Friday, May 27, 2016


Good Morning Out There! The sky is blue and the sun is shining. Yesterday afternoon
we were blessed with rain, and the sky lit up with lightening and the wind blew and
blew. Just as quickly as the storm had come, it was gone, and part of the sky was bright
blue and the other part was dark with rain clouds traveling on to another town.
Nature is amazing. The sunset last night was so beautiful, God is the greatest artist of all!
Take the time to watch the sun rise and/or the sun set and look up at the sky
through out the day. I love it when I see the sun's rays shining down through the clouds,
I feel like God is reaching out to us with a warm hug with those sun rays. If  I'm outside,
I'll raise my arms upward to Him, thanking Him for everything.
Life is such a miracle and I'm going to share some very interesting information about
what happens from conception to birth:
The gestational stages of a baby as he or she grow in their mother's womb is amazing.
Did you know that at the moment of conception a new and unique individual
is formed. All of the inherited features of the new person are already set-whether it's
a boy or a girl, the color of the eyes, the color of the hair, the dimples of the cheeks and
the cleft of the chin. He or she is smaller than a grain of sugar.
Day 1: Fertilization The sperm joins with the egg to form one cell. This single cell
contains the complex genetic makeup for every detail of a new human being. The child's
sex, hair and eye color, height skin tone, etc.
After fertilization, nothing new is added but oxygen, nutrition, and time.
1st Month (1-4 Weeks) Did you know that a developing baby's heart begins to beat at just
21 days, some say as early as 18 days? Whether it is at 18 days or 21 days, isn't that
amazing. The foundations of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system are laid.
2nd Month (5-8 Weeks)
The baby's growth continues rapidly. The eyes, ears, nose, jaw, and neck form. Tiny
buds become arms, legs, fingers, and toes. The intestines grow, the heart develops
separate chambers, and the liver and spleen take over production of blood cells so that
the yolk sac is no longer needed.
The kidneys begin to function. Fingers and toes are developing.
At seven weeks a baby's chest and abdomen are fully formed.
3rd Month (9-12 Weeks)
The baby now has fingerprints, turns his or her head, and opens and closes their mouth.
The baby bends his or her arms, forms a fist, curls his or her toes. By the twelfth week,
the external genitals are well-formed. The sex of the baby can already be detected with
ultrasound. The baby has fingernails, toenails, tooth buds, and eyelids that open and close.
4th Month (13-16 Weeks)
This little baby is growing, and will be between 8-10 inches in length, and weighs about
one-half pound by the end of the fourth month.
His or her little ears can hear their momma's heartbeat, and external noises.
5th Month (17-20 Weeks)
This little one is growing bigger, and moving a lot. Some babies have been seen sucking
their thumb during a sonogram at the fifth month. At 20 weeks, a baby can be stimulated
as well as irritated by sounds.
Abortions are still legal in most states up to 20 weeks.
6th Month (21-24 Weeks)
A baby's oil and sweat glands are functioning, this little one is growing rapidly and his or
her lungs are becoming more developed. (Abortion is still legal in many states at this
stage of a baby's development)
7th Month (25-28 Weeks) This little baby boy or girl now recognizes his or her mother's
voice. They exercise by stretching and kicking as they grow even bigger. They can use
their senses of hearing, touch, and taste. They can even open their eyes and look around.
If the baby is a boy, a son, this is when his testicles descend from the abdomen into the
scrotum. What a miracle a new life is.
8th Month (29-32 Weeks)
Now the baby's skin will thicken, with a layer of fat stored underneath. This helps with
insulation and provides nourishment. He or she will swallow a gallon of amniotic fluid
per day. The mom will be able to feel an elbow or heel, sometimes a little rear end,
as her son or daughter kicks and  moves in this cramped area. (I remember that my
daughter had the hiccups a lot, it was such a funny and neat feeling. I could feel my son
doing flips in my stomach!)
9th Month (33-36 Weeks)
He or she will gain one half pound per week, and they are getting ready for birth.
The bones in his or her head are soft and flexible to more easily mold and go through
the birth canal. Did you know that ninety percent of our development happens in the

