Thursday, April 24, 2014

Good Morning out there! My posts are still set in the Pacific time zone, so it is actually 7:23 a.m. as I write my newest post. I'm going to attach a couple of links to some Natural Family Planning web sites one of my friends gave me. She and her husband teach NFP classes here in San Angelo. I logged onto the sites, and they have a lot of good information. I don't think that Natural Family Planning is talked about enough, this is great information for all married couples, and for engaged couples to think about before marriage. NFP is discussed at the weekend retreats before a couple gets married in the Catholic Church. I've heard some tapes on NFP, and I've been really impressed with all the different things they talk about. So, if you have time, check out these links.

This scripture not only applies to our everyday life, but I personally think it is a perfect scripture for all people involved in the Pro-Life Movement.

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the rulers of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above. You must put on the armor of God if you are to resist on the evil day; do all that your duty requires, and hold your ground. Stand fast, with the truth as the belt around your waist,
justice as your breast plate, and zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as your footgear. In all circumstances hold faith up before you as your shield; it will help you extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, the word of God.
                                                       Ephesians 6:10-17

1 comment:

  1. I just want to answer the first question that pops up: does NFP really work? Yes! I know looking at our family, you may not believe it, but every child since we starting utilizing NFP (which was right after our first child was born) has actually been "planned".
    Also, I would like to point out this awesome statistic: the divorce rate among people who use NFP is around 2%! Perhaps it is the communication that must occur on a daily basis, the love of every aspect of your spouse (including their fertility), or just because you are letting God that much deeper into your marriage.
    OH YEAH, thereare no side effects or danger as well!
