Hello out there! I just wanted to share something that touched my heart last night
during Mass. I was a lector and a Eucharistic minister so I was up by the altar and
able to see everyone all the way to the back of the cathedral. What caught my eye,
was my son holding his 14 month old daughter, and my daughter holding her 28 month
old daughter standing next to each other right below the statue of St. Anthony. Sacred
Heart Cathedral has been our parish home for more than 31 years. Last night while my son,
daughter and two of my granddaughters were at the back of the cathedral, another one
of my granddaughters (my daughter's oldest) was an altar server for the first time. She
was up near the altar with me. My husband is an usher, so he was standing by the side
doors as people were receiving communion. As my daughter-in-law and our other three grandchildren passed by my husband, she was the only one who sat down, the kids stopped,
and stood right next to "Pa" as unofficial ushers. My son-in-law was also there, he was
standing in the back. Our oldest son, his wife and our other two granddaughters live in
Houston, but they were with us in thoughts and prayers. As a matter of fact, we lit
two candles after Mass last night, one for each of the girls, because they started school
today, and the youngest, who is now in kindergarten was a little apprehensive. I told her
on the phone yesterday before church that we would light a candle for them and pray for
them to have a good day, and a good week.
When my husband and I were driving home (by ourselves) we laughed about how
great it is when the kids are at Mass!
I remember when my son and daughter use to be altar servers themselves, and when I
looked out and saw them standing side by side, each holding a wiggly, squiggly little
girl in their arms, I just thought, it doesn't get much better than this!
Thank you God, thank you, thank you for my many blessings, I am so grateful for my
family, I am so grateful for my life. I love you God, Amen.
Abiding love surrounds those who trust in the Lord. Psalm 32:10
Follow the way of love. 1 Corinthians14:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1
Have a great day! Bye for now, Sharla
Monday, August 25, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Good Morning out there! I'm going to share a couple of paragraphs out of
the book 40 Days For Life. But first, I want to share this prayer with you.
This prayer is for the babies and their mothers.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the
devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch
with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not
thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made
in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love
their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone
can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
My daughter-in-law gave me an Our Lady of Guadalupe medal, she is
the Patron of the Unborn. The prayer above was on the card the medal was
attached to.
In the book, "40 Days For Life" instead of chapter 1, chapter 2, and so on...
they say Day 1, Day 2, and so on. There are 40 "days" in the book and you
can read it as a daily devotional or as fast as you want! I loved the book, and I
read through it quickly. My husband works really long hours so he read
it one day at a time, as a daily devotional. He also thought it was a very
inspiring book, and he was so impressed with the young men and women
who are speaking up for the babies. The first couple of "days" talk about how
the 40 Days for Life Campaign began, the rest of the book highlights a
different campaign run by a different person in other cities, states, and even
other countries. There is a scripture and a prayer at the end of each day of the
book. The stories are amazing, some are uplifting, some show courage and
perseverance, some show the sad, ugly truth of the abortion business.
The following is a couple of paragraphs from Day 11 - 72 Ransom Ave.
At the bottom of the steep stairs, the pregnant woman was directed into
a waiting room filled with beautiful, padded couches. After filling out her
paperwork, she would sit with other women on a couch to quietly wait for her
abortion appointment.
What she didn't know was what was in the very next room.
When the door into that next room was opened, I was stunned. Years
earlier, parts of the ceiling had collapsed from water damage, and since
nothing had ever been repaired, there was a strong smell of rot and mildew.
Cockroaches scattered across the floor as we stepped in. This was literally
a foot away, through the wall, from where women sat while they waited for
their abortions. I recoiled at the thought of such conditions in a facility
providing surgical procedures.
The story for this day continues on and now I'll add one more paragraph.
Then they took me to the final room in that downstairs hallway-the
recovery room where the women were sent to recuperate after the abortions.
As I took in the dismal room, I couldn't help but think that by the time the
women arrived here, the abortion business had already gotten everything
it wanted from these "clients"-the procedure was over, and they'd paid their
money. What must they have felt as they stepped into that last miserable
room to sit on these old, rotted chairs with their stained seats? My host
explained that here the abortion staff would give each woman a little cup of
juice and a cookie, then just leave her to fend for herself. When she felt
ready, she would stand and walk out-possibly without any companion at all.
