Thursday, December 31, 2015


Hello Out There! Today we will close out another year! I pray that 2016 will be a year
of love, peace and joy for all of you! I pray that you and your families will be blessed!
Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve and a wonderful New Year!

My New Year's resolutions are:
Each morning as I wake I will pray and ask God to guide each step that I take.
Be kind and loving, treat others well.
Speak up for the babies, the precious unborn.
Pray for families, moms and dads to nurture their children and love them more.
Pray for the children that they will grow to love the Lord and follow His road.
Pray for God's mercy and pray for His world.


Bye until 2016, Sharla

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Good Morning Out There! Today is the Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas!'s my birthday! I love that my birthday falls on this special day! I am
thankful for another year of life! Some people make resolutions or plans for their life
on New Year's Day. Now that I'm older, I usually do that on my birthday. I try to reflect
back on the previous year and think of some things that I need to add or change to my
daily life. Right now at this moment, I'm just thankful! I'm drinking a cup of hot coffee
and reading from my daily devotionals.

I want to share something from the Magnificat (a monthly Catholic book with
the readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and Responsorial
Psalms that will be proclaimed at daily Mass). The booklet also includes;
morning prayers, a hymn from the scriptures, evening prayers, a meditation
for the day, and a short story about the lives of certain Saints.
The following is from the readings for today in the Magnificat:

Canticle of Judith 16:1, 13-15
1)"Strike up the instruments,
 a song to my God with timbrels, chant to the Lord with cymbals;
Sing to him a new song, exalt and acclaim his name.
13-15)"A new hymn I will sing to my God.
O Lord, great are you and glorious, wonderful in power and unsurpassable.
Let your every creature serve you; for you spoke, and they were made,
You sent forth your spirit, and they were created; no one can resist your word."
The mountains to their bases, and the seas, as shaken;
the rocks, like wax, melt before your glance."
"But to those who fear you,
you are very merciful.

 1 Samuel 12:2
As for  me, I am old and gray. I have lived with you from my youth to the
present day.

Anna had grown old in faith and hope, but when she saw the Child of God's
promise brought to the temple, she sang in her heart a new song of praise
and thanksgiving. One is never too old to be surprised by joy.

This was the first scripture reading for today in my Magnificat. It was also the first
reading last year on my birthday. It's almost like a gift just for me, to read these
beautiful words on my birthday. I am growing older and grayer (or I would be
grayer if I didn't go to the beauty shop and get my hair colored)! But I am a
joyful woman, I have so much love in my heart. I really relate to the last line:
"she sang in her heart a new song of praise and thanksgiving. One is never too
old to be surprised by joy." I pray that God will always help me to see the beauty
in this world, to always be joyful and to be a light for all those around me.

                                              Prayer for the Morning
                                           To Christ our newborn king
                                   let us sing a song of rejoicing, alleluia!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! May God bless you abundantly!
                           Rejoice in the Lord always!
                                                   Bye for now, Sharla

