Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Faith, Intercessory Prayers, Scriptures, and Christian Warfare

 Hello out there! I've been doing some research for this post - I've jotted down notes, scriptures, and websites. Saint Monica and Saint Augustine, type their names in the search bar and you can find all kinds of information. Intercessory prayer, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Patron Saints, and fighting against the evil and wickedness of this world. The topics for my blog today!

A quick story that will explain why I'm writing about St. Monica and St. Augustine: Jim and I were in south Dallas on May 29th. We were going to his cousin's funeral and had arrived early. We like to visit Catholic Churches when we are traveling. I looked up Catholic Churches in the area. St. Augustine Catholic Church was only a couple of miles away. We drove to the church and hoped the doors would be unlocked, they were. We walked inside and it was so peaceful and beautiful. We were the only ones in the church. We walked up to the front pew and knelt. A feeling of peace washed over me. Tears began to flow down my face, I looked at Jim and said, "This is where we are supposed to be." I began to pray for all the people who have asked for our prayers for their children, their loved ones who struggle with alcoholism, drugs, failing marriages, etc. I asked for St. Augustine to please pray for them, for him to intercede on their behalf. I thought of St. Monica and how she prayed so diligently, so fervently for her loved ones. I asked for her intercession for the mothers and fathers who are praying so hard, whose hearts are breaking. Isn't it amazing how God leads us to where we need to be?

The scriptures I share in my blog today are from our family bible, Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible.

Christian Warfare:                                                                                                                           Ephesians 6:10-17

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above. You must put on the armor of God if you are to resist on the evil day; do all that your duty requires, and hold your ground. Stand fast, with the truth as the belt around your waist, justice as your breastplate, and zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as your footgear. In all circumstances hold faith up before you as your shield; it will help you extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God. 

Assiduous Prayer:   ( I looked up the word, assiduous - it means, diligent, steadily attentive.)                 Ephesians 6:18-20

At every opportunity pray in the Spirit, using prayers and petitions of every sort. Pray constantly and attentively for all in the holy company. Pray for me that God may put his word on my lips, that I may courageously make known the mystery for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may have the courage to proclaim it as I ought.

I am guilty of thinking, "I know that scripture" so I will just glance over it. As I typed the scriptures from Ephesians, I read them over and over. It made me think about Paul, and how he worked so hard to share the gospel, the faith and determination he maintained. The following is the last four verses in his Epistle to the Ephesians.

Conclusion:                                                                                                                                  Ephesians 6:21-24

Tychicus, my dear brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will keep you informed as to how I am and what I am doing. I have sent him to you for the very purpose of giving you news about me for your hearts' consolation.                                                                                                                        May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ grant the brothers peace and love and faith. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with unfailing love.

I don't think I've ever read those last four verses - They are so full of hope and love - The final verse, "Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with unfailing love."  I say, "Amen and amen"!

The St. Michael Prayer is one my family and I repeat on a daily basis - and sometimes, this prayer is prayed multiple times!

                                                                         St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

I looked up Saint Monica to find out more information about her life. I typed in her name and several links popped up. The following information is from this link:
Angelic Warfare Confraternity
Dominican Friars, Province of Saint Joseph
The Tears of St. Monica 

St. Monica is a Patron Saint of:

I'm going to summarize what I read: Monica was married to a pagan, Patricius, he had a violent temper, and did not treat her very well. Her mother-in-law lived with them, the link said she was cantankerous. These are my words, and if that wasn't bad enough...her oldest son, Augustine was living an immoral life. St. Monica prayed and her tears flowed for her family. She had two other sons. Her husband and mother-in-law finally came to know and believe in the Lord. Her husband, Patricius, died one year after he was baptized. He died in 371.  If you don't already know the rest of her story, go to the above website, it is very thorough. It does say that almost all we know about St. Monica is in the writings of St. Augustine, especially in his, Confessions. 

