Saturday, March 9, 2019

Articles, Blogs, and Tweets - Oh My!

Hello out there! The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day!
It's been almost two weeks since I've written a post - my last post was about
finding your voice and speaking up for what you believe in. I started my blog almost
five years ago - my first post was March 22, 2014.
This will be post #406 - Hundreds of stories from my heart. Some are hard to read because
the truth isn't always easy to hear. Some are just down to earth, everyday life, fun posts:
You might be Catholic if...
You might be a welder's wife if...
You might have ten grandkids if...
Yes, I have a redneck birdbath and a real bird bath too...
People probably realize I'm pro-life because...
Others have helpful links and information that has hopefully been passed along. I write
stories about my faith, my family, our lives. All of my stories have been written to share
the message of life, faith, family, hope and of love. Lots of love!
I've written countless letters to our local newspaper, local leaders, etc. I got on Facebook
three months after I started my blog - something I never thought I would do. I've done
all of these things, taken these steps to "do my part" - "be a voice for voiceless" - hoping
and praying that babies will be saved from abortion.
Last year I signed up to be on Twitter - I didn't know what I was doing and just didn't
take the time to figure out how to get my "Tweets" out there. I still had a twitter account
but just didn't mess with it.
Last Saturday night, Jim and I watched the "Gosnell Movie" - Jim had not wanted to because
he knew that it would just upset me. I cried and I could see Jim's jaw clench throughout the
movie. We are both glad we watched it because it just made us all the more determined
to get the pro-life message out there. We stayed up late discussing how to move up to
the next level. We had talked about me doing some video blogs aka Vlogs, and also
adding some podcasts to my blog site and on You Tube. That is in our plans for the
not so distant future. But that night - one week ago - I looked up the Gosnell Movie
and some saw twitter comments. I clicked on my twitter account and just started tweeting.
I'm still not sure how I did it but I actually started having discussions with a lot of
people from Ireland. Isn't that amazing? I've been tweeting a little bit everyday and
I even have some people that "retweet" what I tweet!
Oh, by the way, you can find my "tweets" on Twitter  Sharla Ynostrosa @AdoptedBlessed
My message for today is...Don't give up! Keep on trying because the unborn babies need
you and their mothers and fathers do too!
You created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am wonderfully made;
awesome are Your works.
Psalm 139:13-14

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