This day/chapter alone is just one of the reasons I will not give up. The
abortion industry does not care about women or women's health, it cares
about the money that abortions bring in. Please pray for the babies and
their mothers. Please pray that fathers will wake up and realize their true
role, that their children need a father. That these men will "man up" for lack
of a better term, and take care of their responsibilities. That mothers and
fathers everywhere will see what a gift this baby truly is. This is the scripture
at the end of day/chapter 11 and the prayer that goes with it.
If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Dear Lord, as you lead me into the spiritual struggle this verse calls your
people to, remind me that the battle is truly yours. Thank you for equipping
me with your armor. Lead me daily to put it on! Thank you for allowing me
to serve under your command and for hearing my requests for direction
and protection. Amen.
the book 40 Days For Life. But first, I want to share this prayer with you.
This prayer is for the babies and their mothers.
Heavenly Father, in Your love for us, protect against the wickedness of the
devil, those helpless little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. Touch
with pity the hearts of those women pregnant in our world today who are not
thinking of motherhood. Help them to see that the child they carry is made
in Your image, as well as theirs, made for eternal life.
Dispel their fear and selfishness and give them true womanly hearts to love
their babies and give them birth and all the needed care that a mother alone
can give.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
My daughter-in-law gave me an Our Lady of Guadalupe medal, she is
the Patron of the Unborn. The prayer above was on the card the medal was
attached to.
In the book, "40 Days For Life" instead of chapter 1, chapter 2, and so on...
they say Day 1, Day 2, and so on. There are 40 "days" in the book and you
can read it as a daily devotional or as fast as you want! I loved the book, and I
read through it quickly. My husband works really long hours so he read
it one day at a time, as a daily devotional. He also thought it was a very
inspiring book, and he was so impressed with the young men and women
who are speaking up for the babies. The first couple of "days" talk about how
the 40 Days for Life Campaign began, the rest of the book highlights a
different campaign run by a different person in other cities, states, and even
other countries. There is a scripture and a prayer at the end of each day of the
book. The stories are amazing, some are uplifting, some show courage and
perseverance, some show the sad, ugly truth of the abortion business.
The following is a couple of paragraphs from Day 11 - 72 Ransom Ave.
At the bottom of the steep stairs, the pregnant woman was directed into
a waiting room filled with beautiful, padded couches. After filling out her
paperwork, she would sit with other women on a couch to quietly wait for her
abortion appointment.
What she didn't know was what was in the very next room.
When the door into that next room was opened, I was stunned. Years
earlier, parts of the ceiling had collapsed from water damage, and since
nothing had ever been repaired, there was a strong smell of rot and mildew.
Cockroaches scattered across the floor as we stepped in. This was literally
a foot away, through the wall, from where women sat while they waited for
their abortions. I recoiled at the thought of such conditions in a facility
providing surgical procedures.
The story for this day continues on and now I'll add one more paragraph.
Then they took me to the final room in that downstairs hallway-the
recovery room where the women were sent to recuperate after the abortions.
As I took in the dismal room, I couldn't help but think that by the time the
women arrived here, the abortion business had already gotten everything
it wanted from these "clients"-the procedure was over, and they'd paid their
money. What must they have felt as they stepped into that last miserable
room to sit on these old, rotted chairs with their stained seats? My host
explained that here the abortion staff would give each woman a little cup of
juice and a cookie, then just leave her to fend for herself. When she felt
ready, she would stand and walk out-possibly without any companion at all.
This day/chapter alone is just one of the reasons I will not give up. The
abortion industry does not care about women or women's health, it cares
about the money that abortions bring in. Please pray for the babies and
their mothers. Please pray that fathers will wake up and realize their true
role, that their children need a father. That these men will "man up" for lack
of a better term, and take care of their responsibilities. That mothers and
fathers everywhere will see what a gift this baby truly is. This is the scripture
at the end of day/chapter 11 and the prayer that goes with it.