As I read about St. Monica I thought about how she continued to pray and pray and pray. She never lost hope that her prayers would someday be answered.  We must pray without ceasing for our loved ones - God hears us, and our tears have not gone unnoticed! Pray for one another. It isn't always easy and sometimes our prayer needs to be for ourselves - to be able to continue praying, for perseverance and strength in dealing with situations that break our hearts.                                                 

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

COME, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.

Galatians 5:22-23

In contrast, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, mildness and chastity. Against such there is no law!

BUT WAIT! Read what comes before verses 22 and 23!

Galatians 5:13-21

Proper Use of Freedom: (Wow and Amen!)

My brothers, remember that you have been called to live in the freedom-but not a freedom that gives free rein to the flesh. Out of love, place yourselves at one another's service. The whole law has found its fulfillment in this one saying: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." If you go on biting and tearing one another to pieces, take care! You will end up in mutual destruction!                                My point is that you should live in accord with the spirit and you will not yield to the cravings of the flesh. The flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh; the two are directly opposed. This is why you do not do what your will intends. If you are guided by the spirit, you are not under the law. It is obvious what proceeds from the flesh: lewd conduct, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, bickering, jealousy, outbursts of rage, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions, envy drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I have warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God!

I had to get out my dictionary and look some of the words in the above scriptures up!

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, and Fear of the Lord

I went to LoyolaPress.com/catholic-resources and found the definition for each one of the gifts. I wrote them in my notes but I'll let you look them up!

I will close with the following scripture from Isaiah:

Isaiah 11:2-3

The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, A spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.

                Pray without ceasing!                

Peace and blessings to you and yours!

Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Memories and Recipes!

Growing up I often heard an expression about good food or being a good cook, something like that, was the way to a man's heart. It takes a lot more than that but I do love to cook and bake for my husband and our family! My blog is full of memories! Family times, celebrations, get togethers, laughter, tears and lots of meals! Since June is the month of weddings I am going to share some of my recipe and anniversary stories! 

I only make banana pudding on very special occasions because I use the original recipe that is on the box of Nilla Wafers and that requires a make shift double boiler to thicken the pudding! I beat the egg whites into a white fluffy meringue to go on top! This year, I baked the banana pudding the day before our anniversary. I made some brownies too but that mix came from a box! I had just taken everything out of the oven when Jim walked in with a bouquet of flowers (a day early - I laughed because we both think so much alike). They are beautiful! 

Thirty-eight years ago I promised to love my husband for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, through the good times and the bad times until death do us part. I often think about the vows we made, so many years ago. A wedding is just a day - but a marriage is a lifetime and it takes work. Like a garden, you have to lovingly tend to it. Love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and communication are a must - but most important - you need to make sure that God is right in the center, right there with you so that through the ups and downs, your faith in God will keep you on the right path.

The following are a couple of stories from anniversaries past:  In this first story I am adding additional baking tweaks to my beer bread recipe! Follow the recipe as I've written below or make two loaves of bread by using the medium size loaf pans. Bake these for forty minutes and after you add the melted butter only bake an additional five minutes. During the Christmas Season I love to give baked items as gifts. The beer bread recipe works well in the mini loaf pans. One batch will fill four of the aluminum mini loaf pans. Bake for thirty minutes and then add the melted butter! You can gauge the time yourself by looking at the tops - if they are lightly browned, the bread is ready! The mini loaf pans work great for bake sales also! 

