Good Morning Out There! Another busy day ahead. I am going to post another
copy of The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary for you! I love praying the
rosary and praying the pro-life rosary has really opened my eyes and touched my
heart. May your day be full of blessings!
The following is how we begin the rosary and continue on:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen
I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended into hell;
on the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
The First Luminous Mystery:
Baptism Of Jesus
And when Jesus was baptized,...the heavens were opened and He saw the
Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on Him, and lo,
a voice from heaven, saying,"This is my beloved Son," with whom
I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:16-17)
All are called to become adopted sons and daughters of God
through baptism. We pray that children in the womb may be protected,
so that they may be born and welcomed into the Christian community
by baptism.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)
The Second Luminous Mystery:
Wedding At Cana
His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever He tells you."...
Jesus said to them, "Fill the jars with water."
And they filled them up to the brim. (John 2:5-7)
Let us pray for strong marriages,
rooted in the Lord, and open to the gift of new life.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)
The Third Luminous Mystery:
Proclaiming The Kingdom
"And preach as you go, saying "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
You received without pay, give without pay."
(Matthew 10:7-8)
Let us pray that these first words of Jesus' public ministry may be
heard by all. May they know that the Lord calls them to conversion,
and may they experience life-giving repentance.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)
The Fourth Luminous Mystery:
And as He was praying, the appearance of His countenance was altered
and His raiment became dazzling white. And a voice came out of the cloud
saying, "This is My Son, My chosen; listen to Him!" (Luke 9:29,35)
May the eyes of all people be transformed, that they may see each
and every human life as a reflection of the glory of God Himself.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)
The Fifth Luminous Mystery:
Institution Of The Eucharist
And He took bread, and when He had given thanks He broke it and
gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you.".......
And likewise the cup after supper, saying, "This cup which is poured
out for you is the new covenant in My blood."
(Luke 22:19-20)
Let us pray that parents who sacrifice the babies for the sake of
themselves may learn instead to put themselves aside for the sake
of their babies.
Pray (1) Our Father, (10) Hail Mary's, (1) Glory Be, (1) O My Jesus,
and then pray, Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn (See prayers below)
Praying the Rosary of the Unborn has been a life altering experience for me.
I've always been pro-life, but ever since I began praying the Rosary of the
Unborn, my heart has been touched in a way that made me realize just saying,
"I'm Pro-Life" isn't enough.
The scripture from the Wedding at Cana, where Mother Mary says to the
servants, "Do whatever He tells you." I now take that to heart, and I know in
my heart that He is telling me to speak up for the unborn.
The scripture from the Transfiguration, God says "This is My Son,
My chosen; listen to Him!" After much prayer, I started my blog.
This blog is my way of speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.
These are the prayers we pray following each intention:
The Our Father - Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy
Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. Amen.
The Hail Mary - Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed
art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
death. Amen.
The Glory Be - All Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen.
O My Jesus - O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need of
Thy Mercy.
Jesus, protect and save the unborn.
I hope these beautiful scriptures, intentions and prayers bless your life the
way you need them to. God is always listening, keep praying!
Bye for now, Sharla
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Good Morning Out There! I woke up with such a strong feeling in my heart to pray
for the babies. I don't have time to write a new post today but I want to share one that
I wrote back in August. Please keep praying for families everywhere! God bless you all!
Hello Out There! I just wanted to take a minute to share the Glorious Mysteries
of the rosary with you. The intention that follows the scripture is said with
the Pro-Life Rosary. Beautiful prayers, scriptures and intentions. We pray the
Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays and Sundays.
I keep hearing about how there is a war on women, the real war is against the
unborn, the babies are the ones who are killed in this holocaust called "choice."
Please pray for babies born and unborn, please pray that they will be loved,
nurtured and protected. Please pray for families everywhere.
As Catholics, we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary on Wednesdays.
When we pray the Rosary for the Unborn, we add special intentions after the mystery
and the scripture verse.