If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Dear Lord, as you lead me into the spiritual struggle this verse calls your
people to, remind me that the battle is truly yours. Thank you for equipping
me with your armor. Lead me daily to put it on! Thank you for allowing me
to serve under your command and for hearing my requests for direction
and protection. Amen.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Good Morning out there! I am continually picking up brochures, hand-outs, and
other pro-life resources to share with you. I was excited to read the two articles
I've listed below. I want to be able to share these resources if someone asks me,
How do you know this, or where did you hear that? I want people to understand
that what I write about in my blog is not just my opinion. Yes, many things I write
about are how I feel about abortion. Since I was adopted at birth I do write about
my feelings on adoption being a loving option. I also write about heart wrenching,
post-abortive testimonials that I've heard first hand, and testimonials I have read
about. I realize that all these things are what different people think or feel, and I
view all of these as very important. But sometimes you talk to people who don't
care about feelings, they don't care about emotions, they want scientific proof. To
some people, a sonogram, the amazing gestational stages of a baby's development is
not enough. So, when I come across articles like the ones below, I definitely want
to share them. I hope that articles like these will help people who need to hear this
information from a scientific point of view, maybe they will change their mind, and
see that a baby is a baby. Maybe it will help some people who are pro-life but aren't
sure about speaking up, give them a voice. Sadly, there will still be some people who
will say it doesn't matter, that a woman's choice is still more important than the life
of the innocent baby boy or baby girl that the mother carries in her womb.
I will continue to write about any and all pro-life information I come across. I will
continue to speak out, to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. I hope
you enjoy the articles, please pass them on.
I hope you all have a great day filled with many blessings! Thanks for reading my
blog. Bye for now, Sharla
1. Dr. Alfred M. Bongiovanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the
University of Pennsylvania, stated:
“I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time
“I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time
of conception.... I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence
from conception to adulthood and that any interruption at any point throughout this
time constitutes a termination of ...human life....
I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb]
I am no more prepared to say that these early stages [of development in the womb]
represent an incomplete human being than I would be to say that the child prior to
the dramatic effects of puberty...is not a human being. This is human life at every stage.”
Read more: http://www.epm.org/resources/2010/Mar/8/scientists-attest-life-beginning-conception/#ixzz3AHny7v9F
Read more: http://www.epm.org/resources/
2. Dr. Jerome LeJeune, professor of genetics at the University of Descartes in Paris,
was the discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down syndrome. Dr. LeJeune
testified to the Judiciary Subcommittee, “after fertilization has taken place a new
human being has come into being.” He stated that this “is no longer a matter of taste
or opinion,” and “not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence.”
He added, “Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.”
Read more: http://www.epm.org/resources/2010/Mar/8/scientists-attest-life-beginning-conception/#ixzz3AHny7v9F
Read more: http://www.epm.org/resources/
Monday, August 11, 2014
Good Morning out there! I have so much I have to accomplish today! I just wanted
to say hello to everyone. I hope you all have a really great day! Please pray for the
unborn, pray for their mothers and fathers too. I'm ending this post with a quote from
Mother Teresa. Bye for now, Sharla
What you are doing I may not be able to do.....What I am doing you
may not be able to do...but all of us together are doing something
beautiful for God.
Blessed Mother Teresa
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Good Afternoon out there! I want to share a couple of paragraphs out of a brochure I
picked up the other day. The brochure is titled:
Life Matters:
Forgiveness and Healing After Abortion.
The following are the some of the heartbreaking testimonials from women who
have had an abortion.
"My life is ruined, I have been depressed, suicidal, guilt-ridden for 24 years. I beg
every day for forgiveness. I cannot believe God would forgive the life I have led."
"I know God has forgiven me for this sin I have committed but it is so hard for me
to forgive myself. Thirteen years later and I still haven't forgiven myself. I live
with this shame, guilt and disgust every day of my life."
The brochure is to help women who so desperately need/seek healing after an
abortion. If you know of someone in need of CONFIDENTIAL help to experience
God's forgiveness and healing, contact: www.hopeafterabortion.org
or you can call: 1-888-456-HOPE (4673)
I am pro-life. I pray everyday for an end to abortion, I pray for the precious
unborn babies and for their moms as well. Abortion takes one life, and ruins the
lives of so many others. Pro-abortion advocates push for abortion on demand
because they say it is a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
Do these same advocates tell these women, young or older about the side effects
of having an abortion.
