! I just wanted to share something that touched my heart last night
during Mass. I was a lector and a Eucharistic minister so I was up by the altar and
able to see everyone all the way to the back of the cathedral. What caught my eye,
was my son holding his 14 month old daughter, and my daughter holding her 28 month
old daughter standing next to each other right below the statue of St. Anthony. Sacred
Heart Cathedral has been our parish home for more than 31 years. Last night while my son,
daughter and two of my granddaughters were at the back of the cathedral, another one
of my granddaughters (my daughter's oldest) was an altar server for the first time. She
was up near the altar with me. My husband is an usher, so he was standing by the side
doors as people were receiving communion. As my daughter-in-law and our other three grandchildren passed by my husband, she was the only one who sat down, the kids stopped,
and stood right next to "Pa" as unofficial ushers. My son-in-law was also there, he was
standing in the back. Our oldest son, his wife and our other two granddaughters live in
Houston, but they were with us in thoughts and prayers. As a matter of fact, we lit
two candles after Mass last night, one for each of the girls, because they started school
today, and the youngest, who is now in kindergarten was a little apprehensive. I told her
on the phone yesterday before church that we would light a candle for them and pray for
them to have a good day, and a good week.
When my husband and I were driving home (by ourselves) we laughed about how
great it is when the kids are at Mass!
I remember when my son and daughter use to be altar servers themselves, and when I
looked out and saw them standing side by side, each holding a wiggly, squiggly little
girl in their arms, I just thought, it doesn't get much better than this!
Thank you God, thank you, thank you for my many blessings, I am so grateful for my
family, I am so grateful for my life. I love you God, Amen.
Abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord. Psalm 32:10
Follow the way of love. 1 Corinthians14:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1
Have a great day! Bye for now, Sharla
during Mass. I was a lector and a Eucharistic minister so I was up by the altar and
able to see everyone all the way to the back of the cathedral. What caught my eye,
was my son holding his 14 month old daughter, and my daughter holding her 28 month
old daughter standing next to each other right below the statue of St. Anthony. Sacred
Heart Cathedral has been our parish home for more than 31 years. Last night while my son,
daughter and two of my granddaughters were at the back of the cathedral, another one
of my granddaughters (my daughter's oldest) was an altar server for the first time. She
was up near the altar with me. My husband is an usher, so he was standing by the side
doors as people were receiving communion. As my daughter-in-law and our other three grandchildren passed by my husband, she was the only one who sat down, the kids stopped,
and stood right next to "Pa" as unofficial ushers. My son-in-law was also there, he was
standing in the back. Our oldest son, his wife and our other two granddaughters live in
Houston, but they were with us in thoughts and prayers. As a matter of fact, we lit
two candles after Mass last night, one for each of the girls, because they started school
today, and the youngest, who is now in kindergarten was a little apprehensive. I told her
on the phone yesterday before church that we would light a candle for them and pray for
them to have a good day, and a good week.
When my husband and I were driving home (by ourselves) we laughed about how
great it is when the kids are at Mass!
I remember when my son and daughter use to be altar servers themselves, and when I
looked out and saw them standing side by side, each holding a wiggly, squiggly little
girl in their arms, I just thought, it doesn't get much better than this!
Thank you God, thank you, thank you for my many blessings, I am so grateful for my
family, I am so grateful for my life. I love you God, Amen.
Abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord. Psalm 32:10
Follow the way of love. 1 Corinthians14:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1
Have a great day! Bye for now, Sharla
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Good Morning out there! I'm going to share a couple of paragraphs out of
the book 40 Days For Life. But first, I want to share this prayer with you.
This prayer is for the babies and their mothers.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the
devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch
with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not
thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made
in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love
their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone
can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
My daughter-in-law gave me an Our Lady of Guadalupe medal, she is
the Patron of the Unborn. The prayer above was on the card the medal was
attached to.
In the book, "40 Days For Life" instead of chapter 1, chapter 2, and so on...
they say Day 1, Day 2, and so on. There are 40 "days" in the book and you
can read it as a daily devotional or as fast as you want! I loved the book, and I
read through it quickly. My husband works really long hours so he read
it one day at a time, as a daily devotional. He also thought it was a very
inspiring book, and he was so impressed with the young men and women
who are speaking up for the babies. The first couple of "days" talk about how
the 40 Days for Life Campaign began, the rest of the book highlights a
different campaign run by a different person in other cities, states, and even
other countries. There is a scripture and a prayer at the end of each day of the
book. The stories are amazing, some are uplifting, some show courage and
perseverance, some show the sad, ugly truth of the abortion business.