The First Glorious Mystery
The Resurrection
"You need not be amazed! You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the one
who was crucified. He has been raised up; He is not here. See the place
where they laid Him." (Mark 16:6)
Christ is Risen! By His Resurrection, He has destroyed the power of death,
and therefore the power of abortion. The outcome of the battle for Life has
already been decided: Life is victorious! Let us pray that all pro-lifers will
spread this victory to every segment of our society.
The Second Glorious Mystery
The Ascension
Then, after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into Heaven and
took His seat at God's right hand. (Mark 16:19)
By ascending to the Father's throne, Christ takes our human nature, given to
us in the womb, to the heights of heaven. He shows us that human beings are
made to be raised to heaven, not thrown in the garbage. Let us pray that the
world may learn this truth and reject abortion.
The Third Glorious Mystery
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign
tongues and make bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. (Acts 2:4)
The Holy spirit is the Advocate: He pleads our cause, for we cannot save
ourselves. We pray that He will make us advocates for the babies, who
cannot speak or write or vote or protest or even pray.
The Fourth Glorious Mystery
The Assumption
You are the glory of are the splendid boast of our people...God is
pleased with what you have wrought. May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty
forever and ever. (Judith 15:9-10)
The Blessed Virgin Mary was taken body and soul into heaven because she
is the Mother of God. Mother and child are united. The Assumption reminds
us that they belong together. We pray that society will see that it cannot love
women while killing their children, and cannot save children without helping
their mothers. We pray that people will be touched by the pro-life question,
"Why can't we love them both?"
The Fifth Glorious Mystery
The Coronation
A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon
under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. (Revelation 12:1)
Mary is the Queen of the Universe. She is the greatest creature, second only to
God Himself. The church defends the dignity of women. We pray that
people will understand that to be pro-life means to be pro-woman, and that
to be pro-woman demands that we be pro-life.
Jesus, Protect and Save The Unborn Babies!
for the babies. I don't have time to write a new post today but I want to share one that
I wrote back in August. Please keep praying for families everywhere! God bless you all!
Hello Out There! I just wanted to take a minute to share the Glorious Mysteries
of the rosary with you. The intention that follows the scripture is said with
the Pro-Life Rosary. Beautiful prayers, scriptures and intentions. We pray the
Glorious Mysteries on Wednesdays and Sundays.
I keep hearing about how there is a war on women, the real war is against the
unborn, the babies are the ones who are killed in this holocaust called "choice."
Please pray for babies born and unborn, please pray that they will be loved,
nurtured and protected. Please pray for families everywhere.
As Catholics, we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary on Wednesdays.
When we pray the Rosary for the Unborn, we add special intentions after the mystery
and the scripture verse.
The First Glorious Mystery
The Resurrection
"You need not be amazed! You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the one
who was crucified. He has been raised up; He is not here. See the place
where they laid Him." (Mark 16:6)
Christ is Risen! By His Resurrection, He has destroyed the power of death,
and therefore the power of abortion. The outcome of the battle for Life has
already been decided: Life is victorious! Let us pray that all pro-lifers will
spread this victory to every segment of our society.
The Second Glorious Mystery
The Ascension
Then, after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into Heaven and
took His seat at God's right hand. (Mark 16:19)
By ascending to the Father's throne, Christ takes our human nature, given to
us in the womb, to the heights of heaven. He shows us that human beings are
made to be raised to heaven, not thrown in the garbage. Let us pray that the
world may learn this truth and reject abortion.
The Third Glorious Mystery
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign
tongues and make bold proclamation as the Spirit prompted them. (Acts 2:4)
The Holy spirit is the Advocate: He pleads our cause, for we cannot save
ourselves. We pray that He will make us advocates for the babies, who
cannot speak or write or vote or protest or even pray.
The Fourth Glorious Mystery
The Assumption
You are the glory of are the splendid boast of our people...God is
pleased with what you have wrought. May you be blessed by the Lord Almighty
forever and ever. (Judith 15:9-10)
The Blessed Virgin Mary was taken body and soul into heaven because she
is the Mother of God. Mother and child are united. The Assumption reminds
us that they belong together. We pray that society will see that it cannot love
women while killing their children, and cannot save children without helping
their mothers. We pray that people will be touched by the pro-life question,
"Why can't we love them both?"
