Hello out there! I hope you are all doing well - I don't know what the weather is like
where you live - but it is hot, hot, and hot here in San Angelo, Tx. We really need
for God to bless us with some rain! We are praying for rain showers and I mean a lot
of rain showers! I'm going to share something that was in the church bulletin this
past weekend.
I didn't read this until a friend posted it on Facebook. This brought back a treasured
memory for me - actually, it was a dream I had about two years ago. I think I should
share what my very vivid dream was about. It was right before the 2016 - Fall
40 Days for Life Campaign and I had been dealing with some people who were and
are still not supportive of what I do. I was feeling really beaten down. I fell asleep while
I was praying, and in my dream I woke up and could see small handprints all over our
bedroom ceiling. They were all different colors, like the sidewalk chalk we used to write
pro-life messages on the concrete ground of the courtyard. It was so real - those tiny,
little handprints all over the ceiling - I remember waking Jimmy up and asking him if he
could see them. Just remembering that dream makes me emotional - the dream was a
beautiful, affirming gift. For a while, I would look up at our white ceiling when I was
trying to fall asleep - hoping that I would see those precious little handprints once more.
This brought back the image and touched my heart like before.
I pray that you have a wonderful evening, wherever you are - near or far!
I pray that your tomorrow will be blessed with sunshine if you need light and warmth;
Clouds if you need some shade;
And rain if you need a rainy, jump in a puddle, kind of day!
I pray that you will be blessed with good dreams, affirming dreams;
And especially - love, family, joy, hope, faith and laughter in your life!
Blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla