Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sharing My Pro-Life Message

Hello out there! Something really exciting happened today! I received the link to
the video trailer for my book, "Adopted and Blessed: Words from my heart." I
watched the trailer, listened to the music, and read the words that I wrote appear
across the bottom of the pictures they used to make this forty-five second video.
I began crying and hollered for Jim to come and watch the short video with me.
The people who made this video don't know me. They have never met me, but
somehow, my words spoke to them and they were able to share what I feel in my
heart. I reached out and touched the picture of the baby's hand wrapped inside
the mother's hand at the very end and I just sobbed.
I wrote a post on April 19th about how I wanted to share the message about
adoption being a loving life option. I didn't know how I was going to do it but
I knew that I wanted to do more to promote adoption. Nine days after I wrote that
post I spoke to someone at Christian Faith Publishing. That nice man called me
every week for about five weeks before I decided to send in my short stories from
my blog. It took me another two weeks to get everything together and then I prayed
some more. I had my manuscript ready to mail but I hesitated. These stories aren't
fiction, these stories are about my life, my family, my friends. I thought what in the
world am I doing? I told Jim that I needed to pray about it some more. He said that
he understood and it was my decision. Then he said something kind of like - Sharla,
people from Russia, Germany, Italy and countries I've never even heard of, read
your blog, so I think it's a little late to be worried about privacy issues at this
point! Of course I started laughing, because what he said was so true. He also told
me that maybe this was our way to let people know about how awesome adoption
is. I know that God has guided us all along this journey. The artwork for the cover
of the book is so beautiful. The video trailer breaks my heart and I am excited and
emotional all at the same time.
The following is the link to watch the video trailer:

Video Link:  JpwWMHxdmhM

I've shared the video on Face Book. Please share this link. Please help me promote
adoption as the loving life option. Please pray for the unborn and their parents.
Please pray for an end to abortion.

I copied part of the post I wrote on April 19, 2016 and I am going to share it with y'all
again. Thank you for reading my blog. May God bless you all.

I want to get the message out there that adoption is a life option. I would love to see
billboards and commercials and magazine covers about people who have been
adopted. I want to hear adoption stories because I know how special each story is!
I want people to know that babies are a gift. If you are in a crisis pregnancy and
this is not the right time for you to have a baby, please consider adoption for your
baby. I was blessed to have been adopted at birth and I want to share the message
that adoption is a life giving option! I see the commercials on television where the
movie stars are holding a puppy or a kitten and they are crying, begging people to
adopt these poor innocent animals. That is fine, but what about the poor, innocent
babies? What about the unborn, where are the tears? Where is the compassion?
Why are people so afraid to speak up for the human babies? If I had the money to
pay for advertising on billboards about adopting the human babies, I would. Maybe
I need to get more information about how much it costs and have a fund raiser.
Maybe that is why God has placed this so on my heart. I write these posts but I
must do more. Thanks for listening, just writing about this has helped me. It is
time for me to take the next step. If you have some ideas please share them with
me. I will keep you posted on the billboard idea. (4/19/16)

I guess God had another plan - not a billboard but a book! Y'all have a wonderful
evening and enjoy the rest of the Christmas Season! Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Rest of the Story - Birthdays, Family Time, Sugar Cookies, and Rice!

