Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Good Morning Out There! Today is the Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas!'s my birthday! I love that my birthday falls on this special day! I am
thankful for another year of life! Some people make resolutions or plans for their life
on New Year's Day. Now that I'm older, I usually do that on my birthday. I try to reflect
back on the previous year and think of some things that I need to add or change to my
daily life. Right now at this moment, I'm just thankful! I'm drinking a cup of hot coffee
and reading from my daily devotionals.

I want to share something from the Magnificat (a monthly Catholic book with
the readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and Responsorial
Psalms that will be proclaimed at daily Mass). The booklet also includes;
morning prayers, a hymn from the scriptures, evening prayers, a meditation
for the day, and a short story about the lives of certain Saints.
The following is from the readings for today in the Magnificat:

Canticle of Judith 16:1, 13-15
1)"Strike up the instruments,
 a song to my God with timbrels, chant to the Lord with cymbals;
Sing to him a new song, exalt and acclaim his name.
13-15)"A new hymn I will sing to my God.
O Lord, great are you and glorious, wonderful in power and unsurpassable.
Let your every creature serve you; for you spoke, and they were made,
You sent forth your spirit, and they were created; no one can resist your word."
The mountains to their bases, and the seas, as shaken;
the rocks, like wax, melt before your glance."
"But to those who fear you,
you are very merciful.

 1 Samuel 12:2
As for  me, I am old and gray. I have lived with you from my youth to the
present day.

Anna had grown old in faith and hope, but when she saw the Child of God's
promise brought to the temple, she sang in her heart a new song of praise
and thanksgiving. One is never too old to be surprised by joy.

This was the first scripture reading for today in my Magnificat. It was also the first
reading last year on my birthday. It's almost like a gift just for me, to read these
beautiful words on my birthday. I am growing older and grayer (or I would be
grayer if I didn't go to the beauty shop and get my hair colored)! But I am a
joyful woman, I have so much love in my heart. I really relate to the last line:
"she sang in her heart a new song of praise and thanksgiving. One is never too
old to be surprised by joy." I pray that God will always help me to see the beauty
in this world, to always be joyful and to be a light for all those around me.

                                              Prayer for the Morning
                                           To Christ our newborn king
                                   let us sing a song of rejoicing, alleluia!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! May God bless you abundantly!
                           Rejoice in the Lord always!
                                                   Bye for now, Sharla

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