happened over the past week and a half -
1. Wednesday, November 1, 2017 - I spoke about my adoption at the Pro-Life Ram's
meeting at Angelo State University. My friend, Candi went with me and we really
enjoyed visiting with these wonderful young adults. They are doing amazing things
and really trying to help single parents on campus! They have lots of energy and they
really know what they are talking about! Thank you, Pro-Life Rams for being a voice
for the voiceless and strong pro-life advocates!
They are selling t-shirts to make money for the scholarship they give out each year.
The front side of the t-shirt is the quote from Dr. Seuss, "A persons a person no matter
how small" and has a really cute picture on it.
This is what the back of the t-shirt looks like -
November is National Adoption Month!
If y'all have been reading my posts for very long - you have read my story. Here is
the press release from my book - Jim and I paid for the publication of my book to help
promote adoption as a loving life option.
Maybe someday we will sell enough books so that we can pay for adoption messages
on the big billboards! That's our goal - to try and share the message of adoption for
for the human babies! The following is the press release for my book!
Share your thoughts with me! If you have read my book - let me know what you think!
If you would like a book donated for a benefit auction or a church festival auction, etc.
please contact me - we donate a lot of books! adopted.blessed@suddenlink.net
Jim just called me from the tire store! I have to go and pick him up - he needs new tires!
Nooooooooooooooooo! Just kidding - that is his work truck and it goes through a lot!
I will have to share everything else later.
Have a great weekend!
Blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla
Today is Saturday - Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary!
Hello again! I actually made it back to my keyboard today! Jim and I subscribe to a
Catholic newspaper called, "National Catholic Register" and in the
October 29 - November 11, 2017 issue there is an article by Stacy A. Trasancos and
it is called, The Pain Unborn Children Feel, a really well written article with
a series of ultrasound images of an unborn baby at 20 weeks. I am going to share
the images with you and the last paragraph of her article.
Abortions are legal in Texas on the unborn baby up to 20 weeks. Abortions are legal in
some other states on the unborn baby up to 36 weeks. When I look at the images of
the ultrasound I see a baby - you'd have to be blind not to! Please be a voice for
the voiceless - write to your congressmen or congresswomen, send letters to your
newspaper, to your state representatives, let your voice be heard -
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