Jim and I ordered two Touch of Life Fetal Models display sets. We are donating these
to the Pro-life Rams at Angelo State University and Raiders Defending Life at Texas
Tech University. These pro-life students work really hard to defend life. These fetal
model display sets will help people see the actual size of babies at 12 weeks gestation
(14 weeks LMP), 16 weeks gestation (18 weeks LMP), 22 weeks gestation (24 weeks
LMP), and 26 weeks gestation (28 weeks LMP). I added a short video clip of me
holding up the fetal models so that y'all can see them. You have to click on the
"View my complete profile" tab right below my picture to see it.
One  more thing........
There was an article in last week's paper about using pain meds for babies that are
20 weeks gestation or more while the abortion is being performed because the baby can
feel pain. Several doctors denied that they feel pain and that the legislation for pain meds
is futile. Please look at the fetal models of the babies at 22 weeks and 26 weeks gestation
and tell me they don't feel pain! I think the baby at 16 weeks feels pain also. I am so tired
of all the lies and the cold heartedness of these abortionists! This is another description of
a baby at 12 weeks (14 LMP) gestation: Fine hair begins to grow on the upper lip and
the baby swallows and responds to skin stimulation. Week 13: The face is prettier and
facial expressions may resemble the parents. Week 15: A wild production of nerve cells
begins and continues for a month.
Week 16: The baby may suck his or her thumb, turn somersaults and has a firm grip.
Week 20: Mom may feel the baby kick, turn or hiccup and may be able to identify
a bulge as an elbow or head. Each side of the brain has a billion nerve cells now.
People have no problem speaking up for Eagle's eggs, dogs, cats, etc. But when it
comes to speaking up for these precious little human beings in their mother's womb,
we should hear the loudest cries, we should act like mama bears.
Here is my cry: I am woman, hear me roar - these babies are gifts from God
and it is time for all abortions to come to an end!
I'm going to close with this scripture verse from the bible:
"Truly you have formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother's womb.
I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works.
My soul also you knew full well;
nor was my frame unknown to you
When I was made in secret,
when I was fashioned in the depths of the earth."
                          Psalm 139:13-15

