Hello out there!
I'm re-sharing some really important and helpful information for anyone facing a crisis or unplanned pregnancy. I'm adding a couple more helpful links and numbers!
I have not been to the Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown, TX, but I do receive their newsletter by email. This home is similar to the Seton Home. https://www.thematernityhome.org.
I just found a website for, Elizabeth House, a maternity home located in Bryan, College Station. Check out their website as well; https://elizhouse.com
The following phone number is a National Hotline that is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 1-800-712-HELP(4357) If someone dials this number they are asked for their zip code or city and state and they will be given the address to the nearest Pregnancy Help Center/ Pregnancy Resource Center. (I called and asked questions - the lady was very nice!) English and Spanish
The banner says, Pregnant? You have options We Care We Can Help 1-800-712-HELP. If you would like to purchase a banner like this for your church or community center or parish hall - please go to Heritage House 76 and you can find all kinds helpful things; fetal model sets, banners, bumper stickers, etc. I think of every banner and every bumper sticker as a seed planted for hope and life. www.HH76.org or call 1-800-858-3040
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Helpful, Life Giving, and Loving Links for Mothers and Their Babies and the Fathers Too!
singing. The wind is blowing and my "feather bushes" look like busy feather dusters!
I am going to share some helpful information / helpful links that I've shared before.
I wrote this post back in August of 2017 after I visited several places. I want people
to know about all the help that is available for mothers, their babies, and fathers too.
I double checked all the links and phone numbers for the following information.
Saturday - August 12, 2017
I went to San Antonio on Wednesday and was given a tour of Seton Home -
This place is amazing! They take in young pregnant mothers and give them
I was given information about the Guadalupe Home that is for young ladies who
seek help once they've turned eighteen or are older. I did not visit their location
To find out more about the Guadalupe Home, look up Catholic Charities in
I went to visit the Gladney Center for Adoption in Austin on Friday.
I also went to the John Paul II Life Center in Austin. More people who care
Back in June, I drove to Midland and went to visit some friends.
Check out the website: www.midlandlifecenter.org and they have programs
In San Angelo we have a wonderful center:
All services are free; pregnancy tests, sonograms, parenting classes, etc. They help
with baby clothes, maternity clothes, etc. The volunteers and staff are friendly and
compassionate - they want to help the mothers and their babies - the fathers too!
Isn't this great news? Help is available! I've given you links to locations
information so I'm going to add it to this post!
The Bair Foundation - http://www.bair.org
And I found some phone numbers on the brochure from The Life Center for
Odessa, TX - (432)617-8378 www.odessalifecenter.org
Andrews, TX - (432)523-2859 www.andrewslifecenter.org
Big Spring, TX - (432)254-5311 www.bigspringlifecenter.org
Please share this important information!
God bless you all!
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