Good morning out there! I stayed up late last night and wrote the previous post. It
was really eleven something when I finished instead of nine something but I still
haven't figured out how to fix the correct time on my blog site! My blog is on Pacific
Time but my life is on Central Time! Oh well, it's been that way since I started my
blog back in March of 2014 so I don't think it really matters that much!
The reason I was explaining how late it really was is because I was tired and sometimes
part of the story gets left out! So..............here is the rest (or at least more) of the story!
I always get nostalgic this time of year, it's just inevitable! In my previous post I
wrote about our children, grandchildren, birthdays, family time, and lots of food! No
wonder my pants feel a little snug! Anyway - Both of our sons and our son-in-law
love to cook out! Their barbecue pits are always smoking with tasty food! I was
thinking about this past week. We have been blessed to spend time with all of our
children and all of our grandchildren on one day or more - I mean really - who could
ask for anything more?! There was a Friday night barbecue at our birthday boy son's
home! They live out in the country and we ate barbecued deer meat, dove, and quail!
He cooked the main course and we all brought sides! Our daughter-in-law made
chocolate chip cookies, his favorite, and were passed out for dessert!
 Happy Birthday, Son - we love you so much!
On Sunday we met our oldest son and his family at a really good barbecue place in
Austin! We haven't seen them since September when we traveled to their home and
celebrated his birthday. He was going to barbecue but it rained that day! So he
made yummy, homemade sloppy joes instead! Now it is almost Christmas and we
are together once more! Merry Christmas, Son - we love you so much!
He pointed out a little wooden wall plaque that hung on that restaurant wall -
it said,  "Old enough to know better..... young enough to try it again!"
 We showed the sign to Jim and all laughed because that saying fits him to a T!
Our children have an awesome father! Our grandchildren have an even more awesome
grandfather (Pa)! And I have been blessed to have the most awesome husband of all!
Jim bought that little sign/plaque and hung it out on our back porch! There is another
wooden sign out there that says,
"Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite!" (and it is!)
And one more sign that says, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!" (so true!)
We brought our granddaughters back home with us and arrived just in time to
get ready for Mass! Our other children and grandchildren were there!
We met at a little Mexican restaurant after Mass on Sunday night. The grandkids all
sat together and had so much fun! Monday was busy day of this and that!
On Tuesday we ordered Chinese food and our daughter and son-in-law picked it up
and brought it out to our home. We all love Chinese food, and thank goodness for
tile floors, because with ten grandchildren there was rice everywhere! We decorated
sugar cookies and bright colored sprinkles were also everywhere!
Yesterday was our daughter's birthday and she had a sentimental request.
Mom, will you make spaghetti for me like you used to? Our son-in-law thought
they should go out to eat and let us watch the girls so that she could eat while her
food was still hot. But this year she wanted spaghetti that her mom made with her
little ones all around. I made spaghetti and a big salad. Garlic bread and cheesy bread
were on the menu too! The girls couldn't wait for her to open her presents! Our daughter
insisted on baking her own birthday cake! Chocolate chip cookie bars with icing and
sprinkles galore! Yes, the girls helped her decorate it! Our son-in-law washed all the
dishes and then we said, goodnight! Happy Birthday, Daughter - we love you so much!
I am thankful for my family every moment of every day!
It doesn't matter where we are; at their home, at our home, or in a restaurant somewhere!
Spending time together with so much love to share - that is our family - everywhere!
I pray that your Christmas Season if full of family time and love! Reach out to one
another - spread some Christmas Cheer and Christmas Hugs!
                                                            Blessings to you and yours!
                                                                             Bye for now, Sharla
    Celebrate the "Reason for the Season" - Happy Birthday, Jesus - we love you so much!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Family Time, Birthdays, Sugar Cookies, and Rice!

