Sunday, November 25, 2018

Following the Light and A Time of Reflection

Hello out there! I hope you are having a wonderfully blessed day! I sat down to catch
up on my bookwork and finally had time to look at my blog. I just haven't had the time,
the energy, or even the right words or really any words to write lately. But this morning
I received the motivation I needed. I won't bore you with the details because it would
probably sound kind of silly but I will say it was like a bonk to the head and involved
a lot of tears! And so..... let me begin with something that happened last month.

Thursday, October 25, 2018
I received a phone call from one of my closest friends (more like a sister). Her husband
and my husband have been best friends since they were in ninth grade, their family is
our family and our family is their family. Their son is our Godchild, they are Godparents
to two of our children - you get the picture. His mom has always been like a second
mom to my husband. They moved away many years ago but we have always stayed in
touch. We drove down there last spring to visit with all of them. Jim has called her
almost every Sunday for many years. We get to see our friends a little more often but
we have always made the time to travel and see his mom and dad for special occasions.
She (mom) had been battling cancer for quite a while.
I received the phone call at about 4:15 pm letting me know that she might not make it
through the night - we were already planning to drive down and see her the next day.
I called my husband and told him the news - he said that he would call them and for
me to get gas in the car and pack an overnight bag. We left our house at about 5:45 pm
and headed East - we hoped to be there by 10:00 pm. Jim was tired so I drove. We
stopped in Brady and grabbed a couple of sandwiches and got back on the road. It
was dark and as we drove towards San Saba the most beautiful Harvest Moon began
to rise in the sky. It looked orange at first as it passed in and out of the clouds. I
began praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. The symbolism was so perfect -
The full moon rose higher and it was so bright. The light of the moon - the Luminous
Mysteries of the Rosary - I felt like we were following the light - that Mother Mary
was right there with us. We arrived in time to be with our friends and we were able
to say our final goodbyes. We were so thankful that we had made it. We stayed for
awhile but had to get back  home. We arrived home at 4:00 am and Jim was at work
at 7:00 am. The funeral was the following Monday and we were all together once
more - saying our goodbyes and remembering all the good times.

Friday, November 2, 2018
Another trip - we headed south east this time - a fun trip - to visit our oldest son and
our granddaughters. We weren't able to leave until after lunch because Jim had a job to
finish. We arrived that evening and spent some time visiting and catching up before
we went back to the hotel. We met for breakfast on Saturday morning and then
went to a neat place that taught you/reminded you about nature; bee keeping, gardens,
herbs, plants, etc. Then we headed to the big city to watch our younger granddaughter
play softball - she is really good! We enjoyed the game and said our goodbyes.
We were heading back home because the Closing Celebration for the
2018 Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign was going to take place on Sunday,
November 4, 2018 at 3:00 pm. Everything was planned and organized. I drove the
first three hours and then Jim took over. I started sending out text messages reminding
everyone about the closing celebration. We were about three hours from home and
driving through a small town - the light was green and as Jim entered the intersection
another car decided to turn left right in front of us.
I just remember the awful noise, Jim pulling the airbag off of my face, and that my
lower legs hurt. Thanks be to God, we all walked away from the accident - the other
people were okay also - just shaken up. We had to spend the night at a hotel and
our son-in-law came and picked us up the next morning. My lower legs were hurting
where the lower airbag hit them. Jim took me to the ER when we got back to San Angelo,
we didn't make it to the closing.  The 40 Days for Life Closing Celebration went
on as planned and the ladies in charge did a great job!
The wreck has made me think about things - how quickly things can change, how quickly
life can end, and plans made are not always going to go as "planned"! Life goes on!
The next day, the following morning to be exact - Jim and I were at the hospital because
he was scheduled to have a procedure. I prayed while his biopsy was taking place. The
thing that touches my heart when I look back is that when we walked out the door and
crossed the street we were leaning on each other. My left leg was very swollen so I
walked with a limp, and he had an ice pack taped to his throat - we both laughed and
reminisced about another time we were leaning on each other many years before.
Since that day three weeks ago tomorrow  - a lot has happened; special time with our
family, Thanksgiving, a Thanksgiving Meal for those we serve at the St. Francis
Sack Lunch Ministry, friends and family checking on us, and some prayerful
Last night Jim and I watched, "A Christmas Story" the one about the little boy
who wanted the Red Ryder BB Gun - we actually saw it at the movie theater
when it first came out. We ate homemade potato soup and watched that funny
show. Life is a gift - spend time with your loved ones and put down the phones!
Life is full of ups and downs and our faith and our family, is why I write.
Telling our stories of hope, love, commitment, faith, family, and perseverance.
These stories will mean something to our children and grandchildren years from now -
memories full of guidance, love, and how God must come first in our lives.
I'm headed to pick up my Ford Explorer tomorrow - they were able to repair it.
A little nervous about the drive, which seems so odd because I've always just jumped
in my vehicle and taken off here, there, and everywhere. An accident can change
your perspective - it has sure changed mine. Tomorrow is Monday and I will pray
the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary as I head southeast once more. Mother Mary
will be right there with me as the morning and afternoon sun light the road up
ahead. God is always my guiding light and I am so thankful for that!
God bless you all, near or far, wherever you are!
I love the following scripture - it is one of my favorites - and I always think of my
marriage to Jim - so blessed, so very blessed!