The Fifth Glorious Mystery
The Coronation
A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon
under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. (Revelation 12:1)
Mary is the Queen of the Universe. She is the greatest creature, second only to
God Himself. The church defends the dignity of women. We pray that
people will understand that to be pro-life means to be pro-woman, and that
to be pro-woman demands that we be pro-life.
Jesus, Protect and Save The Unborn Babies!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Good Morning Out There! It is beautiful outside! The sun is shining and there is
a cool breeze in the air, I love the weather in the fall! I only have time for a quick
post, but I just have to share this with y'all before I head out the door to the court-
yard! I posted a picture to go with this story. (The story is from Monday and Tuesday)
A couple of years ago Jim and I visited some of the Painted Churches east of San Antonio.
This picture was taken in Praha, (Flatonia) at St. Mary's -
The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic church. The grotto outside was
beautiful. I love this picture of my husband, Jim reaching up and holding our
Blessed Mother's hands. He really sees things in a better light than I do most of the time.
Here is a current example: Monday night Jim tells me that he has felt a tug at his heart
to pray for Cecile Richards (CEO of Planned Parenthood), to pray that her heart be softened.
He tells me to ask the people praying in the courtyard to pray for her. I think that this is a
great idea, so I spread the word to please pray for a conversion of heart for her.
Everyone is on board, one of my sweet friends said that of course we should pray for her,
not one person was negative. Now here is the rest of the story and probably why I need
to go to confession Wednesday afternoon! A couple of hours ago (Tues. evening)
Jim and I were visiting and I told him that I asked everyone to pray for Cecile Richards
and then I told him my prayer (this is where going to confession comes in). I told him
that I prayed that she would have a dream where she stands in heaven and all the babies
that have been killed from abortion flash before her and that she sees the flames of hell
below her and that God tells her that she must change to enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
and that the dream would truly scare the hell right out of her! Jim looked kind of shocked
and said, I was just talking about praying for a conversion of heart, but I guess if that is
what it takes! Anyway, my prayer was probably not appropriate, but I just want her to
realize how horrible abortion is and so you know, I will be in confession on Wednesday
telling our priest how praying for that was not nice and that we should just pray that
her eyes be opened and her heart be touched!
Dear God, thank you for my husband who is such a good and devout man who truly
cares for every one and is always praying for every one. Please help me to have a more
open heart. Amen.
Please do pray for everyone to realize the true horror and death that abortion brings.
Please pray for all who work in the abortion business to have a change of heart.
A baby's heart starts beating just 18 days after conception, isn't that amazing?
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Blessings, Sharla
a cool breeze in the air, I love the weather in the fall! I only have time for a quick
post, but I just have to share this with y'all before I head out the door to the court-
yard! I posted a picture to go with this story. (The story is from Monday and Tuesday)
A couple of years ago Jim and I visited some of the Painted Churches east of San Antonio.
This picture was taken in Praha, (Flatonia) at St. Mary's -
The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic church. The grotto outside was
beautiful. I love this picture of my husband, Jim reaching up and holding our
Blessed Mother's hands. He really sees things in a better light than I do most of the time.
Here is a current example: Monday night Jim tells me that he has felt a tug at his heart
to pray for Cecile Richards (CEO of Planned Parenthood), to pray that her heart be softened.
He tells me to ask the people praying in the courtyard to pray for her. I think that this is a
great idea, so I spread the word to please pray for a conversion of heart for her.
Everyone is on board, one of my sweet friends said that of course we should pray for her,
not one person was negative. Now here is the rest of the story and probably why I need
to go to confession Wednesday afternoon! A couple of hours ago (Tues. evening)
Jim and I were visiting and I told him that I asked everyone to pray for Cecile Richards
and then I told him my prayer (this is where going to confession comes in). I told him
that I prayed that she would have a dream where she stands in heaven and all the babies
that have been killed from abortion flash before her and that she sees the flames of hell
below her and that God tells her that she must change to enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
and that the dream would truly scare the hell right out of her! Jim looked kind of shocked
and said, I was just talking about praying for a conversion of heart, but I guess if that is
what it takes! Anyway, my prayer was probably not appropriate, but I just want her to
realize how horrible abortion is and so you know, I will be in confession on Wednesday
telling our priest how praying for that was not nice and that we should just pray that
her eyes be opened and her heart be touched!