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Hello Out There! I haven't posted in almost a week! How are y'all doing? It has been
raining on and off all week. Right now it is overcast and a little cool outside,
70 degrees to be exact. For this time of year, 70 degrees is awesome! The only thing
negative about this kind of weather is it makes me want to bake! I saw some chocolate
chips in the pantry and so I decided to check and see what other ingredients I have on
hand. I have everything I need to make a big batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
with pecans! Doesn't that sound great? I also have the ingredients to make beer bread.
I haven't made beer bread since the Christmas season because I sure don't need
to eat it, but it sounds really good today! AND it is so easy to make! I will share the
recipe will y'all! Easy peasy and only 4 ingredients!
3 1/4 cups self rising flour
1/2 cup sugar
stir together
add 1 can (12 oz.) of room temperature beer (I use Lone Star because that is what Jim
drinks and so I have it on hand).
Stir dry ingredients until well blended, add beer and stir until mixed in, batter will be kind of lumpy.
Spoon into a greased (I use the Crisco spray stuff) loaf / bread pan. My loaf pans
are glass but the aluminum / metal pans work just as well.
Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45-50 minutes. This bread smells so good when
it is baking!
Melt 1/2 stick of butter (the recipe calls for 1 stick, but 1/2 is a little less fattening!)
Melt the butter and pour it all over the top of the bread and then put the
bread back into the oven for another 5 - 10  minutes.
Wait as long as you can and then slice and enjoy! Add more butter if you want, but
it really doesn't need it. This bread is great with soups, stews, a big pot of red beans
and as toast! I haven't tried it as garlic bread but I bet that is would be great that way
too! There is also a really good biscuit recipe on the back of the self-rising flour.
This reminds me of another baking tip to pass along. If you want to make Buttermilk
biscuits and don't have or keep buttermilk on hand this tip will work.
Use 1 teaspoon of vinegar for each 1/3 cup of milk. If your recipe calls for 1 cup of
buttermilk, add (3) teaspoons or (1) tablespoon of vinegar to your milk and let it sit for
at least 5 minutes. I usually add the vinegar to the milk first thing and then by the time
I get to that step it has already been plenty of time for the milk to sour.
I really had not planned on writing about recipes or cooking tips today but sometimes
that is what happens! I have something serious I want to talk about but I think I will
post it on another page. I want this page to be about happy things! No downers after
this fun yummy recipe swap!
On Saturday, Jim and I will be married for 33 years! I can't believe it! The years have
flown by. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful husband. One
of my favorite scriptures from the bible is from Genesis, when Adam sees Eve for the
first time -
Genesis 2:21-24
So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was
asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.
When he brought her to the man, the man said:
"This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and
the two of them become one body.

Another one of my favorite scriptures that I think is so important for a happy
marriage and a loving family is this one -
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs,
it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries.
Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth.
There is no limit to love's forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. If you try the beer bread recipe let me know
if you like it. I hope the vinegar substitution helps also! God bless you all!
                                                               Bye for now, Sharla

Friday, June 8, 2018

Red Roses, Lemon Bars, and 35 Years of Marriage - Pretty Awesome!

Hello out there! I am way behind on my posts! Jim and I celebrated 35 years of
marriage earlier this week. We were so blessed at Mass on Sunday night. One couple,
some good friends of ours, asked for Anniversary prayers (Mass Intentions) for us.
Another couple, and also dear friends of ours, prayed for us after Mass. Both couples
have been married a lot longer than we have! We visited with another couple (also
friends) as we were walking to our vehicles and we talked about how important
it is for married couples to have God in their lives. I shared the peanut butter story.
I'll repost it in case y'all haven't read it! On Monday we received a very special
anniversary card in the mail from a wonderful friend. Our hearts are full from all
the warm wishes, prayers, and blessings we have received from our family and
friends. We have had a great week.
Our anniversary was on Monday. Jim and I are simple people, thankful for what we
have, and we celebrate special days the same way. I am always baking something
because Jim has a sweet tooth. I haven't made Lemon Bars since Easter and I decided
to bake some for him on Monday. He came home with two beautiful red roses for me.
I fixed dinner and we sat at the kitchen table, ate and had a nice visit. We went out
to eat on Tuesday evening with five other couples from our parish and the Associate
Pastor (whom we all love) and will be transferring to another parish at the end of this
month. Tonight we are going out with another couple, who were married on the same
date, seventeen years before us. They are some of our closest friends and we have
celebrated many anniversaries together. I told our daughter that we were celebrating
the "Big 35" all week long - seems appropriate! 
I took this picture on Tuesday morning -
the lemon bars are almost gone!
The roses were beautiful then but.....

look at them now! I took this picture earlier today -
they are even more beautiful!
The lemon bars are all gone!

