Friday, September 30, 2016

Praying for the Unborn and Children of All Ages

Hello out there! This morning I realized that I forgot to thank the people who donated
the food for the Kick-Off Rally! I know they wish to remain anonymous so I will just
say..............thank you for donating over 200 hot dog buns! We served 168 hot dogs and
the left over buns went to the Sack Lunch Ministry. The buns were used the very next
day! To those who donated the weenies (all beef), condiments, pickles, chips and paper
goods - thank you! The weenies were all gone and the left over chips, pickles, etc. were
also given to the Sack Lunch Ministry! The gate (door) prizes were also donated! We
had a bunch of gate prizes! The children loved drawing the names and calling them out!
Like I said in my previous post - it takes a lot of people working together to make the
rally and 40 Days for Life campaign run smoothly! I am so very thankful for each and
everyone of you, so blessed to have you in my life!
This morning a man walked through the courtyard to get his lunch and asked what was
going on. I explained to him about the prayer vigil and he told me to make sure that we
pray for all the children and teenagers in foster homes too. I told him that was a great
idea and that maybe he would like to pray for them as well. He said that he would and
smiled and thanked me. He was right and we do need to pray for all children of all ages.

 My prayer today is for the unborn, the innocent little babes.
My prayer today is for the little ones who are hungry and abused.
My prayer today is for the children who have to grow up to fast.
My prayer is for the teenagers who move from one foster home to the next.
My prayer is for those who live in group homes and those who have no home at all.
My prayer is that all these children, from the unborn baby in their mother's womb,
to the fully grown young ladies and young men, that they will be loved
and protected, nurtured and fed. I pray that they have shoes that fit and clothes
for all the seasons. I pray that they have a roof over their head. And not just a roof,
but an actual home where they feel safe and feel loved and special.
Dear God, please, protect all children everywhere. Amen.
I was the lector at Mass today. The responsorial was so beautiful, this was the last part:
"Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I give
you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made; wonderful are your works."
I know a sweet couple who filled out all the paper work to be foster parents. Their plans
are to foster and then maybe adopt. Last night I held the little baby boy they have in
their home right now. I pray for this family and for the little boy's family - there are no
easy answers, we just have to keep on trying to do what is right and to help each other.
May your weekend be full of blessings.
                                                                      Bye for now, Sharla 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

"If Only You Could See What I See"

Hello out there! I have so much to share with y'all! I think I will start with the
Kick-Off Rally that was held on Tuesday evening. The rally was great - perfect
weather, friends, family, fellowship, and awesome praise and worship music! We
had a terrific turn-out - approximately 120 - 130 people! The children drew
wonderful pictures with the sidewalk chalk, they sang and danced and had a great
time! Everyone clapped along and did the hand motions to the songs. Today I was
thinking about that kid's movie where the space monster said, "My  hands are in the
air like I just do not care!" That's how we were in the courtyard - singing and clapping
and having the best time. I know, I remember the craziest things! Our music
minister, Frank did an outstanding job. He has the most beautiful voice and you
can feel his love for the Lord with every word he sings! Everyone said that the hot dogs
tasted really good - I didn't get to eat one - I am always too busy running around
taking pictures, hugging and greeting everyone, and "waving my hands in the air like
I just do not care!" The whole evening was a huge blessing! I am so thankful for all
my hard working friends and family who help me put this together! It takes a lot of
work from everyone involved to make everything run smoothly. Thank you to our
friends who cooked the hot dogs and served them. Thank you to Frank for spending
so much time setting up, printing off words to the songs, and rocking downtown
San Angelo with upbeat, "Praise the Lord" music! Vehicles were driving by really
slow to see what was going on! We had plenty of food, enough for seconds if anyone
wanted them. Thank you to everyone who brought desserts! Thank you to everyone
who helped us set up and helped us clean up! And thank you to everyone who showed
up! Your presence, taking the time to come out on a week night, bringing your
families and joining us for this special time of fellowship is what makes it all worth
while! Several people signed up to come and pray an hour each week during the 40
Days for Life campaign which began yesterday. Praying for an end to abortion,
praying for families, praying for peace and praying for the whole world is so necessary!
I am going to try really hard to keep y'all posted every couple of days about all the
blessings in the courtyard! Each day will be different, a new blessing, maybe tears,
always hugs and definitely - prayers and prayers and prayers!
There are some things that happen that really can't be explained. I prayed about this and
decided to share this hymn that seems to sum it up. We sing this hymn at church and
I am writing the words to this hymn from the -
 2015 Today's Missal - Music Issue
 "Prayer of St. Francis"
Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord, And where there's doubt, true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace. Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness only light,   And where there's sadness ever joy.
O Master, grant that I may never seek   So much to be consoled, as to console,
To be understood, as to understand,   To be loved, as to love, with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving of ourselves that we receive,   And in dying that we're born to eternal life.
O Master, grant that I may never seek   So much to be consoled, as to console,
To be understood, as to understand,    To be loved, as to love, with all my soul.
People come through the gates of the courtyard for many reasons - I am blessed and
humbled to be part of such an important ministry.
                                           Blessings and peace to you and yours,
                                                            Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Wonderful Time of Year!