Dear God, thank you for my husband who is such a good and devout man who truly
cares for every one and is always praying for every one. Please help me to have a more
open heart. Amen.
Please do pray for everyone to realize the true horror and death that abortion brings.
Please pray for all who work in the abortion business to have a change of heart.
A baby's heart starts beating just 18 days after conception, isn't that amazing?
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Blessings, Sharla
Friday, October 9, 2015
Good Morning Out There! It rained yesterday afternoon and last night, I'm always
thankful for the rain! It is nice and cool this morning, overcast and looks like we
may receive some more showers. That is enough about the weather forecast, I don't
have much time so I have to move on to the next item!
It has been a wonderful week in the courtyard! Beautiful weather, awesome people,
super-great kids, sidewalk chalk drawings and messages that will grab your heart and
bring tears to your eyes! Praying for an end to abortion, praying for the babies, born and
unborn. Praying for the mothers, praying for the fathers, and just praying for families
everywhere. I have to share this one story with you. There is a mom who brings her
children with her to pray. Her daughter is nine and her son is pre-school age. They pray
the pro-life rosary and the children draw with the sidewalk chalk. I wasn't in the court-
yard during the time they stopped by to pray, but I knew that they had been there without
even looking at the sign-in sheet. I saw a chalk drawn picture of a lady with a tear on
her cheek and the message said, "Abortion hurts the mothers too." The other
picture was of Spider Man, and the message said,
"Spider Man will adopt the babies." I smiled, kind of a sad smile, because it hurt
my heart that these beautiful children truly see the ugly truth about abortion. Their
sweet little hearts know the truth.
When I see the young mothers out there praying with their little ones, sometimes
pushing them in a stroller around and around the courtyard as they pray, I smile and
I thank God. When I see the teenagers out their praying, I smile and I thank God.
When I see people my age and older in the courtyard praying, I smile and I thank God.
When I hear the laughter of little ones playing in the courtyard, I smile and I thank God.
Last night I went to the Pregnancy Help Center Dinner/Banquet. I'm a table host and the
yearly fund-raising event is always enjoyable. The Pregnancy Help Center does
exactly what their name says, it helps young ladies and women. They provide free
pregnancy tests, free sonograms, parenting classes for the mothers and the fathers.
They give away baby clothes of all sizes, everything has been washed, even the new
clothes. They give away maternity clothes and all the people who volunteer and
work there are so supportive, caring and helpful. The young parents earn points for
every class they attend and then they use their points to purchase items like diapers,
wipes, baby shampoo, etc. This is the website:
If you go to their website there is a phone number you can call to find a pregnancy help
center in your area. This is a really important thing to remember, pregnancy help
centers do not take any money from you, they truly want to help you and your
baby. Planned Parenthood is a business, and they only care about the money you
will pay them. The abortion industry is a money making business, don't forget that.
I am going to re-post something I wrote a while back because I feel like it needs to
be re-written and re-read again.
The world we live in today believes that a woman's choice is more important than a baby's life,
and that is a lie. The world we live in today believes "live and let live," unless you are a baby in
your mother's womb. If you are pregnant, there are two lives to think about now, two lives to
take care of. Please, choose life for your baby. I've talked to women who are still devastated about
an abortion they had years ago. It has taken decades for some women to finally heal after an
abortion. I've read articles, and heard testimonials, I've cried with women as they have shared their stories with me. I write this blog not only to save the baby, but to save the young woman from the heartache, and guilt she feels after having an abortion. No one wants to talk about this subject because it just isn't very comfortable, it is certainly not politically correct unless you are pro-abortion, and people just don't want to get involved. So, here I am, because I truly care, I truly want to make a difference. I want to get the message out there, abortion is an ugly lie. I'm not saying that choosing adoption for your baby will be easy, and I'm also not saying that raising your baby will be easy. But I know if you choose life for your baby, once you hold your sweet baby boy or baby girl in your arms, you will make the right decision for both of you.
