Saturday, September 19, 2020

Scripture, Scrap Iron, Roosters, and Goats - Sounds Like a Country Song to Me!

Hello out there - I hope your day is going well. The weather has been so nice it already feels like the fall. The summer days were so hot that this drop in temperature for the past couple of weeks has truly been a blessing. We live in uncertain times. There is much division among us. We are fighting a spiritual battle. I pray for peace in our country and across the whole world. The following scripture is really speaking to me today.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every thing under the heavens. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them; a time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces. A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to be silent, and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

What advantage has the worker from his toil? I have considered the task that God has appointed for the sons of men to be busied about. He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts, without man's ever discovering,  from beginning to end, the work which God has done.

I haven't shared a funny post in quite a while. Yesterday was definitely one for the books!

I’m a welder’s wife, and I have helped out with many things through our thirty-seven plus years of marriage. Sometimes I just ride along when Jim has to deliver something. Other times I put on gloves and help load or unload, whatever the case may be. I know all about ratchet straps, safety checks, and when to get out of the way! I have backed up trailers and rolled up hoses and leads, etc. Yesterday I went to the scrap iron yard with Jim. I thought this might be one of the times I was just riding along – I realized that wasn’t going to be the case when he told me my sandals weren’t going to work and to put on my chucks (converse tennis shoes). He also handed me a brand new pair of cotton work gloves – yep, you might be a welder’s wife if….. Anyway, we get to the scrap iron place and he is talking about all the neat stuff out there. I just see huge piles of junk.  We are there to buy one hundred, six foot T posts. He tells me there is a big pile of them. I quickly realize the big pile is not just off to the side as we get out of the truck and I follow him through the mountains of rubble. Jim grabs two T posts and hands them to me and I trek through piles. He passes me with five T posts over his shoulder. I make a couple of trips and then Jim tells me to just sort through the T posts and stack the good ones up for him, and to keep count of  how many he’s hauled off. When fifty T posts had been taken to the trailer this nice young man who worked there, came over with his forklift and loaded up the remaining fifty – I was so thankful!

Last night, Jim and I were sitting on the back porch listening to old country music and visiting. The cool breeze was so awesome. An old Hank Williams song came on, “There’s a Tear in My Beer” and I’m crying for you dear…I love his twangy voice and I know every word to that song –Jim and I danced while I sang, “Each night I walk the floor, just like the night before, you are on my lonely mind.” For those of you who know me, I’m sure you can hear my twangy voice in your mind! The sun was going down and I decided to go out to the field and check on the chicken’s water. We have a large white silky rooster and about a month ago he caught me off guard and spurred my left shin. I have been cautious ever since. I was walking back to the gate and Jim hollered, “That rooster is coming after you!” I turned and when I saw him running towards me I screamed bloody murder and took off running to the gate. I don’t know if I just out ran him or if my scream scared him, but I made it! Jim was laughing his head off and then I noticed one of our neighbors walking by. I waved and said, “Sorry, the rooster was chasing me.” She smiled and kept going. Jim was still laughing. I sat down and said, “I told you that rooster was mean!”  Then we remembered this old Billy goat we had years back and that is a story for another day. I will tell you this - I threw my coffee mug and hit him square between the eyes as he ran towards me. Somedays are just crazy like that and they make for some pretty funny stories later on!

Blessings to you and yours,

Bye for now, Sharla



Sunday, September 13, 2020

Saying Yes and Letting Go - Faith and Trust

Good morning out there - I used to be able to write a post or share a story without even thinking about it. I would sit down in my chair and the words would just come. So much has happened in the last six months that I haven't had the time or when I've had the time I haven't had the energy. Today is a new day and I want to write - I want to share stories. I really think I just have to get back into my writing mode.

When I began my blog in March of 2014 I had no idea what I was doing. I just had so much in my heart, so much I needed to say and I jumped right in. My posts were short at first but I made an effort several times a week and before I knew it my posts became stories. Whether my stories were serious or funny, full of information, scriptures, or words from a hymn - each story was from my heart. The information I shared was always researched before I included it on my blog.

My last post/story was on July 30th and it was about our busy life while we were taking care of four of our grandchildren. For those of you who may be new to my blog, our seven year old granddaughter has leukemia. Her two brothers and two sisters stayed with us throughout the summer. Our granddaughter has a long journey ahead. She is doing much better but will have to undergo several chemo/cancer treatments over the next two years. Our son and his family have recently moved over two hours away. He travels with his job and needed to be closer to the district office. My husband Jim and I will be taking turns traveling back and forth as needed. We will be helping out quite a bit, especially over the next three and a half months.

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions in our lives.  I am a pro-life advocate and that will not change. But I have decided to step down from my volunteer position as a pro-life coordinator for the San Angelo area (Catholic Diocese). I have truly loved being part of this important mission, working with amazing, selfless people. Speaking to our youth, sharing the beautiful message of the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. I will not have the time it requires to coordinate this important mission. I have prayed and wept and I have accepted that it is time to let go.

Being pro-life is being pro-family and my family needs me right now. I have so much more to say but my keyboard is not cooperating and the keys are sticking and I honestly need a new computer!

Please pray for the unborn babies and their parents. Please be a voice for the voiceless.