Life is gift! - Hug your oved ones!
Blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla

Friday, June 4, 2021

Marriage is a Journey and God is our Guide

 Good morning out there! It's gonna be a great day! Today Jim and I celebrate 38 years of marriage! I wrote a post six years ago ago about God, peanut butter, and a good marriage. I've been thinking about that post/story this week. The message of the story is so simple and yet so true. I love being a wife and have always understood that marriage is a serious commitment and that the vows we said yes to were not to be taken lightly. I converted to Catholicism after we had been married almost four years. I have grown in my knowledge and love of the Catholic faith over the years. I look back and can see how God has always been with us and how our faith has lifted us up and held us together. We've been blessed with our children, their spouses, and our grandchildren; our gifts from God.

The following are a couple (three) of my favorite stories about being married - Through the years love, laughter, and tears! A wedding is a day and a marriage is a lifetime! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

God, Peanut Butter and a Good Marriage!

Good Morning Out There! I hope your Tuesday morning is starting off well!
It is cloudy and cool outside this morning. It rained sometime during the night,
and we have a pretty good chance for more rain this morning. I'm always thankful
for the rain!
Jim has already headed off to work. We are both thankful that he is still working,
and we are praying for those who have been let go. Life is full of ups and downs,
the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. The other day I was listening to the
local Catholic radio station as I was running errands and I heard the neatest thing.
I caught the end of the program, but is was about how to have a happy and long
marriage, you know, the death til you part kind of marriage. A married couple are
the hosts for this particular program and their guest was a priest. He gave one of
the best analogies I've ever heard about how a couple must have God in their lives.
He said that a husband and wife are like two pieces of bread, and if you just place
them together they will fall apart. But, if you put peanut butter on the bread and
then place them together, the two pieces of bread will stick together. God is the
peanut butter that holds the couple together! Don't you just love that? I laughed
and laughed, I couldn't wait to tell Jim. Well, he also thought it was a great way to
describe how we need God in our lives.
This morning I fixed Jim some peanut butter and jelly crackers. While I was in the
kitchen, Jim was in our room getting ready for work. As I put the peanut butter
on the crackers, I thought about what that priest said. I poured a cup of coffee for
Jim and carried it to our room. He was kneeling on our hard floor saying his morning
prayers. I sat the coffee down on the dresser, placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed
the top of his head. An overwhelming feeling came over me. I just felt so blessed that
in our marriage, we have God to help hold us together.
May your day be full of blessings.
                                                   Bye for now, Sharla

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The "Cutest Little Percolator" I Received at My Bridal Shower, Many Years Ago

Good Morning out there! Wait, I have to go get a second cup of coffee before I
begin! I'm back, with a hot cup of coffee, a little cream, a little sugar! I was going
to write about something else, but I've decided to share a neat story instead.

