Hello out there! I hope you are all doing well. This has been a busy week. I will
begin with my truck story:
For the past six years and two months I have driven a white, double cab Chevrolet
Silverado truck. We bought it used - it is a 2010 and we when we purchased it in
2012 the odometer read (approximately) 36,000 miles. When I traded in my old trusty
truck today the odometer read, 197,348 miles. Last night, Jim and I cleaned out
my truck and oh my - it was a job! This is what we found; prayer cards, crayons,
kid's books, rosaries, more prayer cards, and lots of change. I could write a song
about all the items we took out of my truck; "The day before I sold my truck, some
of the things we found: one hundred prayer cards, $5.00 in change (guesstimate),
assorted broken crayons, three colorful rosaries, two black umbrellas, and
a pro-life rally sign behind the seat!" I drove my truck to Jim's shop that is "out back"
and he used a hoist to lift out my tool box. Thank goodness we didn't have to clean
that out - there would definitely be another song somewhere among my large
pro-life banners, sidewalk chalk, and jumper cables! I left one rosary on my rearview
mirror and told Jim that I would take it off when we arrived at the car dealers and
I left my Saint Anthony prayer card on my driver's side mirror also. It's funny how
a vehicle can be so full of memories. But just think about it - all the trips with your
loved ones and friends, all the stuff you haul around, and for me, all the prayers I
have prayed in that truck - the countless rosaries prayed with Jim, by myself and
with my friends; all the times I put in the Divine Mercy Chaplet CD when I drove
by myself, and with my grandkids (very soothing and great for naps)! When I
think of all the prayers I realize that is why my truck just kept on going. Everyone
knew my truck because it was the one with all the bumper stickers:
Yes, my truck told a story all of it's own. Jim said that I had too many miles to keep
on traveling out of town. Y'all know from my stories that I am always on the go.
A new chapter has begun - I said goodbye to my old truck and thanked God for
all the safe journeys. I remembered that my Divine Mercy CD was still in the
CD player right before I got into my new vehicle. I asked the salesman if he
would please get it for me. As he handed me my CD I told him to let whoever buys
my truck know that it is a special truck - they'll feel the blessings, because of the
countless prayers that have been prayed on short errands and long trips all
throughout the years. I started the engine, hung my rosary on the review mirror,
put my Divine Mercy CD into the player, thanked God, and drove straight to the
St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry as fast as I could. It was 9:45 a.m., we begin
making the sack lunches at 10:00 a.m. and I had the key to unlock the door!
I am ready for all the roads, paths, and detours I will take in my new vehicle. I look
forward to the songs I will sing with my grandchildren, the prayers that will be
prayed, the drinks that will be spilled, and all the new adventures and roads that
God will lead Jim and I on.
Blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla
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