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Hello Out There! It is a quiet and peaceful Sunday afternoon at the Ynostrosa Hacienda.
Last week our home was the center of activity. Monday evening we had four of our
grandchildren with us. I had a large rump roast with veggies cooking in the oven and a
pot of beans soaking. The older kids played outside and the younger ones stayed inside.
Jim was out in the shop trying to finish up a project. I fed them and bathed them and
then their dad arrived. He was just finishing up a job, he had to work late and his wife,
was at a Catholic Daughter's meeting. After he ate, we loaded up the kids and waved
goodbye. Jim finally finished the project and came inside, it was 9:00 p.m. by the time
we sat down to eat. Our home was quiet once more.
Tuesday morning I picked up one of my dearest friends and we headed to San Antonio
for her doctor's appointment. We talked all the way there, catching up and sharing
news about our children and grandchildren. After her appointment we stopped to eat a
late lunch and then headed back to San Angelo. The clouds were dark and it rained
on and off. We both received calls from our family telling us to be careful, that bad
weather was headed our way. We prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and arrived safely
home without any problems.
Wednesday morning my daughter and youngest granddaughter stopped by for a visit.
She brought her dad some chocolate chip cookie bars, she had made a large batch.
Jim loves cookies! I filled a large bowl with red beans, the ones I had cooked on
Monday night, and sent that with her. They love fresh cooked red beans!
Thursday morning my daughter and youngest granddaughter came back over to help
me clean house! Jim and I were expecting company for the weekend so Jess and I
tag teamed the housework; stripping beds, washing sheets, cleaning bathrooms, etc.
Friday morning I went to the grocery store at 7:30 a.m. and bought groceries for the
weekend. It was great, there was hardly anybody there that early! I bought a small
bouquet of yellow tulips and put them in a vase when I got home. I put away the
groceries and then I took care of two of my granddaughters while my daughter went
to the beauty shop. Friday afternoon our friends from out of town arrived. They had
only been here about 15 minutes when a friend of ours from church stopped by. He
stayed and visited with us for a little while and then went on his way. Our son and
his family stopped by to visit before our oldest grandson's baseball game. We have
been friends with this couple for years, lots of years! They are more like family.
Godparents to two of our children, he was best man at our wedding, my husband is
their son's Godfather (I wasn't in the picture yet) and she took me under her wing
when Jim and I got married! They moved away years ago, but we have always stayed
close. They were in town for a graduation and were going to spend the night at our
home. We went to our grandson's baseball game and they went to the graduation.
When they got back we decided that since it was such a nice evening (10:30 p.m.)
we would sit out on the back porch. We sat out there, a citronella candle burning,
the radio playing oldies, a glass of wine for us, a beer for them, and we talked and
we laughed and we talked and laughed some more! At 1:30 a.m. we came back inside
and called it a night. I made the coffee, set the timer and went to bed. At 8:30 a.m.
Jim told me to get up because everyone was awake. I frowned at him but I did get up.
We had a cup of coffee and then we loaded up in their truck and went out to eat
breakfast. On the way home we stopped by our daughter and son-in-law's home so
that they could visit for a few minutes. After we got back here they packed,
we made plans to get together again soon and waved goodbye.
Then........................Jim and I got back into the truck and went to pick up our grand-
sons because they were going to spend the day with us. The rest of the day;
haircuts, birthday party at the bowling alley, helping Pa outside, dinner, showers,
Despicable Me 2, hugs and lights out (it ended up being a sleep-over) a very, very
tired Nana and Pa went to bed.
This morning we woke up, literally dragged ourselves out of bed, Jim fixed the boys
something to eat and then we headed toward their home (about 45 minutes away).
We usually meet in the middle, but I was moving slow and so our son had to drive a
little farther this time. Hugs, goodbyes and off we drove, separate directions back to
our homes.
Jim and I quietly read the newspaper and then tidied up.
It is quiet right now but it won't last long!
I hope you all have a restful Sunday, a little time to recharge your batteries.
I'm going rest for a few minutes before I get ready for the 6:00 p.m. Mass.
God bless you all.                        Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Hello Out There! I'm listening to the beautiful, soothing sound of rain falling!
I hope you all are having a good week. I have been busy catching up on book work and
laundry! I made a big pot of spicy chicken and dumplings for lunch today. Jim's
working at home right now so I just hollered out the back door, lunch is ready!
Apparently he didn't hear me, with the rain beating down on the shop roof and all,
so I called him on his cell phone. Isn't that crazy? Calling someone on the phone when
they are right outside, oh well, it worked! We've eaten lunch, he's gone back out to the
shop and I decided to sit down and write for awhile.
This morning I looked through my Heritage House catalog. It has all kinds of pro-life
items. Everything you might need for display tables, conferences, 40 days campaigns,
Respect Life Week, etc. you will find in this catalog, or you can shop online.
Their website is:
Their items include things like; pro-life t-shirts, banners, bumper stickers, bulletin
inserts, pamphlets, pins and more! I would love to order one of all their t-shirts!
I think I'm going to order the t-shirt that says, "Pro-Life Chick" and it has a
baby chick on it! Another one of my favorites says,
 "I Am A Voice For The Voiceless." All the t-shirts have really great messages on them.
Today I was looking for a particular item:
Fetal Models - The Touch of Life Set
The description on the box says, "Soft, life-like and exquisite detail" and has information
about the gestation of a baby from conception to birth. There are four fetal models:
a baby at 12 weeks (14 LMP), 16 weeks (18 LMP), 22 weeks (24 LMP), and
26 weeks (28 LMP). I have a set of these fetal models and I set them up on my display
table along with pamphlets during the 40 Days for Life campaign kick-off rallies and
at other pro-life talks I have given.
The children are really drawn to these life-like babies. Teenagers are always amazed
at how they look just like a baby even when they are very small. Each fetal model
looks like how a baby would look at that stage of development. I ordered two sets today.
Jim and I are donating a set to the Pro-Life Rams, a pro-life group of students from
Angelo State University and the other set is for Raiders Defending Life, a pro-life
group of students from Texas Tech University. I went to a pro-life conference that the
Pro-Life Rams sponsored about a month ago and I noticed that they had the small set
of fetal models, 7 weeks - 10 weeks out on display. I told them about the display set
I had and asked them if they would like to have a set of the 12 weeks -26 weeks and
they said, "Yes!" About 10 students representing Raiders Defending Life were at the
conference also. The president of the group is from here and I asked her if they would
like a set. These pro-life students work really hard to defend life and I am thankful
that we are able to provide these fetal model displays for them to use at their events!
Jim says I have to wait and order the t-shirts later, that's ok, I think everyone knows
that I'm a pro-life chick! AND that I try really hard to be a voice for the voiceless!
That makes me think of something else that is kind of funny................
When Jim and I were out of town last weekend I said something about how our white
truck is incognito because there are so many white trucks. Jim replied
that it is kind of hard to be incognito when you have "In God We Trust" in black on
the tail gate, a bumper sticker that says "40 Days for Life - Pray to End Abortion"
and a 91.5 Catholic Radio Station bumper sticker on the rear of the white truck! I
started laughing hard, because what he said was so true! I thought oh my goodness,
I'm talking even when I'm not talking, and that is ok because that's just me!
I hope y'all have a great day!
Go out and be a voice for the voiceless! Pray to end abortion! Hug your kids, hug
your spouse, and thank God, thank Him and thank Him and thank Him!
                                                                 Bye for now, Sharla

