other day. I'm going to copy and paste it below for all of you who are not on
face book! If you've been reading my blog for very long, you've read some of my
posts about the Sack Lunch Ministry that helped so many people and touched so
many hearts.
The great news is that we will be handing out sack lunches again beginning on
January 22, 2018 - new place and new name - same awesome people plus some
more who have signed up to help!
Please pray for this wonderful ministry and all the people we will joyfully serve!
St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry
St. Francis Hall
Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
(The following is what I posted on face book)
We have some really great news to share! The Sack Lunch Ministry is returning on
Monday, January 22, 2018! We will be handing out sack lunches Monday - Friday
from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Distribution will be from the back door of the
St. Francis Hall. I've been calling our volunteers and the ones I've reached are ready
and if I haven't talked to you yet, don't despair - you will be hearing from me later on
today or tomorrow! I know you are all wondering.... and yes, we are starting from
scratch and donations will be a blessing! We serve a ham and cheese or turkey and
cheese sandwich four days a week and peanut butter and jelly once a week.
A fruit cup or those little cutie/halo oranges or sometimes a banana, a bag of chips,
cookies or a pudding cup and peanut butter or cheese crackers as an extra on Fridays.
And a bottle of water! Sometimes two, when it is really hot outside!
We could really use help with individual fruit cups, peanut butter crackers,
cheese crackers, individual chips, packs of 16 oz. waters, peanut butter, jelly,
sacks, or whatever you would like to donate!
Our hearts are full - so thankful that this ministry that blesses so many is returning!
Janice and I will keep you updated!
I wrote this poem, really more like a prayer, when we had to stop serving lunches
last year.
I pray for those who are hungry and those who have no home.
I pray for those we served with families of their own.
I pray for peace and understanding for those who live on the streets.
I pray for Jesus to guide me, to be His hands and feet. Amen.
I am going to change the second verse to -
I pray for those we serve with families of their own.
I'm such a big cry baby - tears are just streaming down my face as I write this -
I'm just so thankful that we will be able to help those in need once more!
My husband, who knows my heart better than anyone, bought me this amazing picture
for Christmas.
Blessings to you and yours!
Go out and make the world a better place!
Bye for now, Sharla
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