Good morning out there! It is beautiful outside and there is a crisp autumn breeze in
the air! I don't have much time but I wanted to say hello and let you know that the
40 Days for Life fall campaign begins next week!

Here is the flyer I made up for the Kick-Off Rally: (It is centered on the actual flyer)

40 Days for Life
Fall 2016
Kick-Off Rally 
When: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 – 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Where: The courtyard at Sacred Heart Cathedral –
20 E. Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903
Come and join us for food, fellowship, music, and fun!
This is a family event kicking off the upcoming 40 Days for Life Campaign that
begins on Wednesday, September 28, 2016. This is a non-denominational event. 
Hot dogs, chips, and bottles of water will be provided free of charge.
Please bring a dessert! (If you want to or if you have time)
We will also have a lemonade stand - the money made will be donated to the
local Pregnancy Help Center. Lemonade will cost fifty cents a cup and both
regular and diet lemonade will be available.
We have several wonderful door (gate) prizes! Drop your name in the bucket!
Praise and Worship Music will be led by our choir director!
Sidewalk chalk will be provided for the kids! 

This is the information for the 40 days:

40 Days for Life
Sacred Heart Cathedral will be hosting the 40 Days for Life Campaign
in the courtyard beginning Wednesday, September 28th, and continuing through
Sunday, November 6th. The times are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday – Sunday.
This is a non-denominational event and an opportunity for people of all faiths
to come together and pray for an end to abortion. We also want to bring awareness
to those in our community about all the help and life options that are available.
Please consider signing up to pray one hour each week in the courtyard at
20 E. Beauregard. If you are unable to commit to one hour please stop by and pray
for as long as you can. All groups and organizations are encouraged to participate.
Please don’t be silent. These precious babies need our prayers.
Their mothers and fathers need our prayers too.
Contact a local 40 Days for Life campaign near you!

I have to go now - Y'all have a great day! Please pray for peace all over the whole world!

                            Blessings to you and yours! Bye for now, Sharla

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Memories, A Road Trip, and Special Friends