The following is a couple of paragraphs from Day 11 - 72 Ransom Ave.
At the bottom of the steep stairs, the pregnant woman was directed into
a waiting room filled with beautiful, padded couches. After filling out her
paperwork, she would sit with other women on a couch to quietly wait for her
abortion appointment.
What she didn't know was what was in the very next room.
When the door into that next room was opened, I was stunned. Years
earlier, parts of the ceiling had collapsed from water damage, and since
nothing had ever been repaired, there was a strong smell of rot and mildew.
Cockroaches scattered across the floor as we stepped in. This was literally
a foot away, through the wall, from where women sat while they waited for
their abortions. I recoiled at the thought of such conditions in a facility
providing surgical procedures.
The story for this day continues on and now I'll add one more paragraph.
Then they took me to the final room in that downstairs hallway-the
recovery room where the women were sent to recuperate after the abortions.
As I took in the dismal room, I couldn't help but think that by the time the
women arrived here, the abortion business had already gotten everything
it wanted from these "clients"-the procedure was over, and they'd paid their
money. What must they have felt as they stepped into that last miserable
room to sit on these old, rotted chairs with their stained seats? My host
explained that here the abortion staff would give each woman a little cup of
juice and a cookie, then just leave her to fend for herself. When she felt
ready, she would stand and walk out-possibly without any companion at all.
This day/chapter alone is just one of the reasons I will not give up. The
abortion industry does not care about women or women's health, it cares
about the money that abortions bring in. Please pray for the babies and
their mothers. Please pray that fathers will wake up and realize their true
role, that their children need a father. That these men will "man up" for lack
of a better term, and take care of their responsibilities. That mothers and
fathers everywhere will see what a gift this baby truly is. This is the scripture
at the end of day/chapter 11 and the prayer that goes with it.
If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Dear Lord, as you lead me into the spiritual struggle this verse calls your
people to, remind me that the battle is truly yours. Thank you for equipping
me with your armor. Lead me daily to put it on! Thank you for allowing me
to serve under your command and for hearing my requests for direction
and protection. Amen.
the book 40 Days For Life. But first, I want to share this prayer with you.
This prayer is for the babies and their mothers.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the
devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch
with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not
thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made
in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love
their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone
can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
My daughter-in-law gave me an Our Lady of Guadalupe medal, she is
the Patron of the Unborn. The prayer above was on the card the medal was
attached to.
In the book, "40 Days For Life" instead of chapter 1, chapter 2, and so on...
they say Day 1, Day 2, and so on. There are 40 "days" in the book and you
can read it as a daily devotional or as fast as you want! I loved the book, and I
read through it quickly. My husband works really long hours so he read
it one day at a time, as a daily devotional. He also thought it was a very
inspiring book, and he was so impressed with the young men and women
who are speaking up for the babies. The first couple of "days" talk about how
the 40 Days for Life Campaign began, the rest of the book highlights a
different campaign run by a different person in other cities, states, and even
other countries. There is a scripture and a prayer at the end of each day of the
book. The stories are amazing, some are uplifting, some show courage and
perseverance, some show the sad, ugly truth of the abortion business.
The following is a couple of paragraphs from Day 11 - 72 Ransom Ave.
At the bottom of the steep stairs, the pregnant woman was directed into
a waiting room filled with beautiful, padded couches. After filling out her
paperwork, she would sit with other women on a couch to quietly wait for her
abortion appointment.
What she didn't know was what was in the very next room.
When the door into that next room was opened, I was stunned. Years
earlier, parts of the ceiling had collapsed from water damage, and since
nothing had ever been repaired, there was a strong smell of rot and mildew.
Cockroaches scattered across the floor as we stepped in. This was literally
a foot away, through the wall, from where women sat while they waited for
their abortions. I recoiled at the thought of such conditions in a facility
providing surgical procedures.
The story for this day continues on and now I'll add one more paragraph.
Then they took me to the final room in that downstairs hallway-the
recovery room where the women were sent to recuperate after the abortions.