Hello out there! Christmas is almost here! Jim and I finished setting up our large nativity
scene on the front porch last Saturday morning. I usually wait and place Baby Jesus in
the manger on Christmas Eve. Jim and I backed up and looked at the nativity scene;
Mother Mary, Joseph, the angel, the three wise men, the animals, and the star. The little
manger between Mary and Joseph was empty. I stood there and looked and told Jim
that I didn't want to wait this year. I went back inside the house, carefully lifted my
statue of Baby Jesus out of the box. I swaddled the statue of Baby Jesus with a blanket
and placed him in the manger. I stepped back and told Jim to come and look. We both
agreed that the nativity scene was just right. For some reason I just didn't want to wait
this year. Our grandkids noticed right away. I  told them that we would still sing
Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus on Christmas Day! They all love the nativity scene but
I have to watch the little ones because they want to pick the statue of Baby Jesus up!
December is such a special month! Our son's birthday was last Friday and our daughter's
birthday is today. Wonderful memories of birthdays past and so thankful that we still get
to celebrate their special day with them now. Our daughter-in-law made a beautiful
quilt out of our son's old t-shirts. Memories of T-Ball, Little League, Football, Power-
Lifting, college days and more were lovingly sewn into this beautiful quilt. A plate
stacked high with homemade chocolate chip cookies was the "cake" of his choice. He
loves to barbecue and he cooked for everyone. We all brought side dishes and had a
great time. I'm skipping around a little bit but that is how my mind is working tonight!
Back to Saturday: We set up the Nativity Scene in the morning and then I went shopping
right about lunch time. Jim stayed home and stacked firewood on the back porch and
cleaned out the fireplace and brought some wood inside. By 4:15 p.m. (approximately)
the weather changed dramatically. I was on my way home when the temperature dropped
from 78 down to 52 degrees in a matter of minutes. I finished all of my errands and
stopped to fill up with gas. I called Jim on my way home and asked if he had started
a fire yet. He laughed and told me that there would be a roaring fire in the fireplace by
the time I got home. We ate dinner in the living room by the fireplace, watched old
movies, and wrapped presents. Sunday morning we woke up early, bundled up because
it was 19 degrees and drove to Austin to meet our oldest son and his family at a barbecue
place. We haven't seen them since September so we were ready for lots of hugs and
a nice visit. We ate lunch and then we loaded up our granddaughter's suitcases, blankets,
etc. because they were coming back home with us! I picked up some audio books from
the library on Saturday. Our granddaughters snuggled under their blankets and we
listened to the Junie B. Jones stories all the way home! We have listened to them all
before but they still make us laugh. We got back to San Angelo about 4:30 p.m. and
went to the 6:00 p.m. Mass. Our son was at Mass with his three oldest children (our two
grandsons, and another one of our granddaughters) and our daughter, son-in-law
and their three daughters were at Mass also. Her oldest daughter and our son's oldest
son and oldest daughter served as altar servers. We all met at Rosa's Café after Mass.
Monday was a busy day of this and that. Tuesday was a baking day. We made a double
batch of Chex Mix, a double batch of fudge, and a double batch of sugar cookie dough.
Everyone was coming over Tuesday night to eat dinner and decorate sugar cookies. The
girls and I were ready! Imagine this; ten grandchildren ranging in age from 21 months to
almost eleven years old. Our son and his wife, our daughter and her husband, and Jim and
myself! Sixteen people in our modest size home, we were just missing our oldest son
and his wife and we wished they were with us! We ate Chinese food, it was good and
there was rice everywhere! We rolled out the dough and cut out sugar cookie stars.
We covered the cookies with sugar sprinkles and then we baked them and ate them!
We opened some presents and then everyone went back home except for two of our
granddaughters who were staying one more night! I stayed up late with them watching
Santa Claus 3 and then I tucked them in bed and crashed instantly! This morning I
washed their dirty clothes and helped them pack while Jim made cheese quesadillas
and helped us load up. The girls and I were on the road once more heading to meet
their other grandmother in a little town a little over two hours away. We listened to
Junie B. Jones and soon we arrived. We transferred luggage and hugged and said
our goodbyes. I prayed the rosary on the way home and made out a mental list of things
that needed to be done. I stopped at the grocery store and picked up the things on my
list. I arrived home safely and got busy once more. My daughter asked if I would make
spaghetti for her birthday like I used to years ago. They usually go out to eat on her
birthday and we will take care of the girls. I love to cook for my family, especially on
special days! Spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, and garlic bread was on the menu. She
made her own birthday cake (chocolate chip cookie bars with icing)! Our son-in-law
washed all the dishes and helped to tidy things up! Yes, this month is full of blessings
and in just four days we will celebrate "The Reason for the Season!" Our Dear Savior's
                                                      Blessings to you and yours!
                                                               Bye for now, Sharla

Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Season of Memories!