Good morning out there! It's raining, it's pouring - I love the sound of rain pouring
down! The wind is blowing and it is only 66 degrees outside. I hear the low roar of
thunder every once in a while. Not the ka-boom, loud make you jump kind of thunder
but the off in the distance rumbling thunder. This kind of weather makes me want
to hibernate with a good book! I just warmed up another cup of coffee and thought I
would sit down and write for a little bit.
I went on a road trip Thursday. I was going to be traveling by myself so Jim told me
to get my tires rotated and balanced on Wednesday. He thought the tread on my tires
was looking a little worn. Well, he was right. I ended up with a new set of tires. Have
you purchased tires lately? Talk about a dent in the budget, but good tires are
definitely a need! I filled my gas tank up and headed home. I told Jim about the tires
and he was so glad that I had them checked out. He also said something about
finding some more work to pay for the tires! Thursday morning I hopped in my truck
and my journey began. I said my prayers and enjoyed some quiet time as I traveled.
I finally popped in a CD from Lighthouse Catholic Media and for the next forty-five
minutes I listened to a wonderful speaker. I stopped at the Catholic Church in
Coleman and went inside to pray for a few minutes. It was so peaceful. I was the only
one in there. I knelt down and prayed and then sat back on the pew for a little
longer. I got back into my truck and continued on towards my destination. I arrived
in Weatherford about 12:15 p.m. I met my friend at the store and followed her to
the nursing home where her mother is. I have known this wonderful woman my whole
life. I'm four years older than her youngest daughter, the one who met me at the
store. They are like my second family. In my previous post I wrote about looking
through old photo albums. I found a picture of Lucille, the wonderful woman I went
to visit, holding me when I was two months old. Lucille and my mom were best
friends. Both families lived in Sudan, Texas until I was about eighteen months old.
We  moved away and they moved to another town also. We were only about a two
hour drive away from each other. They would come and visit us and we would go
and visit them. The dads would play golf and the moms would shop and cook and
visit. Her oldest daughter is ten years older than me. I found some pictures
of us also. After my mom passed away, Lucille continued to check on me. I would
go and stay with them for a week or so in the summer and we would see them through-
out the year. Lucille and her youngest daughter came to my High School Graduation,
mine and Jim's wedding, and brought gifts right before my babies were born. We
have stayed close throughout the years. I haven't been to see her since April and I
told Jim that I needed to go for a visit. Lucille always recognizes me and is so happy
to see me. I told her that I really missed my mom and that she is like a mom to me.
Her daughter took a picture of us together. I showed Lucille the picture of her
holding me when I was a baby and the pictures of her oldest daughter and I. She
really enjoyed looking at them. I have the picture of her holding me on my desk. I
think I will print the picture from the other day and put them side by side. After a
really good visit her daughter and I went to eat a late lunch. We talked for over two
hours and then it was time to go. She needed to get home and get ready to go watch
her son play football and I had a three and a half hour drive in front of me. We hugged
and promised to get together soon. I enjoyed my drive home.
I forget to tell y'all - on my way down there, on the side of Interstate 10, there was the
biggest, dead feral hog I had ever seen. I feel sorry for whoever hit that big honkin
hog! I called Jim and told him all about it. He asked if I pulled over and took a
selfie with it? I laughed and said, "No!" I'll have to tell y'all about another dead feral
hog story on another day!
Anyway, back to my journey home. I called Jim when I got to Ballinger and told him
that I was going to stop at the Acapulco Mexican Restaurant to visit our friends that
own it. He told me to bring him some hot sauce and call him when I was back on the
road. I went inside and was welcomed by our friends. I sat down and they brought me
some nachos and we visited while I ate. We talked about the upcoming 40 Days for
Life Kick-Off Rally and I left them some of the flyers. Patrick sent me home with
a large container of hot sauce and a bag of chips for Jim. I called Jim as soon as I got
back in my truck. I arrived home about 9:30 p.m. Thursday night. I was tired, it
had been a long drive, but it was worth it!
I have to get some laundry started now. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Call an old friend or stop by and visit someone in the nursing home, you'll be so glad
you did!
                                                                 Blessings to you and yours!
                                                                              Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Old Photo Albums - A Step Back in Time

Good Morning out there! I've been awake since 4:00 a.m. I am almost through with
my second large mug of coffee. Do you ever have one of those days when you really
need to focus on one thing but a whole bunch of stuff keeps popping up in your mind?
That is exactly how I feel this morning. These are a few of the thoughts running
through my mind:
1. The fall 40 Days for Life campaign begins three weeks from today!
     Lots to do and it will all turn out okay! Prayers, please!
2. The kick-off rally will be held the night before and the plans for that are done!
3. We need more volunteers for the Sack Lunch Ministry! It seems like we get
    enough help for one day that was short and then we need help for two more
    days! Janice and I will be making some phone calls!
    It is also time to send out more thank you notes!
4. I told y'all about my book - I know, it is still hard for me to believe that my short
    stories are going to be published! I had to work on some of the pages yesterday
     afternoon. I'm trying to get the pictures together that I want in the book. The
     problem with that is there is a limit.
Pictures from the past - I've been going through an old photo album my mom made
for me before she passed away. Looking through the pages of pictures is like going
back in time. Pictures of me as a baby, pictures of birthday parties and pictures of
family and friends. I have laughed and I have cried with each page I've turned. The
pictures from the seventies - oh my goodness - the clothes we wore! Plaid pants and
hip huggers and bell bottoms too! We always dressed up for church. I love all the
pictures and the memories they share.
As I looked through the pictures it was like taking a walk down memory lane. I am
so thankful for my parents who loved me so much. My mom has been gone for so
many years but I still remember the things she taught me. And today I really, really
miss her. My dad passed away eight years ago. He spent so much time with us
right here in our home. I can almost see him sitting at the table working on the
crossword puzzles or sitting at the bar chopping up onions for me. He would watch
television and shell pecans for me to bake with. There are some pictures that stay
in your heart, those special memories of ordinary, everyday things. I think that is
what I need to remember. These pictures mean something to me because of the
memories they represent. Another reminder of why I started this blog - to promote
adoption as a life option.
Yes, I am so blessed to have been adopted at birth!
I'm so glad I took the time to write a post this morning. Sometimes just writing
everything down helps me put things in perspective. I hope you all have a wonderful
                                                                             Bye for now, Sharla