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Hello Out There! The 3rd Day of Christmas and ice is raining down! I thought it was
raining really hard and I looked outside and saw that the ground was being covered
in ice! I am thankful to be inside my warm home and I pray for those who are seeking
shelter. My husband is actually out in this weather because he wanted to go and buy
some cotton gloves for me to hand out at the Sack Lunch Ministry tomorrow. When he
left it was just misting outside and he called a minute ago and said that he already hit
a slick spot and to call the kids and tell them all to stay home. It is amazing how quickly
the weather can change. It looks like a winter wonderland right now. I will be glad
when Jim gets back home. I hope you are all having a joyful Christmas Season.
I wanted to share something that happened last week at the Sack Lunch Ministry.
Another parish brought all kinds of warm clothing to hand out, even some nice winter
boots. I wish you could see how the people's eyes light up when we have extra things
for them. We also handed out some more bags filled with hygiene items. Two of my
granddaughters were with me last Monday and they decorated sacks and the older one
helped hand out the sacks. A young man came in and I called him by name. I haven't
seen him in a while and he looked surprised and said "You remembered my name." I
smiled at him and replied that yes, I did and asked him how he was doing. My younger
granddaughter, who is 3 1/2 was coloring and I didn't realize that she was listening.
A lady came in and after she got her lunch she was looking through the clothes. My
granddaughter asked me what her name was, and I told her I didn't know. She looked
at me and said, "Go and ask her," I looked down at her and she said, "I want to know
her name." I went over to the lady and smiled at her and told her that my granddaughter
wanted to know what her name was, I told her my name, she smiled back and told
me her name and waved at my granddaughter. I told my little one the lady's name and
she repeated it. I realized something that day, how just knowing someone's name
can mean so much to them. As young as my granddaughter is, she seemed to realize
that. I like to take my grandchildren with me to help out when they can. I think it helps
them understand when we tell them to be grateful and thankful for all that they have.
I think it also teaches them compassion and why we should always do what we are able
to for others. Jim is back home, safe and sound, thanks be to God! I pray that you are
all blessed immensely during this beautiful Christmas Season! There are still 9 Days of
Christmas left, there is still time to bake cookies, send cards, make a phone call, or
stop by and see an old friend!
                            Rejoice in the Lord, always, again I say, Rejoice!
                                                                  Bye for now, Sharla

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hello Out There! Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. She is all grown-up now,
married with three beautiful daughters of her own. Last night Jim and I babysat the
girls while my daughter and her husband went out to eat. Their youngest daughter is
our youngest grandchild, our little number 10! They were only gone for about an
hour and a half, but at least they were able to eat their meal while it was still hot! I
remember those days, a mom's work is never done, and more times than not, your meal
has cooled by the time you get to sit down and eat! Watching my daughter take care
of her family, her devotion to them, brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart
swell with pride. Even though we have 8 granddaughters, we love so very much,
our daughter will always be our "Baby Girl" no matter what!
I know that I have said this before, but I will say it again, I love being a mom!
December is such a special month, and I am so thankful for my husband, children
and grandchildren! I still have so much to do before Christmas Eve, but I keep
reminding myself that Christmas is a season, not just one day. The twelve days of
Christmas begin on Christmas Day and go through the Epiphany. I've decided that
instead of stressing out, I'm going to truly celebrate the whole season! My neighbors
may get baked goods on the 2nd day of Christmas, and my Christmas cards may get 
mailed out on Christmas Eve and arrive on the 3rd day of Christmas! My plan is to
spread Christmas cheer not just during the season but throughout the whole entire year! 
So if you're like me, a little behind, take a deep breath, write out a list, make yourself
a cup of hot cocoa, and just sit for a minute and be blessed. Be blessed with the true
beauty of what Christmas means, the true gift is love, and it can't be bought! Spend
time with your loved ones, have a special family night. Take a treat to someone who
lives all alone. Call a distant relative, just hearing your voice will be such a gift. Pray
with your kids and hug them tight! Tell your spouse you love them and kiss their cheek!
Remember to thank God for giving us His Son. Wow! Thank you, God, for giving
us Your Son! Amen.
                                  Blessings to you and yours!        Bye for now, Sharla

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Hello Out There! A quick post before I call it a night. Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent.
We had all of our children, two sons and one daughter, their spouses, two daughter-in-laws
and one son-in-law, and all ten of our grandchildren with us this weekend! What a huge
blessing to be able to spend time all together! We had so much fun, we laughed and played
a crazy white elephant sock exchange game, 18 of us in our living room. We've lived in
this house, our home, for over 24 years. The guys barbecued and the bigger kids played
outside. We had all kinds of snack foods and the little ones played inside. I bought one of
those children's Nativity Scenes (Ages 1-5), and they all loved it. I placed it on their little table
in the living room and someone was always moving the figures the way they thought
looked best! I took a ton of pictures and got lots of hugs and kisses!
We went to the 6:00 p.m. Mass this evening and it was wonderful, the Cathedral was packed!
Jim and I have to get up really early because tomorrow is our day to spend an hour at
the Adoration Chapel so I will have to close for now.
The evening prayer in my Magnificat is:
                               Jesus Christ has opened the gates of heaven:
                                   come, let us adore him!

