Friday, December 2, 2016

An Amazing Journey - A Blogger to an Author!

Hello out there! I received a special package in the mail today. I knew what was inside
before I opened the box, well actually Jim had to rip it open because I was too nervous!
Before I tell you what was inside I want to share part of the journey that brought this
package to my doorstep.
A little over three years ago I didn't have a blog. I wasn't on Face Book. I had no desire
to be on Face Book and I had a very simple flip phone. I didn't like to text, there was no
keyboard on my "free" flip phone so you had to spend a lot of time typing even a simple
message. What I did like to do was share my opinion on pro-life issues and try to
promote adoption as a life option. How did I do this? I would write letters and send
them in to the newspaper in hopes that they would be published. More times than not
my letters were published, usually in the View Points Section because they were almost
always too long for the Letters to the Editor Section. My family would tell me that if
I really wanted to get my message out there that I would have to do more than just
keep sending letters to the local newspaper.
I kept hearing about blogs, bloggers, and blogging. I began to do a little bit of research
and decided that I would start a blog.
When I told my daughter about starting a blog she laughed and said, "Mom, you aren't
even on Face Book! You can't start a blog!" To which I exclaimed, "I can if I want too!
Is there a rule about being on Face Book before you start a blog?"
I didn't start a blog - and in January of 2014 I sent another letter to the newspaper and
it was a story about my adoption. My family once again encouraged me to start using
Social Media to share my message.
On March 22, 2014 - early that Saturday morning I got serious and went to a blogging
sight. I called my daughter and she came over. I called my best friend from back home
whom I've known since I was three and between the three of us we got started.
My daughter-in-law came over later and helped me finish it up! I began with short
little posts and wondered if I would really have that much to say. Well let me tell you
something. When you ask God to help you spread the word, the words flow, the tears
flow, and the posts become stories, and the stories come from your heart and the very
depths of your soul. My stories are truly words from my heart. I finally got a Face Book
page in June of 2014 and then the stories from my blog were read that much more. In
September of 2014 I bought an IPhone and this very no-tech gal learned to text with
the best of them! Why am I telling you all of this? I'm sharing the steps of this
journey to show how God helps you use your gifts to share His message.
Inside the package are ten paper back books, five hard back books will arrive in the
next day or two. I am supposed to read through one book and make sure everything
is just right - the stories, the pictures, the cover page, the summary - because the
title of the book is - Adopted and Blessed - Words from my Heart and the inside
cover page says,  Copyright 2016 by Sharla Ynostrosa
Our God is an amazing God and I am so thankful that He helped to guide my hands as
I typed the words.
It will be a couple more weeks before the books go on sale. I'll keep you posted!
                                            Blessings to you and yours!
                                                            Bye for now, Sharla

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