A baby's heart starts beating just 18 days after conception, listen to your heart, place your hands over your stomach and think about the baby boy or baby girl that is growing inside you, that tiny little life is a miracle and needs you. Listen to your heart, don't listen to the world. You are strong enough to take care of your baby, and if you choose adoption, you are doing what you feel like is best for your baby. Please choose life for your baby, there are people out there who will help you.
I wrote that post over a year ago and the words just stay in my head and on my heart. I hear the
pro-abortion people tell women that they can be anything they want to be, but then they tell
them that they aren't capable of taking care of their own child? What kind of sick advice is that?
I am here to tell you that your child is a gift, a miracle, a human being, and .....
Well, I guess y'all know how I feel. I have to get ready to head to the courtyard.
I wish that every day I could write about something silly and light hearted. I wish that I
could just bring a smile to your face. But I have to write what is in my heart, I have to be
honest. This blog is my way of trying to do something, trying to reach someone, and praying
that God will guide my hands and that I will type His words.
Bye for now, Sharla
thankful for the rain! It is nice and cool this morning, overcast and looks like we
may receive some more showers. That is enough about the weather forecast, I don't
have much time so I have to move on to the next item!
It has been a wonderful week in the courtyard! Beautiful weather, awesome people,
super-great kids, sidewalk chalk drawings and messages that will grab your heart and
bring tears to your eyes! Praying for an end to abortion, praying for the babies, born and
unborn. Praying for the mothers, praying for the fathers, and just praying for families
everywhere. I have to share this one story with you. There is a mom who brings her
children with her to pray. Her daughter is nine and her son is pre-school age. They pray
the pro-life rosary and the children draw with the sidewalk chalk. I wasn't in the court-
yard during the time they stopped by to pray, but I knew that they had been there without
even looking at the sign-in sheet. I saw a chalk drawn picture of a lady with a tear on
her cheek and the message said, "Abortion hurts the mothers too." The other
picture was of Spider Man, and the message said,
"Spider Man will adopt the babies." I smiled, kind of a sad smile, because it hurt
my heart that these beautiful children truly see the ugly truth about abortion. Their
sweet little hearts know the truth.
When I see the young mothers out there praying with their little ones, sometimes
pushing them in a stroller around and around the courtyard as they pray, I smile and
I thank God. When I see the teenagers out their praying, I smile and I thank God.
When I see people my age and older in the courtyard praying, I smile and I thank God.
When I hear the laughter of little ones playing in the courtyard, I smile and I thank God.
Last night I went to the Pregnancy Help Center Dinner/Banquet. I'm a table host and the
yearly fund-raising event is always enjoyable. The Pregnancy Help Center does
exactly what their name says, it helps young ladies and women. They provide free
pregnancy tests, free sonograms, parenting classes for the mothers and the fathers.
They give away baby clothes of all sizes, everything has been washed, even the new
clothes. They give away maternity clothes and all the people who volunteer and
work there are so supportive, caring and helpful. The young parents earn points for
every class they attend and then they use their points to purchase items like diapers,
wipes, baby shampoo, etc. This is the website:
If you go to their website there is a phone number you can call to find a pregnancy help
center in your area. This is a really important thing to remember, pregnancy help
centers do not take any money from you, they truly want to help you and your
baby. Planned Parenthood is a business, and they only care about the money you
will pay them. The abortion industry is a money making business, don't forget that.
I am going to re-post something I wrote a while back because I feel like it needs to
be re-written and re-read again.
The world we live in today believes that a woman's choice is more important than a baby's life,
and that is a lie. The world we live in today believes "live and let live," unless you are a baby in
your mother's womb. If you are pregnant, there are two lives to think about now, two lives to
take care of. Please, choose life for your baby. I've talked to women who are still devastated about
an abortion they had years ago. It has taken decades for some women to finally heal after an
abortion. I've read articles, and heard testimonials, I've cried with women as they have shared their stories with me. I write this blog not only to save the baby, but to save the young woman from the heartache, and guilt she feels after having an abortion. No one wants to talk about this subject because it just isn't very comfortable, it is certainly not politically correct unless you are pro-abortion, and people just don't want to get involved. So, here I am, because I truly care, I truly want to make a difference. I want to get the message out there, abortion is an ugly lie. I'm not saying that choosing adoption for your baby will be easy, and I'm also not saying that raising your baby will be easy. But I know if you choose life for your baby, once you hold your sweet baby boy or baby girl in your arms, you will make the right decision for both of you.