I pray that you have a wonderful week, and that we all slow down and enjoy this
beautiful time of year.

                          JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!

                                                                           Bye for now,

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hello Out There! I need to add another story to my post from this morning, you know, like
those promotional commercials, BUT WAIT! This morning I was in a sentimental, happy
mood. I wrote a post for my blog about my son's birthday and some other stuff. I made
the bed, opened the blinds, turned down the heat, straightened up what needed to be
straightened up and headed out the door. I also drank two cups of coffee while all of the
above was going on and then I chunked a handful of almonds and a few chocolate chips in
one of the kid's Tupperware cups to take with me (one of those personalized, protein
breakfast on the go type of thing)! I drove to Sam's and picked up supplies for the
Sack Lunch Ministry, this was the stock-up kind of day, not the run in and grab some
lunch meat and fruit on the go kind of day. I don't steer those big honkin carts very well
and the cashier had to stop me before I ran into register stand. I smiled kind of sheepishly
and thanked her. I loaded everything up into my pick-up truck and headed to the church.
Parishioners from St. Ambrose Catholic Church volunteered today. I was so happy to
see all of their smiling faces, and really happy that they helped me unload all those
groceries! Once everything was taken care of I dashed off to the YMCA to exercise
for a little bit. Then I dashed home to eat some lunch and as I was headed back out the
door to go and buy groceries for "The Ynostrosa Household" because lately, that has
been on the back burner, the BUT WAIT happened..................
Jim called and said that the clutch had gone out in our son's truck. Yes, the today is
his birthday, son's truck. This was the plan, Jim was leaving work to drive over there
so that our son could take his truck out to a job he was trying to finish up. Jim thought
that once our son's truck wasn't pulling the big honkin trailer, it would shift gears
better and he would just head back to work in that truck, but..................I needed to
keep my phone close by, just in case he needed me to come and get him. I drove to
Academy to pick up some gifts, I said some prayers on the way. I was just finishing
up when my phone rang, it was Jim, and he needed me to come and pick him up.
I paid for my items and drove across town. Jim and our son's truck were in a small
church parking lot. I rolled down the window and said, "What's the plan?" We talked
about some different ideas and decided to try and get the truck a little closer to home.
Jim said that he thought he could drive the truck real slow in 2nd gear and for me to
drive behind him with my hazard lights flashing. We drove like this for all of 2 blocks
and Jim pulled into another parking lot. I thought we were just going to have to
call a tow truck, but no, that was not Jim's idea. He told me to pull in front of the
truck and he would attach a chain from my rear bumper to his front bumper and I
could pull the truck....................I know what you are thinking, and yes, we have done
this before, more times than I care to remember! I rolled down my window, took off
my sunglasses, said some more prayers, and slowly started to drive. We weren't
even out of the parking lot before Jim motioned for me to stop. He parked the truck
and climbed in my truck. He said that it would just be better if he waited for our son
to come back when he finished his job and they would pull the truck. I was really
relieved. I drove Jim back to work, and when I started laughing he just looked at me
and shook his head. I said something like, we are getting too old for this, and then he
laughed too. I dropped him off and headed to Wal-Mart to buy
groceries for "The Ynostrosa Household". My basket was over flowing when I
checked out, I loaded all the groceries into my truck and drove home. I received
a call from my son telling me that he had just dropped off the trailer at our house
and he was going to pick up dad and they were going to pull his truck home.  I said
some more prayers, arrived home and unloaded all the groceries. I was getting ready
for church when I heard the guys drive up. I went outside and gave my son a hug and
told him that I was sorry that this happened on his birthday, and he said that was ok,
at least it didn't happen the other day when he was traveling out of town. I smiled,
because I'm glad that he has that (glass is half-full type of attitude)! We told him
to head home, he lives about 45 minutes away, and I knew that his wife had fixed his
favorite dinner and dessert for his birthday. He told me that his sister had just
called and that she was on her way with some goodies she had baked for him. We
told him to go on home, the goodies would still be "good" tomorrow!
Our daughter and granddaughter arrived, they brought in the gift and then my
granddaughter and I drove to the church for the "La Posada" celebration. It was
wonderful, I'm back at home, Jim's asleep and I am drinking a cup of sleepy
time tea and sharing my adventures with y'all! In one of my earlier posts I talked
about my adventures during advent, this one ranks pretty close to the top.............
right below what happened last week.............................Driving my truck right behind
Jim's truck while he pulled the stock trailer because the sheep messed up the wiring
for the lights!             Blessings to you and yours! Goodnight, Sharla