As I took in the dismal room, I couldn't help but think that by the time the
women arrived here, the abortion business had already gotten everything
it wanted from these "clients"-the procedure was over, and they'd paid their
money. What must they have felt as they stepped into that last miserable
room to sit on these old, rotted chairs with their stained seats? My host
explained that here the abortion staff would give each woman a little cup of
juice and a cookie, then just leave her to fend for herself. When she felt
ready, she would stand and walk out-possibly without any companion at all.
This day/chapter alone is just one of the reasons I will not give up. The
abortion industry does not care about women or women's health, it cares
about the money that abortions bring in. Please pray for the babies and
their mothers. Please pray that fathers will wake up and realize their true
role, that their children need a father. That these men will "man up" for lack
of a better term, and take care of their responsibilities. That mothers and
fathers everywhere will see what a gift this baby truly is. This is the scripture
at the end of day/chapter 11 and the prayer that goes with it.
If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Dear Lord, as you lead me into the spiritual struggle this verse calls your
people to, remind me that the battle is truly yours. Thank you for equipping
me with your armor. Lead me daily to put it on! Thank you for allowing me
to serve under your command and for hearing my requests for direction
and protection. Amen.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Good Morning out there! I am continually picking up brochures, hand-outs, and
other pro-life resources to share with you. I was excited to read the two articles
I've listed below. I want to be able to share these resources if someone asks me,
How do you know this, or where did you hear that? I want people to understand
that what I write about in my blog is not just my opinion. Yes, many things I write
about are how I feel about abortion. Since I was adopted at birth I do write about
my feelings on adoption being a loving option. I also write about heart wrenching,
post-abortive testimonials that I've heard first hand, and testimonials I have read
about. I realize that all these things are what different people think or feel, and I
view all of these as very important. But sometimes you talk to people who don't
care about feelings, they don't care about emotions, they want scientific proof. To
some people, a sonogram, the amazing gestational stages of a baby's development is
not enough. So, when I come across articles like the ones below, I definitely want
to share them. I hope that articles like these will help people who need to hear this
information from a scientific point of view, maybe they will change their mind, and
see that a baby is a baby. Maybe it will help some people who are pro-life but aren't
sure about speaking up, give them a voice. Sadly, there will still be some people who
will say it doesn't matter, that a woman's choice is still more important than the life
of the innocent baby boy or baby girl that the mother carries in her womb.
I will continue to write about any and all pro-life information I come across. I will
continue to speak out, to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I hope
you enjoy the articles, please pass them on.
I hope you all have a great day filled with many blessings! Thanks for reading my
blog. Bye for now, Sharla
1. Dr. Alfred M. Bongiovanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the
University of Pennsylvania, stated:
“I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time
“I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time
of conception.... I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence
from conception to adulthood and that any interruption at any point throughout this
time constitutes a termination of ...human life....
I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb]
I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb]
represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to
the dramatic effects of not a human being. This is human life at every stage.”
Read more:
Read more:
2. Dr. Jerome LeJeune, professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris,
was the discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down syndrome. Dr. LeJeune
testified to the Judiciary Subcommittee, “after fertilization has taken place a new
human being has come into being.” He stated that this “is no longer a matter of taste
or opinion,” and “not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence.”
He added, “Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.”
Read more:
Read more:
Monday, August 11, 2014
Good Morning out there! I have so much I have to accomplish today! I just wanted
to say hello to everyone. I hope you all have a really great day! Please pray for the
unborn, pray for their mothers and fathers too. I'm ending this post with a quote from
Mother Teresa. Bye for now, Sharla
What you are doing I may not be able to do.....What I am doing you
may not be able to do...but all of us together are doing something
beautiful for God.
Blessed Mother Teresa
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Good Afternoon out there! I want to share a couple of paragraphs out of a brochure I
picked up the other day. The brochure is titled:
Life Matters:
Forgiveness and Healing After Abortion.
The following are the some of the heartbreaking testimonials from women who
have had an abortion.
"My life is ruined, I have been depressed, suicidal, guilt-ridden for 24 years. I beg
every day for forgiveness. I cannot believe God would forgive the life I have led."
"I know God has forgiven me for this sin I have committed but it is so hard for me
to forgive myself. Thirteen years later and I still haven't forgiven myself. I live
with this shame, guilt and disgust every day of my life."