Good morning out there! Two more weeks and Christmas Day will be here. I have
enjoyed this season of Advent. The inside of our home is all decorated now. Jim and
I always decorate our Christmas tree together. I love standing back and looking at all
the hand made ornaments our children proudly made years ago. Our grandchildren have
shared their talents as well. Our tree is adorned with a beautiful, sentimental array of
mismatched ornaments. Faded paper chains, lights, trinkets of all kinds, and memories -
our Christmas tree is decorated with memories.
The center piece on our kitchen table is a beautiful nativity scene; the Holy Family,
Three Wise Men, the shepherd boy with his lambs, a donkey, and a cow. Two angels
hover above. My daughter and I bought this set on the day after Thanksgiving when
she was in the fifth grade. This nativity scene has been set up in different locations
throughout the years, but we have decided that the kitchen table is the perfect place.
You notice the beautiful nativity scene right when you walk into the kitchen, a very
popular place in our home! This nativity scene is another memory, a tradition that
we hold dear.
The kid's teddy bears now wear Santa hats and Christmas tree head bands. We have
a Little People Deluxe Christmas Story Set (Nativity Scene) in the living room for
the grandchildren to play with. They love arranging the set just like they want. When
you place the angel on top of the stable the star lights up and the tune,
 "Away in a Manger" is heard. They all love this nativity set and I love to listen to them
as they play with it. The other day I heard one of my granddaughters say that this
wise man was going to bless Baby Jesus with holy water. Oh, how I love all my babies.
On my window sill above the kitchen sink I have "the breakables"! My nativity scene
that was delicately carved from olive wood and was made in the Holy Land. The
intricate designs and shapes are amazing. This was a Christmas gift from a very sweet
friend. My cousins gave me a special snow globe. It is so beautiful; the base of the globe
is heavy cut bronze and the Holy Family are right in the center of the globe. It is also
musical and the key to wind it up is underneath the base. My grandkids will ask me to
shake the globe up for them and to wind the key so that Silent Night will play. I also
have a ceramic night light of Mother Mary and Baby Jesus (this stays up year round)
that I turn on as soon as the sun begins to go down. My daughter-in-law gave me the
night light and she loves where I've chosen to keep it. I keep one other really close to
my heart item on the window sill, well really two, but in my heart they are a single
set. It is a simple ceramic hand bell with a shepherd painted on it. I think it is a
Precious Moments hand bell. It had a little ringer inside of it and if you shook it, it
made a tiny little tingle sound. Years ago, probably about seventeen or eighteen years
ago, my dad and my daughter were playing with a balloon in the living room. They
were hitting it back and forth to each other like it was a volley ball! I walked through
and told them that they better not break anything. Now remember, this is "my dad" and
my daughter, they kept right on playing. The balloon hit the hand bell, it fell from the
mantle, and the little ringer inside broke off, but that was it, it didn't shatter, it just lost
the little tingle. My dad felt so bad and I told him that it was okay. I remember laughing
and telling them both that they were a mess! Dad went out and bought me another hand
bell, this one was silver and has a little carved bear as the handle. It has a little ringer
inside and when you shake it, it makes a little tingle sound. I really miss my dad, he's
been gone a little over eight years now. When I look at those hand bells I always smile.
Every now and then I pick up the silver one with the bear handle and shake it so that I
can hear the little tingle sound. This morning I looked out the kitchen window and what
did I see?
Four, bright red, male cardinals and their wives flying in and out of my big oak tree. I
stood there watching as tears streamed down my face. My dad loved birds and he would
whistle and call them when we were outside. I've heard people say that when you see
a cardinal, an angel is visiting you that day.
This morning my yard was full of angels and I watched them with delight, oh what an
absolutely magnificent sight!
The season of miracles is upon us as we wait for His birth! Open your eyes to the signs
that are everywhere, the signs that show God's love for us, how much He cares!

                                                                Blessings to you and yours,
                                                                                 Bye for now, Sharla

Friday, December 9, 2016

Adopted and Blessed - Words from my Heart!

Good morning! Good morning! I don't have much time! I'm headed to the store to pick
up a few things for the Sack Lunch Ministry and then I'll be helping out until 1:00 p.m.
We are handing out special bags full of necessary items today!

My book is already available for purchase on Amazon Books!
Just type in the title - Adopted and Blessed  Words from my Heart and it should
come up! You can also type in the ISBN # 9781635256635 (if you are interested)!

I have to go now! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Blessings to you and yours !
                                                              Bye for now, Sharla

I have to say this again, only by the grace of God has this been possible. I pray
that the stories in this book will be a light to all who read them.

"Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee; How great thou art, how great thou art!"

Friday, December 2, 2016

An Amazing Journey - A Blogger to an Author!