Good Morning Out There! I hope you are having a wonderful week! Today is Wednesday
of the Third Week of Advent. In my Magnificat, the "Prayer for the Morning" is
Love and truth walk in God's presence: come, let us adore him!
I love this time of year. Today is my son's birthday, and next Monday is my daughter's
birthday, and next Friday we celebrate the birth of Jesus! My birthday is at the end of
this month. New life, new beginnings, blessings.... December is a special month!
I woke up this morning and thanked God for a beautiful new day. I looked out the
window and smiled, just so happy to be able to see the beauty of God's creation! I talked
to my son on the phone and wished him a Happy Birthday, and told him that I couldn't
believe he was 32 years old! I still remember the day he was born, it was a Friday
morning and it had snowed during the night. Jim was at my side that morning, holding
my hand. We didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, and I still remember
hearing the words, "It's a boy!"  a son!
When I was a little girl, my dream was to grow up and get married and have children.
I wanted to have a large family and be a stay at home mom. I wanted to bake chocolate
chip cookies for them to eat when they came home from school.
My dream came true, I love being a wife and mother, and a grandmother too!
Being married and having a family is a vocation, and I thank God everyday for blessing
me with my husband, children, and grandchildren. I put my whole heart into taking
care of my family. I love to cook and bake for them. I make sure our home is always
picked up and neat (although it doesn't get dusted as often as it should). I make sure the
fridge and pantry are stocked, thanks be to God we are able to do that.
I'm just feeling a little nostalgic, tears of happiness and a heart full of love.
I pray that all of you who take the time to read my blog posts are blessed during this
special month and every day of your lives.
                                     Blessings to you and yours! Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Good Morning Out There! I haven't written a post in eight days! I have a lot of catching
up to do! I wanted this Advent to be a time of prayer and quiet reflection, decorating our
home and baking, everything done in a peaceful and joyful setting. What was I thinking?
I mean, whose life was I thinking about? It must be one of those Hallmark Christmas movies!
My life is always crazy, busy - in a wonderful, joyful, loud, boisterous and crazy kind of
way! No, there is not much time for peace and quiet reflection, but everything does get done, eventually!
As a matter of fact, I'm fixing to head out the door, but I wanted to at least start writing
about my Advent adventures! I don't think adventures is supposed to be an adjective/adverb
for Advent, but in my life, it fits! I'm going to hit save right now, but I (hope) plan on
finishing this post sometime later on today! Stay tuned....................... Sharla's Advent
preparations for Christmas will return!
Hey y'all, I actually made it back to my computer today! Guess what the morning prayer
in my Magnificat (that I am just now reading at 2:30 p.m.) is:
                                    Arise and greet the Lord with Joy!
I am a joyful person! I do try to thank the Lord for a new day right when I wake up but
sometimes I have to stumble around a little bit, maybe drink a few sips of coffee and then
I am greeting the Lord with Joy!
I really wanted to be able to write a new post each day of Advent, sharing some prayers
and some scriptures. One of the reasons I have been so busy is that I have been in charge
of buying the supplies for the Sack Lunch Ministry we have at our parish. I really like
making sure that we have plenty of supplies, I love helping make the lunches and handing
them out. People from another parish collected money and then went and bought a bunch
of the travel size hygiene items and some goodies and packaged them in large Ziploc bags.
They collected a bunch of coats and caps, scarves and gloves and delivered them to
the cafeteria on Monday. Some of them stayed and helped the people look for the right
size of coats and gloves after they picked up the goodie bags along with their lunches.
Watching those in need excitedly picking out a coat or another cap or some gloves was
such an amazing blessing. I'm just so thankful to be part of this much needed ministry.
Everyday this week people have dropped off individually wrapped goodies, more scarves,
hand crocheted caps and waters. The reason I had to dash out the door this morning was
because I had to go and get more groceries for the sack lunches. I was in a happy mood
as I shopped at the store and loaded up the supplies in my truck. I drove to the church and
