Hello out there! Tomorrow I am taking three of my oldest grandkids to the
Texas Rally for Life in Austin. This is going to be such a great experience for
them! I will write all about it on Sunday or maybe Monday!
We had a Silent Prayer Vigil in front of the Tom Green County Courthouse
from 12 noon - 1:00 pm on the 47th anniversary of Roe v Wade (Tuesday,
January 22, 2020). There were between 132 - 136 people and it was peaceful
and full of prayerful people. It was an ecumenical gathering and spirit filled!
That evening I was blessed to spend time with the 6th - 8th grade youth and then
the 9th - 12th grade youth at Sacred Heart Cathedral. We discussed pro-life
issues and I showed them the Touch of Life Fetal Model display. I love sharing
the positive message of life with our youth - Respect Life from Conception to
Natural Death.
The following are two blog posts that I wrote after Jim and I went to our
first Texas Rally for Life in January 2015. (Part 1 and Part 2)
It was an amazing experience!
This post will be #438 - I've been writing stories since I started my blog on
March 22, 2014. I wondered when I began if I would find enough to say -
well I've found plenty to share and sometimes I don't get to write as much as
I would like to because of busy, busy days!
Each story is from my heart and the following prayer is one I wrote in the Spring
of 2016.
And today I pray it again and include -
Blessings to you near and far,
Blessings and peace wherever you are!
I pray that your day is full of blessings.If you are sick, I pray that you will get well.
If you have lost a loved one, I pray that you will be comforted.
If you are anxious, I pray that a feeling of peace will wash over you.
If you are lonely, I pray that someone will reach out to you, I pray that you
will know that even though I may not know you, I really do care.
If you are struggling financially, I pray that God will send you what you need.
If you are struggling with addiction, I pray that God will give you strength
and courage to give up whatever is holding you hostage.
If you are in a crisis pregnancy, I pray that you will be directed to the path of life,
and guided to all the help that is available for you and your baby.
If you are a caregiver, I pray that you will get the rest you need, and know that it
is ok to take time for yourself.
Dear God, I pray for peace all across the whole world. I pray for peace in every
country. I pray for those who seek refuge.
I pray for those who are hungry and thirsty. I pray for the homeless and the lonely.
I lift all the intentions I've listed above to You, God our Father.
I pray for anyone and everyone who might be suffering or going through any
of the things I've written about.
Please God, show us how to take care of each other, to love one another and
help us to be discerning in all that we do. Thank you for today, please guide us and
help us to live the way you want us to. Please keep us safe and help us to look to
You, and not the world for direction and answers.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Saint Mother Teresa -
Please pray for us!
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