Hello out there! I received a special package in the mail today. I knew what was inside
before I opened the box, well actually Jim had to rip it open because I was too nervous!
Before I tell you what was inside I want to share part of the journey that brought this
package to my doorstep.
A little over three years ago I didn't have a blog. I wasn't on Face Book. I had no desire
to be on Face Book and I had a very simple flip phone. I didn't like to text, there was no
keyboard on my "free" flip phone so you had to spend a lot of time typing even a simple
message. What I did like to do was share my opinion on pro-life issues and try to
promote adoption as a life option. How did I do this? I would write letters and send
them in to the newspaper in hopes that they would be published. More times than not
my letters were published, usually in the View Points Section because they were almost
always too long for the Letters to the Editor Section. My family would tell me that if
I really wanted to get my message out there that I would have to do more than just
keep sending letters to the local newspaper.
I kept hearing about blogs, bloggers, and blogging. I began to do a little bit of research
and decided that I would start a blog.
When I told my daughter about starting a blog she laughed and said, "Mom, you aren't
even on Face Book! You can't start a blog!" To which I exclaimed, "I can if I want too!
Is there a rule about being on Face Book before you start a blog?"
I didn't start a blog - and in January of 2014 I sent another letter to the newspaper and
it was a story about my adoption. My family once again encouraged me to start using
Social Media to share my message.
On March 22, 2014 - early that Saturday morning I got serious and went to a blogging
sight. I called my daughter and she came over. I called my best friend from back home
whom I've known since I was three and between the three of us we got started.
My daughter-in-law came over later and helped me finish it up! I began with short
little posts and wondered if I would really have that much to say. Well let me tell you
something. When you ask God to help you spread the word, the words flow, the tears
flow, and the posts become stories, and the stories come from your heart and the very
depths of your soul. My stories are truly words from my heart. I finally got a Face Book
page in June of 2014 and then the stories from my blog were read that much more. In
September of 2014 I bought an IPhone and this very no-tech gal learned to text with
the best of them! Why am I telling you all of this? I'm sharing the steps of this
journey to show how God helps you use your gifts to share His message.
Inside the package are ten paper back books, five hard back books will arrive in the
next day or two. I am supposed to read through one book and make sure everything
is just right - the stories, the pictures, the cover page, the summary - because the
title of the book is - Adopted and Blessed - Words from my Heart and the inside
cover page says,  Copyright 2016 by Sharla Ynostrosa
Our God is an amazing God and I am so thankful that He helped to guide my hands as
I typed the words.
It will be a couple more weeks before the books go on sale. I'll keep you posted!
                                            Blessings to you and yours!
                                                            Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, December 1, 2016

My Eyes Were Opened and I Saw the "Lazarus of Today" Walk Through the Door

Hello out there - I hope you are all doing well! It has been almost two weeks since I
wrote my last post. I have good news to share with you all. In my previous post I
explained about the closing of the Sack Lunch Ministry. We will still shut down after
the meal on December 16th but it will only be temporary! We have discussed the safety
issues, and the construction/demolition/remodeling that is taking place and we have
come up with a solution we think will work. I pray that we will be able to start handing
out lunches again by mid-January. We really could use some extra volunteers and I will
keep y'all posted about the opening date. To try and help those in need during this time
of transition, we will be handing out information about the other places in town that
provide meals, clothing, etc.
The weight that his been on my shoulders and in my heart is finally receding. I wish
that I could tell you that I have handled this well but I haven't. I have been the biggest
cry baby. I know that Jim is glad the tears have stopped flowing. I've always been a
fighter, standing up for what I believe in, but I almost gave up on this important
ministry. I prayed and prayed. I felt so conflicted. I didn't know if we should just
give up or if we needed to figure out another way. I was tired and I wanted to just
let go. Have you ever heard the expression (this is not an exact, but close enough)
 "When you are down to nothing, God is up to something"? Well it's true!
 I was handing out lunches one day this week when I looked up and saw one of our
 regulars walk through the door. He was carrying his bed roll on his back. He is always
so thankful and very nice. When I saw him walk through the door on this particular day,
God touched my heart with this image;
this man is today's Lazarus. This sweet, homeless man and the people we serve are our
Lazarus of today. Get your bible and read Luke 16:19-31. I could see so clearly what
God was showing me. The picture so vivid and I was racked with guilt, and with shame
because I thought about giving up instead of trying to find another solution. I went to
confession that afternoon. I knew that I needed a clean slate so that I could continue
to be the warrior that God has called me to be. Some people probably think of me more
as a pain in the you know what, but I'm going with warrior!
On page twenty-five of the Magnificat, right below the word Mass, this is what it says:
Thursday of the First Week of Advent
Advent is the time to rebuild our house - "solidly on rock." For the Lord is an eternal
Rock." Amidst the relentless flooding and buffeting of life, the Father sets up "ramparts
to protect us" - the arms of His Son. Advent urges us to "trust in the Lord forever!"
Our "firm purpose" is to surrender ourselves to Jesus Christ. He will keep us in peace.
How appropriate - God is always talking to us. We just need to listen!
I love the following hymn written by Jesse Manibusan
Title - Open My Eyes
Verse 2 -
Open my ears, Lord. Help me to hear your voice. Open my ears, Lord.
Help me to hear.
Refrain -
And the first shall be last, and our eyes are opened and we'll hear like never before.
And we'll speak in new ways, and we'll see God's face in places we've never known.
Dear God, please help me to see Your face in everyone I meet. Please give me strength
and please help me hear Your voice so that I may listen to Your words and not the
words of the world. Amen.
Blessings to you and yours - Go out and be a light in the darkness! - Be a warrior for
truth, for the Lazarus of today!
                                                         Bye for now, Sharla