Saturday, January 4, 2020

Silent and Peaceful Prayer Vigil Planned for the Anniversary of Roe vs Wade

The 47th anniversary of Roe v Wade is  Wednesday, January 22, 2020.
Please join us on that day as we gather for a time of silent prayer and reflection.
We will meet at the Tom Green County Courthouse in San Angelo from 12:00 noon -
1:00 pm. We are inviting people of all faiths to join us as we remember
the almost 62 million unborn babies that have been aborted in the United States since
January 22, 1973. This is also a time to pray all those who have been hurt and those
who need healing from a past abortion. This will be a peaceful gathering. Come and
stay the whole hour or drop by during your lunch hour and pray for a few minutes.

Number of Abortions - Abortion Counters ( 2:25 am this morning (1/4/2020) - the following are the number of abortions:

In United States today - 258
US since 1973: Roe vs Wade - 60,949,964
By Planned Parenthood since 1970 - 8,291,171
By Planned Parenthood this year -2,926
United States this Year - 7,932
US this Year after 16 weeks gestation - 380

I took a picture of the 16 week fetal model I use as a teaching tool. This is the size
an unborn baby is in his or her mother's womb at 16 weeks.
Abortion is legal in Texas up to 20 weeks. My husband held the 22 week fetal model
for me.
Planned or unplanned, a baby is a unique and precious gift from God.
Please mark your calendars and join us. 1/22/2020 from 12 noon - 1:00 pm.

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