some of the ladies helped me unload the supplies and put them away. The volunteers for
today already had the sack lunches ready. We have wonderful, hard working, faithful
volunteers who keep the Sack Lunch Ministry going!
I headed back home and planned what I was going to fix for lunch. My husband and son
like to come home for lunch. I heated up leftover goulash and added some more green
chilies and seasoning to the pan. I heated up tortillas, made lemonade and got the tea
out of the fridge. The guys came home and ate lunch while we talked about what jobs
are lined up for next week. After they went back to work I cleaned up the kitchen and
then sat down to eat.
I was thinking about Advent and the Sack Lunch Ministry and taking care of my big
family and I realized something. If we do all these things with love in our hearts, then
that is part of the preparation of Advent. Jesus wants us to love one another, to take
care of each other.
I am going to try and slow down just a little, take some deep breaths, and carry on.
This is an easy thing to remember: Pray before breakfast, pray before bed. Read from
the Book of Luke, smile at the sales clerks and if you have time, take some baked
goodies to an elderly neighbor or drop by and visit an old friend. Sing songs, bake,
decorate a little each day, drink a cup of hot cocoa. But most important of all..............
Remember -             JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
                                                                                           Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Hello, this is a hard post for me to write. I have been thinking and praying and praying
and thinking about what I want to say. I'm sure that most of you have heard or seen the
news about the shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado. Three innocent people
were shot and killed and nine others were wounded. I'm sure that many others who were
taken hostage and witnessed this horrible killing spree will have nightmares for years to
come. There are many questions that have not been answered and we may never know
the real reasons behind this cruel and senseless tragedy.
I can only imagine how devastated the loved ones of those who lost their lives and those
who have been injured feel. My heart and prayers go out to them.
Being pro-life means that you want to protect all life. The pro-life people that I know and
work with would never condone any type of violent rhetoric. We peacefully pray for the
conversion of hearts, peacefully pray for an end to abortion.
Unfortunately, abortion is a very political and hot button topic. It didn't take long for the
mud to start slinging. I really hoped that for at least a little while, everyone would keep
their comments to themselves, and let the families mourn and the wounded heal.
That didn't happen and it didn't take long for the name calling to start.
The last couple of nights Jim and I have talked about this situation a lot, we have also
prayed about it a lot.
Jim and I are pro-life and being pro-life is truly our way of life. The way we treat others,
the organizations that we support with our time and our money are all things that help
people. Praying for the unborn and their families has become such a part of our daily
lives. Last night I told Jim that I wanted to say something because the innocent
babies are still dying from abortions every day. This tragedy has not stopped the
abortion business and I just can't keep silent. I don't know the reasons why that man
did what he did. But I do know that I have to keep speaking up for those who cannot
speak for themselves.
I woke up several times during the night, I prayed and I asked God to give me the words.
The unborn are innocent victims and I will continue to be their voice.
I don't write about abortion or the innocent babies to make people angry, I write because
I want people to know the truth so that maybe they will reach out to help someone
in a crisis pregnancy. I want people to know the truth so that maybe someone will help
promote adoption for the human babies. I want people to know the truth so that maybe
someone will reach out to help those who are in need of healing because they have had
an abortion. Please continue to pray for the unborn, please pray for their families and
please pray for the people in Colorado.
I heard a lady on one of the television news stations basically say that abortion is legal and
we just need to accept it. Well, it may be legal, but that doesn't make it right. Jim and I will
continue to speak up for the babies and we will pray for them and their families.
Please pray for us and I pray that Advent will be a special time for you and your families.
                                                       Bye for now, Sharla