A baby's heart starts beating just 18 days after conception, listen to your heart, place your hands over your stomach and think about the baby boy or baby girl that is growing inside you, that tiny little life is a miracle and needs you. Listen to your heart, don't listen to the world. You are strong enough to take care of your baby, and if you choose adoption, you are doing what you feel like is best for your baby. Please choose life for your baby, there are people out there who will help you.
I wrote that post over a year ago and the words just stay in my head and on my heart. I hear the
pro-abortion people tell women that they can be anything they want to be, but then they tell
them that they aren't capable of taking care of their own child? What kind of sick advice is that?
I am here to tell you that your child is a gift, a miracle, a human being, and .....
Well, I guess y'all know how I feel. I have to get ready to head to the courtyard.
I wish that every day I could write about something silly and light hearted. I wish that I
could just bring a smile to your face. But I have to write what is in my heart, I have to be
honest. This blog is my way of trying to do something, trying to reach someone, and praying
that God will guide my hands and that I will type His words.
Bye for now, Sharla
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Hello, Hello Out There! Today has been a beautiful day! I have a small flag hanging
by my front porch that says, "Happy Fall, Y'all!" I laugh every time I read it, because
it sounds like it was made just for me! Now................back to the serious, awesome
stuff going on in my life!
In my post yesterday, I was going to tell you about two more things that happened
last week, but I only had time to tell you one of the stories. So here is the second
I've told y'all about the kick-off rally, and shopping for the groceries at HEB, and
how we saved so much money, and the precious children's books we got for free
with our coupons. This is what happened next..........................
I am driving out of the HEB parking lot at about 12:30 p.m. and I remember that
I wanted to get a personalized pro-life t-shirt. Keep in mind, I need to be at the
courtyard by 3:00 p.m. to start setting up for the rally. I drive down the street to a
athletic store, park and run inside. I explain to the young lady that I know I waited
until the last minute, there anyway I can buy a t-shirt and have the
word ADOPTED printed across the front and pick it up by 2:30 p.m.? She goes
into the back and checks and then lets me know that they will be able to do it.
She brings out different colors of t-shirts for me to pick from. I pick hot pink and
ask if I can have something printed on the back also? She says, "yes" and so I am
standing there talking to myself trying to think of what I want on the back. I don't
even realize that the young lady is paying any attention to me until she says,
"How about, SAVED BY GRACE!?" My eyes fill up with tears and I reach across
the counter and pat her arm and tell her that she is an angel. She tells me not to cry
because she will start crying too! Isn't that the most amazing thing? I tell her why I'm
buying the shirt and invite her to come and join us in the courtyard. I pay for my
shirt and tell her that I will be back at 2:30 p.m. I call my friend, Candi on the way
home and tell her what just happened. She had been shopping with me at HEB.
Anyway, I go home and get ready. I pick up my shirt on the way to the courtyard,
and then I pick up one of the teenagers who is going to help set up. My husband
meets us up at the courtyard and other people arrive to help also. My friend, Candi
arrives in a baby blue t-shirt and turns around so I can read the print on the back,
"JESUS, PROTECT AND SAVE THE UNBORN!" is what it said. She told
me that after I called her she went to the same store and bought her own
personalized t-shirt because she wanted to surprise me! I just hugged her, she is such
a blessing to me!
I've already told y'all how wonderful the rally was, how thankful I am for all of my
wonderful friends and my sweet, supportive family. I love sharing this story with
all of you.
I pray that you are all blessed with love and laughter, with hugs and tears.
I pray that you are blessed with family and friends, and most importantly
the knowledge that God loves YOU so very much.
Life is a gift from God, and how we live our life is our gift back to God.
Blessings, blessings to you and yours! Bye for now, Sharla
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