There should be adds that state:
These are some of the side effects of having an abortion: not only could
you die from complications, you might hemorrhage, you may not be able
to have another child, you might become depressed or suicidal, you may
experience deep grief and sadness, etc.
How can pro-abortion advocates say that having an abortion is a woman's health
issue? Health means healing, abortion means death for the baby, and some type of
horrible side effect for most women, and the rest of their family.
The following is another paragraph from the brochure after a woman seeks healing:
"Thanks to Project Rachel I am me again. The retreat allowed me the opportunity
to experience God's love and forgiveness-something I had decided I was not
worthy of. Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love.
I actually feel lighter. The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again
and the people whom I love sense that."
If you know someone who is in need of healing, please reach out to them. The world
tells them it's no big deal, but the world lies. God is waiting with open arms to
hold them. Please speak out against abortion, please pray for an end to abortion.
I'll close with this verse from the bible. Bye for now, Sharla
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."
(Luke 15:7)
picked up the other day. The brochure is titled:
Life Matters:
Forgiveness and Healing After Abortion.
The following are the some of the heartbreaking testimonials from women who
have had an abortion.
"My life is ruined, I have been depressed, suicidal, guilt-ridden for 24 years. I beg
every day for forgiveness. I cannot believe God would forgive the life I have led."
"I know God has forgiven me for this sin I have committed but it is so hard for me
to forgive myself. Thirteen years later and I still haven't forgiven myself. I live
with this shame, guilt and disgust every day of my life."
The brochure is to help women who so desperately need/seek healing after an
abortion. If you know of someone in need of CONFIDENTIAL help to experience
God's forgiveness and healing, contact: www.hopeafterabortion.org
or you can call: 1-888-456-HOPE (4673)
I am pro-life. I pray everyday for an end to abortion, I pray for the precious
unborn babies and for their moms as well. Abortion takes one life, and ruins the
lives of so many others. Pro-abortion advocates push for abortion on demand
because they say it is a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.
Do these same advocates tell these women, young or older about the side effects
of having an abortion.
There should be adds that state:
These are some of the side effects of having an abortion: not only could
you die from complications, you might hemorrhage, you may not be able
to have another child, you might become depressed or suicidal, you may
experience deep grief and sadness, etc.
How can pro-abortion advocates say that having an abortion is a woman's health
issue? Health means healing, abortion means death for the baby, and some type of
horrible side effect for most women, and the rest of their family.
The following is another paragraph from the brochure after a woman seeks healing:
"Thanks to Project Rachel I am me again. The retreat allowed me the opportunity
to experience God's love and forgiveness-something I had decided I was not
worthy of. Little did I know that God was there, all along, offering me his love.
I actually feel lighter. The power of forgiveness is life-altering. I am happy again
and the people whom I love sense that."
If you know someone who is in need of healing, please reach out to them. The world
tells them it's no big deal, but the world lies. God is waiting with open arms to
hold them. Please speak out against abortion, please pray for an end to abortion.
I'll close with this verse from the bible. Bye for now, Sharla
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."
(Luke 15:7)
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Hello out there! I'm going to post a bunch of pictures I took on Monday 8/4/14,
at the Pro-Life Rally in Austin, Tx. There were hundreds of pro-life people at
the Republic Square in Austin on Monday morning praying for an end to abortion.
People from several different cities in Texas were there. Pro-lifers from San Angelo,
Texas were out in full force! I'm proud to have been one of them!
If you click on my posts it should take you to all the pictures!
Have a great day!
Blessings and Peace,
at the Pro-Life Rally in Austin, Tx. There were hundreds of pro-life people at
the Republic Square in Austin on Monday morning praying for an end to abortion.
People from several different cities in Texas were there. Pro-lifers from San Angelo,
Texas were out in full force! I'm proud to have been one of them!
If you click on my posts it should take you to all the pictures!
Have a great day!
Blessings and Peace,
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