Monday, May 16, 2016


Good Morning Out There! So much to say, so much to share! Last week was just
awesome! Fellowship and fun at the Parish Family Picnic on Wednesday evening!
It just warms my heart to see so many families enjoying spending time together!
Throwing Frisbees, playing football, eating together, laughing and talking, there
were so many families at the picnic and I loved being part of it!
We traveled out of town on Thursday, headed to the Houston area to visit our
oldest son and his family. A very special event was happening on Saturday!
We were blessed to see another one of our granddaughters make her
First Holy Communion on Saturday. The Mass was wonderful, the homily really
hit home. It is so important for parents to be good examples for their children, at
home is where the children learn so much about their faith. Praying together, going
to Mass together, putting God first in our families. Grandparents, Godparents and
Catechists also guide and teach our children. Leading by example was what the
homily emphasized. The children were all so reverent when they received
communion, such a beautiful, amazing sacrament. I'm so thankful that we were
able to be there. Spending time with our children and grandchildren is always
great and especially when we are celebrating a very happy and joyful occasion!
On Sunday, we celebrated Pentecost. The Mass back here at our parish home was
a blessing. We were tired from our seven hour journey back home but we knew we
needed to go to Mass. We unpacked, got ready, and headed to church. We were both
so tired, but so glad that we made the effort and attended Mass. This morning we woke
up early and went to the Adoration Chapel for our usual Monday morning time.
If you read my blog posts on a regular basis you will understand the following, if
you don't, go back and read from two weeks ago and this will make sense, I think.