The brochure is to help women who so desperately need/seek healing after an
abortion. If you know of someone in need of CONFIDENTIAL help to experience
God's forgiveness and healing, contact:
or you can call: 1-888-456-HOPE (4673)
I am pro-life. I pray everyday for an end to abortion, I pray for the precious
unborn babies and for their moms as well. Abortion takes one life, and ruins the
lives of so many others. Pro-abortion advocates push for abortion on demand
because they say it is a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
Do these same advocates tell these women, young or older about the side effects
of having an abortion.
There should be adds that state:
These are some of the side effects of having an abortion: not only could
you die from complications, you might hemorrhage, you may not be able
to have another child, you might become depressed or suicidal, you may
experience deep grief and sadness, etc.
How can pro-abortion advocates say that having an abortion is a woman's health
issue? Health means healing, abortion means death for the baby, and some type of
horrible side effect for most women, and the rest of their family.
The following is another paragraph from the brochure after a woman seeks healing:
"Thanks to Project Rachel I am me again. The retreat allowed me the opportunity
to experience God's love and forgiveness-something I had decided I was not
worthy of. Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love.
I actually feel lighter. The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again
and the people whom I love sense that."
If you know someone who is in need of healing, please reach out to them. The world
tells them it's no big deal, but the world lies. God is waiting with open arms to
hold them. Please speak out against abortion, please pray for an end to abortion.
I'll close with this verse from the bible. Bye for now, Sharla
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."
(Luke 15:7)
picked up the other day. The brochure is titled:
Life Matters:
Forgiveness and Healing After Abortion.
The following are the some of the heartbreaking testimonials from women who
have had an abortion.
"My life is ruined, I have been depressed, suicidal, guilt-ridden for 24 years. I beg
every day for forgiveness. I cannot believe God would forgive the life I have led."
"I know God has forgiven me for this sin I have committed but it is so hard for me
to forgive myself. Thirteen years later and I still haven't forgiven myself. I live
with this shame, guilt and disgust every day of my life."
The brochure is to help women who so desperately need/seek healing after an
abortion. If you know of someone in need of CONFIDENTIAL help to experience
God's forgiveness and healing, contact:
or you can call: 1-888-456-HOPE (4673)
I am pro-life. I pray everyday for an end to abortion, I pray for the precious
unborn babies and for their moms as well. Abortion takes one life, and ruins the
lives of so many others. Pro-abortion advocates push for abortion on demand
because they say it is a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
Do these same advocates tell these women, young or older about the side effects
of having an abortion.
There should be adds that state:
These are some of the side effects of having an abortion: not only could
you die from complications, you might hemorrhage, you may not be able
to have another child, you might become depressed or suicidal, you may
experience deep grief and sadness, etc.
How can pro-abortion advocates say that having an abortion is a woman's health
issue? Health means healing, abortion means death for the baby, and some type of
horrible side effect for most women, and the rest of their family.
The following is another paragraph from the brochure after a woman seeks healing:
"Thanks to Project Rachel I am me again. The retreat allowed me the opportunity
to experience God's love and forgiveness-something I had decided I was not
worthy of. Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love.
I actually feel lighter. The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again
and the people whom I love sense that."
If you know someone who is in need of healing, please reach out to them. The world
tells them it's no big deal, but the world lies. God is waiting with open arms to
hold them. Please speak out against abortion, please pray for an end to abortion.
I'll close with this verse from the bible. Bye for now, Sharla
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."
(Luke 15:7)
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Hello out there! I'm going to post a bunch of pictures I took on Monday 8/4/14,
at the Pro-Life Rally in Austin, Tx. There were hundreds of pro-life people at
the Republic Square in Austin on Monday morning praying for an end to abortion.
People from several different cities in Texas were there. Pro-lifers from San Angelo,
Texas were out in full force! I'm proud to have been one of them!
If you click on my posts it should take you to all the pictures!
Have a great day!
Blessings and Peace,
at the Pro-Life Rally in Austin, Tx. There were hundreds of pro-life people at
the Republic Square in Austin on Monday morning praying for an end to abortion.
People from several different cities in Texas were there. Pro-lifers from San Angelo,
Texas were out in full force! I'm proud to have been one of them!
If you click on my posts it should take you to all the pictures!
Have a great day!
Blessings and Peace,
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