I really enjoy drinking coffee in the morning, my husband does too. It all started
with a gift I received at my bridal shower many years ago!
When Jim and I got married, I was 19 and he was 27. I wanted to be the perfect little
house wife! I would get up and make breakfast every morning before Jim would head
off to work. He has always been a welder, so oatmeal or cereal just aren't a good
breakfast when you have a physically demanding job. I would fry up bacon and
eggs, and fix toast with butter and jelly. Well, I received the cutest little 4-6 cup
percolator as a gift at my bridal shower, so every morning I would make coffee.
I remember asking Jim what he took in his coffee, and he said "milk and sugar."
So it began, every morning, no matter what I cooked for breakfast, Jim and I had
one or two cups of coffee, we both added milk and sugar. As the years came and went,
so did the coffee makers! Large percolators, Mr. Coffees, the percolators were my
favorite because I liked the bubbly, gurgling noises they made! Jim stopped putting
milk in his coffee, you never know what I want in my coffee, sometimes cream,
sometimes not, always sugar (used to be Equal, and now Splenda). Anyway,
no matter what we ate for breakfast, we always had a cup or two, of coffee! We prepare
the coffee the night before and set the delayed brew button, that way, when we wake up
the coffee is ready. I always say it is like magic! I love waking up to the smell of a
fresh pot of coffee! We use Folgers, not the flavored foo foo kind!
About five years ago, Jim and I were taking a walk. We were talking about all kinds
of things, and we both stated that we were glad we didn't smoke cigarettes, and
he was glad he had stopped dipping many years ago, and such. Anyway, Jim said
the only thing we both had to have, was coffee in the morning. Then he said that it
was all my fault! I said "What do you mean all my fault?" Jim replied that I made
coffee every morning and set a cup for him on the table with his breakfast. So he
figured I must be a big coffee drinker, and he didn't want to hurt my feelings since
we had just gotten married, so he drank it! Well, I started laughing hard, you know,
the kind where you double over laughing. When I stopped laughing like a hyena,
and got my breath back, I told him that I just knew he drank coffee since he was
older than me. Both of  my parents drank coffee, my grandparents drank coffee,
his parents drank coffee. Besides all that, I got the cutest little percolator for a gift
at my bridal shower, and so that must mean that you drink coffee once you're
married! Well then Jim started laughing, not like a hyena, but pretty hard. So when
he stopped laughing, he said to me, "You mean all these years we've been drinking
coffee, it wasn't because you were already a coffee drinker, but because we received
a percolator as a wedding gift?" To which I laughingly replied, "Pretty much!"
I really enjoy my cup of coffee even more now, because I think back how Jim would
drink it, not because he was a coffee drinker, but because he thought I was.
I hope your day is filled with blessings, go and make some happy memories with
your loved ones!
I'm going to close with a couple of scriptures that I love.

Genesis 2:21-24
So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he
took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, the man said: "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs,  it is not snobbish. Love is never rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not prone to anger; neither does it brood over injuries. Love does not rejoice in what is wrong but rejoices with the truth. There is no limit to love's forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.
                                                 Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Bouquet of Wild Flowers, A Covey of Quail, Two Roadrunners and A Jack Rabbit

Good Morning Out There! I worked in my home office all day long on Tuesday. I was
trying to get caught up. I was cranky from being inside all day. I needed to get up and
move around. Jim came home about 5:00 p.m. and was headed out south of town to
where our son was working. He asked if I would like to go with him. I knew I needed
a break even though I still had a lot to do. I grabbed some waters and off we went. I
was tired so I leaned the seat back and closed my eyes for about 15 minutes. Jim hit a
bump in the road and my eyes popped back open. We rode along for about 15 more
minutes and then we were there. We traveled down a bumpy ranch road with trees and
brush all around. Our son was clearing cedar for the land owner and we brought the
smaller trailer to pick up some of the extra implements. We checked on our son and
visited for just a little while. I waited in the truck while Jim loaded up the grubber. I
saw a covey of quail dart across the road. I smiled as I watched them scurry beneath the
brush. Another movement caught my eye and I looked up and saw a roadrunner running
by. He ran down the road for awhile and then turned and dashed into the brush. I could
almost hear him say "Beep-Beep" like the one in that old cartoon. Jim opened the door
to the truck. I turned to tell him what all he had missed but before I could speak he
handed me a bouquet of wild flowers. My heart grew and my smile did too. I thanked
him and told him that I would put them in a vase when we got home. I also told him
about the quail and the roadrunner. We were driving down the ranch road once more
when another covey of quail shot right across that road. Then we saw a Jack Rabbit with
huge ears quickly hop by. We made it to the main road and then I shouted out, "Look, it's
another roadrunner, it must be a sign!" Jim told me that the sign was that I needed to get out of the house more. I laughed and told him he was probably right!
I did need a break that day. I really enjoyed seeing all the wildlife and driving down that
bumpy road. When we got home I helped Jim feed all the animals and I gathered the
chicken eggs. We watered the plants and when we came inside I put my bouquet of wild-
flowers in a vase and filled it full of water. I placed the vase on our dresser by a picture
of Mother Mary so that she could enjoy the flowers too!
I have to get back to my book work now. I hope you have a wonderful day. Spend some
time outdoors and be blessed!
                                                                                         Bye for now, Sharla