Guess what? We have real Folgers Coffee in our home now, and I got it ready last
night and set the timer! The coffee was ready when we woke up!
Now for the rest of the story!
There were some other really nice things that happened last week and I feel so very
blessed! My cup runneth over!
Two weeks ago I told y'all in one of my blog posts that we had run out of regular
Folgers Coffee and we only had decaf. Anyway, that is not a good situation in our
household and I did go out and buy a large container of coffee that very same day.
Well, last Monday, I went to help at the Sack Lunch Ministry and there was a 30 oz.
container of Folgers Coffee sitting on the counter with a note attached to it. It had
my name on it and it said, "To a great lady that needs her cup of Java early in the
morning. God Bless you and all that you do!" I asked Mrs. Rose who left it for me
and she said it was already there when she arrived. Is that not the neatest thing?
I found out later who left it, one of my sweet prayer warriors who comes to pray
during the 40 Days for Life campaigns. I told her that was so thoughtful and she
just made my day! Well, on Wednesday, at the Family Picnic, one of my students
gave me a gift. (I teach the 4th grade CCD class) She wrote the nicest thank you
note and inside the cute gift basket was a silver cross that says, "Special Teacher"
- one I can hang on the wall. I'm going to hang it up in my office! There was some-
thing else under the tissue paper. It was another container of Folgers Coffee, the
Breakfast Blend kind and it is a 25 oz. container! I laughed, thanked Josie, and looked
for her mother. I gave her a hug too and she replied, "I read your blog!" I told her
about the other container of coffee and we both laughed. That same night, at the
picnic, I received another thank you note. This note was for both Jim and I, it was
from the couple we are helping with their marriage preparation class. The
note was thanking us for dinner and for taking the time to help them during this
special time in their lives. My heart just grew and grew, I felt so blessed and I could
just feel God's love from each one of these special moments of kindness and
friendship. God is so good. I pray that you each receive a special type of blessing
in your lives today and the whole week through.
I wrote a post last May that I want to share again today, or at least part of it.
I hope it makes you smile and I hope you have a wonderful day.

May 12, 2015
Jim has already headed off to work. We are both thankful that he is still working,
and we are praying for those who have been let go. Life is full of ups and downs,
the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. The other day I was listening to the
local Catholic radio station as I was running errands and I heard the neatest thing.
I caught the end of the program, but is was about how to have a happy and long
marriage, you know, the death til you part kind of marriage. A married couple are
the hosts for this particular program and their guest was a priest. He gave one of
the best analogies I've ever heard about how a couple must have God in their lives.
He said that a husband and wife are like two pieces of bread, and if you just place
them together they will fall apart. But, if you put peanut butter on the bread and
then place them together, the two pieces of bread will stick together. God is the
peanut butter that holds the couple together! Don't you just love that? I laughed
and laughed, I couldn't wait to tell Jim. Well, he also thought it was a great way to
describe how we need God in our lives.
This morning I fixed Jim some peanut butter and jelly crackers. While I was in the
kitchen, Jim was in our room getting ready for work. As I put the peanut butter
on the crackers, I thought about what that priest said. I poured a cup of coffee for
Jim and carried it to our room. He was kneeling on our hard floor saying his morning
prayers. I sat the coffee down on the dresser, placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed
the top of his head. An overwhelming feeling came over me. I just felt so blessed that
in our marriage, we have God to help hold us together.
May your day be full of blessings.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Good Morning Out There! It has been a blessing filled week!
I don't have time to share right now but I wanted to re-print a prayer I wrote
about a year ago! I'm praying for you and families all over the world.

I pray that your day is full of blessings. If you are sick, I pray that you will get well.
If you have lost a loved one, I pray that you will be comforted. If you are anxious,
I pray that a feeling of peace will wash over you. If you are lonely, I pray that someone
will reach out to you, I pray that you will know that even though I may not know you,
I really do care. If you are struggling financially, I pray that God will send you what
you need. If you are struggling with addiction, I pray that God will give you strength
and courage to give up whatever is holding you hostage. If you are in a crisis pregnancy,
I pray that you will be directed to the path of life, and guided to all the help that is
available for you and your baby. If you are a caregiver, I pray that you will get the
rest you need, and know that it is ok to take time for yourself.
Dear God, I lift all the intentions I've listed above to you. I pray for anyone and
everyone who might be suffering or going through any of the things I've written
about. Please God, show us how to take care of each other, to love one another and
help us to be discerning in all that we do. Thank you for today, please guide us and
help us to live the way you want us to. Please keep us safe and help us to look to
You, and not the world for direction and answers. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
                                                Blessings and Peace, Sharla

