Saturday, June 16, 2018

To The Abortion Rights Advocacy Groups - At Least Be Honest - Ending A Pregnancy? At Lease Have The Nerve To Say What You Mean: Ending A Life!

Hello out there - I hope you are all doing well. I have a lot to share. I have been
trying to figure out what I need to say. When I started this blog a little over four
years ago my mission seemed simple at first. I've written 358 posts/stories and I've
shared so many memories and so much information. I have articles, brochures and
scripture verses scattered and filed all over my little home office. I investigate and
do research and read one article after another, all with the hope of helping people
understand how precious life is, and how horrible and life ending abortion is. I've
given you statistics, stories, prayers, scriptures and my tears - praying that God
would help me to type the right words - words that would touch hearts and minds.
This week there has been so much coverage about people who just don't get it.
An article in yesterday's newspaper made me realize that it is time for me to
get serious - and stop worrying about offending people. The following are
the first two paragraphs of the article:

   Austin - Abortion providers and abortion-rights advocacy groups sued Texas
on Thursday, seeking to overturn dozens of the state's abortion regulations, some
of which are decades old.
   The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Austin, argues that state lawmakers have
slowly worked to "chip away at abortion access" by passing incremental legislation
that slowly increases "the burdens faced by people seeking to end their pregnancies."
Basically the news says people care about women's rights, (unless you are an
unborn baby girl - then you are discriminated against) or you are being forced into
prostitution (then your pimp, or sex trafficker is protected so that they (the abortion
provider) can get their money for your abortion) or an unborn baby is "a choice"
and people are worried about ending the pregnancy (you know, the baby;
ending a pregnancy is aborting their baby), terminating a pregnancy
is the termination of a baby. If people are that into making abortion easier than
lets be real - call it what it is - the ending of an unborn baby's life.
I post things on Facebook and if it has anything to with what I'm writing about now -
it is basically ignored. I get it - this isn't something people want to hear about
or talk about or think about - unless you are pro-abortion and then it's okay because
that is politically correct. I know I'm sounding off - and I realize that those of you
who read my blog feel like I do - but I want to know how do we get this message
out there to the people who just don't get it? How? What do we need to do?
Saint Mother Teresa said (and this is not an exact quote but probably pretty close)
You will never have peace in your country as long as there is legalized abortion.
It makes sense - if it's okay to kill an unborn baby because of whatever reason
you decide - how can there be peace? If we, as a society, view an unborn baby
as just "a choice" then what exactly does that say about us as a society? When
people view each other as on object instead of as an individual what does that
say about our society? I see so many sad and lonely people out there. Suicide
rates are sky rocketing, drug addiction, alcoholism, name it - this
is what happens to society when people turn their backs on God and His word.
I may not have anyone ever read my blog again after this but at least I'm being
honest. I can furnish statistics, facts, and quotes all day every day, but if people
don't care, then it doesn't matter. Sometimes being brutally honest is the only way
to get people's attention. I just know that I am tired of reading about the
selfish, unfeeling, and down right apathy of people. For over 45 years abortion
has been legal in the United States - where is the outrage? Over 60 million
babies (baby boys and baby girls, sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters)
have died brutal deaths. Why? I can give you all kinds of answers to that question
but I'm sure you already know them and if we are all honest - they all stink and
millions of babies have died because of money, selfishness, apathy, ignorance,
manipulation, force, scandal cover-ups, abuse cover-ups, poverty, social standing,
embarrassment, discrimination (too small, not a boy, not a girl, not perfect, not the
right time) infidelity, and not one of these excuses justifies the killing of an
innocent baby. Promiscuity is not liberating, it is demeaning, and harmful because
this type of behavior turns women and men into objects instead of as individuals who
need love, respect, warmth, laughter, truth, and commitment.
I will continue reaching out to our youth, teaching them the truth, taking the life
size fetal models to them and saying...………….
Did you know...That at the moment of conception, when we were smaller than a grain
of sugar, our inherent traits were already set. Right at that moment - a boy or a girl,
a son or a daughter, brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, the color of our eyes, or
dimples in our cheeks, maybe a cleft in our chin, tall or not so tall, from that very
moment of conception  - how amazing is that?

Please speak up - our voices are louder when we come together. It is time to end this
holocaust against the innocent unborn. Please ask your priests, your pastors, ministers,
and church leaders to talk to their congregations about this important life and death


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