Genesis 2:21-24So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was
asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh.
The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.
When he brought her to the man, the man said:
"This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and
the two of them become one body.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sharing a Story About Adoption - November is National Adoption Month

Hello out there - November is National Adoption Month! I wrote a story about my
adoption in January 2014. I kept hearing about the Roe v Wade Anniversary and I
wanted there to be a different story in the newspaper - an uplifting story about life.
I submitted my story and they published it. In March of 2014 I started my blog and
shared my adoption story again.
In case you haven't read my story or wouldn't mind reading it again...…..

I've always loved the stories about my adoption. When I was a little girl, my dad would tell me how they got the call sooner than they expected, and how they had to stop and buy diapers, bottles and clothes on the way to get me from the hospital. My mom, dad, big brother and my grandmother all drove from Stephenville, TX where my grandparents lived, to Ft. Worth, TX to pick me up! My dad would say that they picked me out special from all of the babies in the hospital, of course as I grew older I realized that part of the story was a very sweet addition. When I started asking more detailed questions, my mom said that my birth mother wasn't able to take care of me, and so she gave me to a family who could. My mom also told me that being adopted was special, and that I should always be thankful, and I am.
After I grew up and had a family of my own, my dad told me how they paid for my adoption.
I was born in the evening on December 30, 1963. My parents received a phone call on New Year's Eve morning that there was a baby girl ready for them. Not expecting the call quite so soon, they had to come up with the money so that they could bring me home. I need to give you a little history here so that you get the whole picture.
My dad was a science teacher in Sudan, TX. He also drove the school bus. Sudan is a very small town close to Lubbock, TX. My dad called the banker in Sudan to request a loan, and told him that he needed the money immediately. The banker asked if he had any collateral and Dad said, "Just my name." So the banker asked my dad why he needed the money and my dad told him that they were trying to adopt a baby girl and they were suppose to pick me up on January 2.
This is my favorite part, the banker said, "Well, go and get her, we'll figure it out when you get home." Isn't that awesome, I love it!  I also have an old, yellowed newspaper clipping from the Sudan newspaper telling all about the baby shower that the wonderful, gracious people gave my parents. The clipping says "Little Miss Sharla Kay, recently adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, was the honoree at a shower on Saturday afternoon at the home of....."
Just writing about this makes me emotional, I've been so blessed. There is just no way to describe how thankful I am for my life. But what breaks my heart is that you don't hear about adoption anymore, unless it's for an animal. We need to get the message out there that adoption is and should be the only other option. So many couples aren't able to have children, and want children.
Children are gifts from God, they are not a choice, they are a life.

I love that story, and I pray that there will be more people like that banker. I pray that we
will be able to get the adoption message out there. I look at my children and my grandchildren
and I am just so thankful that I was given the chance to grow up and share my story. Adoption
is a loving life option and adoption saves generations!
Please spread the beautiful truth about adoption and help me save more generations.
                                                               Blessings, Sharla

Rejoice and Give Thanks - Everyday is a Gift!

