Hello, hello to all of you out there! I have been blessed with so much joy this
weekend. A birthday party, a baby shower, and a faith based painting party at
a friend's house was only part of my Saturday! The really special part of
my day was Saturday night when I got home...............
Jim and I will be married thirty-four years in June. We have really been looking
back lately, reminiscing. We spent yesterday morning together before all of my
other activities took place. We prayed the rosary together, went and voted, and
then we went out to eat breakfast at our favorite little Mexican restaurant. Jim had
a small job to take care of in the courtyard at our parish so I tagged along. While
he worked, I watered all the potted plants. We came home and I quickly got ready
because I was already late to our great-niece's birthday party. Jim happily stayed
home to work in the yard! I enjoyed spending time with all of our family and
seeing all of the precious children from the toddlers to the late teens!
I went straight from the birthday party to the baby shower and had a wonderful
time visiting with everyone there as well. I dropped by a benefit bake sale on
the way home. I dashed in the door, said hi to Jim, washed a few dishes, said
goodbye to Jim, took out the trash and headed to the paint party on the other
side of town. The party was held at one of my friend's homes and was a faith
filled environment, each one of us painting a picture we chose. I really enjoyed
the evening. I will post my picture at the bottom. I left her home at 8:10 p.m.
and called Jim and told him that I was on my way home. He asked me to stop
and pick up some chicken. It was nine o'clock by the time I walked in the door.
I put the chicken on the bar and walked out onto our back porch. Jim had the
radio station turned to a Country and Western channel that plays the "oldies but
goldies" songs on Saturday nights. I looked at all the work he had done and just
shook my head. A good song came on and we two-stepped around our small back
porch, both of us wearing flip-flops! I came inside, put ice in a wine glass and
poured some wine over it. Llano Blush, $6.95 a bottle, is my favorite wine. I know
that if you are a real wine connoisseur you are probably appalled that not only do
I drink such cheap wine, but I water it down with ice! Oh well, what can I say?
That is how I like it. Jim was drinking a Lone Start beer, and I'm sure that beer
connoisseurs are not impressed either! He loved my painting! He is going to
make a frame for it out of some old fence posts and we are going to hang it on
the back porch. We sat on the porch with our two dogs and one of our cats close
by. We could see the sheep in the field next to our yard. We talked about the
old times, we laughed and we danced every time one of our favorite songs
was played. We listened to songs by Willie Nelson, John Anderson, Johnny Cash,
Shania Twain, George Strait, Dolly Parton and a bunch more. We should have
recorded me singing along with Johnny Cash and John Anderson, my Texas
Twang came out loud and proud. I started humming the tune to a song I
remembered and started singing some of the words/lyrics that sounded right.
Jim laughed because I was making up the words and he told me that I was thinking
about an old rock and roll song from a long time ago. Before we knew it, more than
two hours had passed and it was 11:30 p.m. We came inside, ate a little bit of the
chicken and watched part of a crazy show on television. We both fell asleep on the
couch and woke up about 1:00 a.m. and went to bed. On Sunday morning that song
was still stuck in my head so I tried to find it on YouTube and finally came across
it. My lyrics were kind of right. Anyway, I ran outside and got Jim and he
followed me into my office and I played the song. It was sung by the band, Edison
Lighthouse and was popular in the late sixties, early seventies and the title is.........
"Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes" and it just has a great beat. Please
don't tell me the lyrics really mean something awful, just let me believe that it really
is what it sounds like, a guy who is in love with a girl who doesn't have any
money, her clothes fit kind of funny, and her hair is long and wild. That song is
stuck in my head now and I'm going to have to listen to some more John Anderson
and start singing, "Her momma was in the kitchen cuttin chicken up to fry" again.
Now for those of you who know me, I know you can just hear me singing with
my Texas Twang at the top of my lungs - Jim was laughing really hard at that point!
I also like the lyrics from Shania Twain that go, "Even when I'm ugly he still better
love me" and from Johnny Cash, "I hear the train a coming!"
Jim and I had such a good time Saturday night. Just the two of us (and our assorted
animals) sitting on the back porch, listening to some old songs, dancing and
laughing, and just being downright thankful that God brought the two of us together!
May you be blessed with love and laughter this week! Go out and make some
great memories with your loved ones!
Bye for now, Sharla