Tuesday evening but I'm feeling better today. I have so much that I want to accomplish
but sometimes I have to take a break! I've rested and now it is time to get to work!
With the anniversary of Roe v Wade looming ahead (January 22, 2018) I knew that I
needed to get back to my keyboard and speak up for the weakest among us.
I am appalled at all of the "celebratory events" that are scheduled to take place for the
awful 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade. I cannot believe that anyone would celebrate
the death of an unborn child and that is what abortion is!
There are plenty of pro-life events taking place and we need to concentrate on those!
I have to remember and help y'all remember that there are so many people who
speak up for the babies. We will not be silent and we will not give up!
I have some links to share with y'all:
1. The March for Life Website - http://marchforlife.org -
The March for Life in Washington, DC will be Friday, January 19, 2018
2. For information about statewide events (and there are a lot! check out this site)
3. The Texas Rally for Life (Jim and I went to this rally in 2015 and 2016, I hope
we get to go again this year!)
The Texas Rally for Life will be on Saturday, January 27, 2018
4. Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day 2018 - There is a prayer vigil in front of a
Planned Parenthood at 7 a.m. and Mass at two different churches (10:00 a.m.
and 10:15 a.m.) in Austin before the Texas Rally for Life - Jim and I went to
the prayer vigil and the Mass in 2015 and 2016 - Incredible! Praying in front of
the Planned Parenthood and watching people drive into the fenced and gated
facility was a heart wrenching experience. The prayers of everyone there made
the time more bearable as we all prayed together. The Pro-Life Mass was standing
room only. Teenagers and young adults from across the state of Texas were a
joyful sight to behold. The pro-life generation - a beautiful and much needed sign
of hope!
5. The North Texas March for Life - Saturday, January 20, 2018
Now I need to show y'all some pictures. There is a website that actually counts all
the abortions that have taken place since Roe v Wade (This does not include chemical
abortions) and some of the data goes back to 1970 (three years before Roe v Wade).
The website is http://www.numberofabortions.com
I took some pictures of the data last week and you can see the date and time stamp at
the bottom of the picture. I tried to do a short video telling you the statistics but I was
too emotional. I did five takes and decided that it would be better if I just showed you
the pictures and wrote a commentary...............so here we go.
Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 11:02 a.m.
Look at the numbers in each column - the third column, the one with the yellow
numbers, they just keep moving and all I could think about as I watched those
numbers climb higher was another baby is dying, please, dear God, make it stop!
Last Saturday, the first column shows that 59,129,849.5 babies have died in the
United States from abortion since 1973: Roe vs Wade
Now I want you to look at the picture I took today -
Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 12:41 p.m.
Look at the numbers in each column and see the difference in just one week.
This Saturday, the first column shows that 60,073,977.4 babies have died in the
United States from abortion since 1973: Roe vs Wade
Back to last Saturday - 1/6/18
Look at the third column, second row, Worldwide this year 604,912
This Saturday - 1/13/18
Look at the third column, second row, Worldwide this year 1,388,817
I took another picture at 12:45 p.m. today. Look at how the numbers have climbed in
just four minutes, especially in the third column.
Sometimes the truth hurts but I would rather face the truth and try to do something
about it than hide my head in the sand and ignore it.
I've read that Cecile Richards, the President / CEO of Planned Parenthood, makes over
600,00 dollars a year, some news stories say her salary is now over $900,000 a year.
It is really important to remember that Planned Parenthood is a business and while
Cecile receives her huge salary, Planned Parenthood also receives more than 500 million
of our tax dollars on a yearly basis.
I think of the precious unborn baby boys and unborn baby girls, sons and daughters, who
never had a chance because some influential people decided they were a money making
choice. The blood of all the unborn babies who have been aborted is on their hands.
No soap will ever be strong enough to wash it off unless they see the horror of what
legalizing abortion has done and speak the truth and admit that they were so very wrong.
My heart goes out to the women who have been misled, coerced, pushed, and bullied
into having an abortion. I have cried with many women who suffer deep regret from a
past abortion. There are men who have regrets also. Relationships are destroyed and
families torn apart, just what the devil wants.
It is time to say no to death and yes to life. It is time to help people find all the help that
is available for them and their unborn child. Let them know that adoption is a loving,
life option if they are not able to care for their child.
It is time to say yes to marriage and yes to family!
It is time to say "I am worth more!" and say no to empty promises and promiscuity. Say
no to being used and manipulated! God wants us to be loved - He wants us to love one
another - not use each other. Be self-less not selfish.
You, yes you, are beautifully, fearfully, wonderfully made!
When I first started this blog, back in March of 2014, I wondered if I would think of
enough things to write about. I would pray and ask God to give me the words, to guide
my hands with each and every verse. It's been almost four years and the words fill my
heart until I think it will burst! I write what I feel and each word comes from my heart
not knowing if I'm helping but knowing I can't stop!
God bless you all near or far,
Blessings to you wherever you are!
Bye for now, Sharla
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