Have a great day!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Good Morning Out There! Last night I opened my Living Faith Daily Catholic
Devotions to Friday, May 6 - I usually read my devotions in the morning but I
didn't yesterday. The title made my sleepy eyes pop open, "Speaking for Justice."
Then I read the scripture:
Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you.
Acts 18:9-10
I said, "Jim, you will not believe what the daily devotion scriptures for today are!"
I felt like the Good Lord was encouraging me to keep on writing, to keep on speaking
up for the babies! Yesterday was one of those days where I was really second
guessing myself. God is so good, He knows me so well.
Just the morning before I woke up at 3:00 a.m. If I wake up during the night I pray for
whatever is really touching my heart. Sometimes I just say, Lord, I don't know who
needs my prayers right now, but You do, so my prayers are for whoever is in need.
The morning I'm telling you about, I knew exactly who I needed to pray for. I just kept
seeing babies in my mind, precious little babies. I immediately started praying for all
the women who were scheduled to have abortions that day. I prayed that someone would
reach out to them and let them know that help is available. I prayed that the fathers of
these babies would have an over whelming sense of love and compassion for their
baby and the baby's mother. I prayed that the abortionists would have a change of heart
and if that didn't work, that they would have a flat tire! I prayed for the babies, I prayed
that their little lives would be spared, I prayed for a conversion of hearts!
I just had to share this with you. Our prayers are needed, please keep on praying
for the unborn, their families, and for families all over the world!
The scripture for this morning is:
Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.
 John 16:24
I'm going to share the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with you again!
God Bless You All!
First Joyful MysteryThe Annunciation
Luke 1:28
And when the angel had come to her, he said, "Hail, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women."
(When we pray the pro-life rosary, we add special intentions after each
Mary is troubled by the angel's greeting, yet rejoices to do God's will.
Let us pray that those who are troubled by their pregnancy may have
the grace to trust in God's will.
Second Joyful Mystery
The Visitation
Luke 1:41-42
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice:
"Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb."
John the Baptist leapt for joy in his mother's womb. We pray that people
may realize that abortion is not about children who "might" come into
the world, but is about children who are already in the world, living and
growing in the womb, and are scheduled to be killed.
Third Joyful Mystery
The Birth Of Jesus
Luke 2:7
She gave birth to her first-born Son and wrapped Him in swaddling
clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them
in the place where travelers lodged.
God Himself was born as a child. The greatness of a person does not depend
on size, for the newborn King is very small. Let us pray for an end to prejudice
against the tiny babies threatened by abortion.
Fourth Joyful Mystery
The Presentation
Luke 2:22-23
When the day came to purify them according to the law of Moses,
the couple brought Him up to Jerusalem so that He could be presented
to the Lord, for it is written in the law of the  Lord, "Every first-born male
shall be consecrated to the Lord."
The Child is presented in the Temple because the Child belongs to God.
Children are not the property of their parents, nor of the government.
They -and we- belong to God Himself.
Fifth Joyful Mystery
Finding The Child Jesus in The Temple
Luke 2:46
On the third day they came upon Him in the temple sitting in the midst
of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
The boy Jesus was filled with wisdom, because He is God. Let us pray that
all people may see the wisdom of His teachings about the dignity of life,
and may understand that this teaching is not an opinion, but the truth.
After each intention, we pray one "Our Father", "Ten Hail Marys",
one "Glory be to the Father",  and one "O My Jesus" prayer.
For the Pro-Life Rosary we add
"Jesus, protect and save the unborn"
at the end, before starting the next mystery.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
                                                             Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Good Morning Out There! I have so much to say but I need to get my thoughts together!
I am going to share the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with you because that is such
a great way to start the day! After I get my thoughts all together (it may take a little while,
and some more coffee) I'll write another post. Until then, I pray your day is full of many
blessings! The following includes how to pray the rosary if you want to and you're not
sure how! The prayers, scriptures and intentions are all moving and beautiful, like a song
for your heart.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen
I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
The First Luminous Mystery:
Baptism Of Jesus
And when Jesus was baptized,...the heavens were opened and He saw the
Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on Him, and lo,
 a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son," with whom
I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17)
All are called to become adopted sons and daughters of God
through baptism. We pray that children in the womb may be protected,
so that they may be born and welcomed into the Christian community
by baptism.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)

The Second Luminous Mystery:
Wedding At Cana
His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever He tells you."...
Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water."
 And they filled them up to the brim. (John 2:5-7)
 Let us pray for strong marriages,
rooted in the Lord, and open to the gift of new life.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)

The Third Luminous Mystery:
Proclaiming The Kingdom
"And preach as you go, saying "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
You received without pay, give without pay."
(Matthew 10:7-8)
Let us pray that these first words of Jesus' public ministry may be
heard by all. May they know that the Lord calls them to conversion,
and may they experience life-giving repentance.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)

The Fourth Luminous Mystery:
And as He was praying, the appearance of His countenance was altered
and His raiment became dazzling white. And a voice came out of the cloud
saying, "This is My Son, My chosen; listen to Him!" (Luke 9:29,35)
May the eyes of all people be transformed, that they may see each
and every human life  as a reflection of the glory of God Himself.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)

The Fifth Luminous Mystery:
Institution Of The Eucharist
And He took bread, and when He had given thanks He broke it and
gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you.".......
And likewise the cup after supper, saying, "This cup which is poured
out for you is the new covenant in My blood."
(Luke 22:19-20)
Let us pray that parents who sacrifice the babies for the sake of
themselves may learn instead to put themselves aside for the sake
of their babies.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)

The following is something I've written in an earlier blog post but I want
to share it again in case you just started reading my blog. I write from my
heart and I pray that my words touch your heart.

Praying the Rosary of the Unborn has been a life altering experience for me.
I've always been  pro-life, but ever since I began praying the Rosary of the
Unborn, my heart has been touched in a way that made me realize just saying,
"I'm Pro-Life" isn't enough.
The scripture from the Wedding at Cana, where Mother Mary says to the
servants, "Do whatever He tells you." I now take that to heart, and I know in
my heart that He is telling  me to speak up for the unborn.
The scripture from the Transfiguration, God says "This is My Son,
 My chosen;  listen to Him!" After much prayer, I started my blog.
This blog is my way of speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I also love to post about my faith and this is a way I can share my faith
with you.
 These are the prayers we pray following each intention:
The Our Father - Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. Amen.
The Hail Mary - Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed
art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
death. Amen.
The Glory Be - All Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
O My Jesus - O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need of
Thy Mercy. 
Jesus, protect and save the unborn.
(Or as my husband says,"Jesus, save and protect the unborn.")
 I hope these beautiful scriptures, intentions and prayers bless your life the
way you need them to. God is always listening, keep praying!
                                                       Bye for now, Sharla

Monday, May 2, 2016


Good Morning and Hello Out There! We are out of regular Folgers Coffee! If you have
read very many of my blog posts, you know that this is not a good thing! We do have
some decaf, and I drank that, but I will be going out to buy a grande container of my
regular coffee today! I will post a link from Catholic 365 that has a story I wrote about
how Jim and I started drinking coffee and then you will get the whole picture! 
I have to go and run errands, like a bazillion of them, ugh! That is really not something
to complain about, I am thankful for a new day! I pray that God guides me to  where I
need to be as I run my errands, a smile here, a hug there, maybe a listening ear!
Example: Friday night Jim and I were on our way to watch our oldest grandson
play baseball. All of a sudden I see a man I recognize from the Sack Lunch Ministry,
and I whip a U-turn (Jim says, "Sharla, what are you doing?) I ask Jim to hand me some
crackers, a Gatorade and a bottle of water from the back seat so that I can give it to
that man sitting on the park bench. I pull over and park, walk over to the man and
say hello, I know you from the Sack Lunch Ministry, he smiles and asks if I want to
sit down. I explain that I don't have time but I thought he might like something to drink
and a snack. He thanks me and waves at my husband. I jump back in the truck and
we make it to the game just in time! Opportunities are everywhere, just open your
heart to what God is calling you to do!
I just wanted to say hello and that I hope you all have a wonderful, super-great,
blessing filled day!
                                                                         Bye for now,