Hello out there! The sun is shining and it is a beautiful and chilly fall afternoon.
I have a lot on my heart right now and I know that I need to write because when
I look back - this blog is full of memories - things I never want to forget.
Life is a gift and we should never take it for granted - every day is a blessing -
that second chance to love more, do more, be more, help more, give more, and
thank God more!

Today is a new day and I give thanks to the  Lord!
Please pray for the homeless, the unborn, the children who are in foster homes, and
those who are waiting for someone to adopt them. Please pray for couples who are
praying to be blessed with a child of their own.  Please pray for couples who are on a
long waiting list trying to adopt a baby boy or a baby girl, a son or a daughter.
Hug your kids and hug your spouse. Call your mom and dad if you are still blessed
to have them. Call an aunt or uncle you haven't spoken to in a while. Reach out
to someone today! Little things mean so much! Write a note and put it in your
child's lunch box and if possible, go up to the school and eat with them, they grow
up so fast! Treat your spouse with respect and let them know that you love them!
Be a light that shines for all to see! Spread happiness and cheer to all you meet!
                                             God bless you all!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Leaning On Others For A Little While!

Good morning out there - It has been so long since I have written a post. I have a lot
to share but my stories will have to wait another couple of days. We are okay - but Jim
and I were in a wreck this past Saturday evening while we were traveling back home
from a trip to Houston. We were going through a small town west of Austin and another
vehicle turned right in front of us as we were going through a green light. Thanks be to
God, we all walked away from the accident. I couldn't understand why my legs hurt
so bad and why they were bruised up - the bottom airbag deployed and hit my shins
and my left calf muscle. I am okay - but I have to elevate my left leg on a regular
basis because of the swelling - looks awful but it will heal - no broken bones!
Everyone has been so helpful - we are blessed with an amazing family and friends!
I am carless for awhile but that is quite all right!
I didn't get to attend the 40 Days for Life Closing Celebration on Sunday. It went very
well and we are thankful for all those who were able to attend. I was talking to Connie
on the phone and we were going over what needed to be done. Jim was driving me to
the emergency room just to be on the safe side and I was crying because I wasn't going
to be able to be at the closing. I know that sounds silly but I was emotional and just
wanted to be with everyone. They sent pictures and looking at all the faithful people
made me smile.
It looked like such a wonderful closing celebration; music, a procession to the Grotto
with roses, the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary prayed in English and Spanish,
fellowship, and a special blessing from our Bishop Mike Sis. And my awesome 40
Days Teammates; Candi, Connie, Dorothy, and Stephanie knew just what to do!
I guess I'm going to have to get a laptop so that I can write from my recliner! Just kidding!
I'll be vrooming back and forth before you know it! I'm closing with a prayer that I've
written before - please pray for all the families who have lost their loved ones over
the last two weeks of tragedies.
I pray that your day is full of blessings.
If you are sick, I pray that you will get well.
If you have lost a loved one, I pray that you will be comforted.
 If you are anxious,
I pray that a feeling of peace will wash over you.
 If you are lonely, I pray that someone
will reach out to you.
 I pray that you will know that even though I may not know you,
I really do care.
If you are struggling financially,
 I pray that God will send you what  you need.
 If you are struggling with addiction,
 I pray that God will give you strength
and courage to give up whatever is holding you hostage.
 If you are in a crisis pregnancy,
I pray that you will be directed to the path of life,
 and guided to all the help that is available for you and your baby.
 If you are a caregiver, I pray that you will get the rest you need,
 and know that it is ok to take time for yourself.
Dear God, I lift all the intentions I've listed above to you.
 I pray for anyone and everyone who might be suffering
or going through any of the things I've written  about.
 Please God, show us how to take care of each other,
to love one another
 and help us to be discerning in all that we do.
Thank you for today.
Please guide us and help us to live the way you want us to.
 Please keep us safe and help us to look to You,
 and not the world for direction and answers.
 In Jesus Holy Name I pray, Amen.

Blessings and Peace to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla