Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Reality Check - It's Time to Wake Up


Hello out there –

On July 1st of 2013 an article was published on the front page of our then, local newspaper, the Standard Times. I read the article and was so deeply disturbed that it lit a burning fire in me to write a response. I emailed my heartfelt letter to the newspaper and they published it in the Viewpoints section on July 4th of 2013. Many people commented on my article and told me that I should write more articles like that. I laughed and told them that I wasn’t a writer, I was just so appalled that the words came tumbling out.

Looking back I see how God guides us to use the gifts He has given us. I also see His timing in opening my eyes to the gift of being able to write from my heart, a gift I didn’t even know I had until I wrote that one letter, and then the words kept coming, and the desire to write more was constantly on my mind. Several times I pushed it aside with the excuse that I was too busy, etc.

I turned fifty, the Big 50, at the end of December 2013. About a week later another upsetting story was in the newspaper. The same emotions I felt back in July hit me with such force, the words that came to my mind would not go away. I sat down, wrote a response, emailed it the newspaper, they published it, and I received the same encouragement to keep writing.

On a Saturday morning, March 22, 2014, I finally had the courage to try something that I truly knew nothing about – I started a blog. I wasn’t on Facebook, I had a flip phone and the only text messages I sent were one word responses; yes, no, okay, why? Yes, I had help setting up my blog:

If you are familiar with my blog, you know that I’ve been writing pro-life/pro-family/pro-faith stories for over ten years. I’ve written over 500 stories/posts for my blog. I’ve written numerous letters to our local newspaper, and newspapers in other cities and other states. I’ve written letters to people in office, clergy, etc. I do my homework before I write letters or articles. I look things up, I make phone calls, I pray, and then I sit down and write.

Yesterday, The New York Post shared the following information:

Free abortions, vasectomies will be available to DNC attendees in Chicago.

Planned Parenthood (Should change name to No Parenthood – my opinion) shared a picture of the “PP” mobile, and the address to perform these services. They are “free” but not really, because our taxes are paying for them. PP receives mega tax dollars.

I didn’t realize that Planned Parenthood offered vasectomies. Just a thought, you might want to check out the doctor’s credentials before you have that done. Some day you might want to have children, think about your future! Look up the word, “Eunuch” – yep, better check out those credentials.

I am deeply disturbed by the liberal lefts ideology: Their push against having a family, their ideas for population control and their verbal attacks on people with Christian values, Catholics, other Christian Denominations, Jewish people, pro-life people and basically against anyone who has one iota of common sense in our country right now!

I wish I was sharing a different message on this beautiful day that the Lord has made. It’s Sunday and I didn’t want to write this story today. But when I woke up, the first thought that came to my mind was the DNC – Democratic National Convention needs to be concerned about the real problems in our country. Stop pushing abortion and apparently vasectomies too! Why don’t you do something to help the men and women who want to have children, if you’re really “pro-choice” and not just “pro-abortion” why don’t you tell them about the help that is available for mothers and their babies! I didn’t read anything about there being people from pregnancy help centers on hand (who don’t receive any tax payer funding – private donations only) or anyone offering free sonograms. Wake up America – we have real problems on our hands!

Those were the thoughts in my head before I even threw the covers back – so I got up, complained about it to my husband, he poured me a cup of coffee and I’m in my office typing my little heart out.

Please pray for all of our leaders. Please pray for peace. Please pray for our families. Please pray for the unborn. (not necessarily in that order)

I’m going to fix a much needed cup of chamomile tea now that I’ve shared this message that God put on my heart.

And as always,

Peace and blessings to you and yours,

 near and far, wherever you are!

Bye for now,


St. Mother Teresa, please pray for us!



  1. Sharla is my sister in law, I have followed her blogs, Sharla expresses lots of concerns as we all do for our leaders! Especially when it comes to abortion! She strives hard to make sure that these women and men how important it is for our babies to be born! God bless our unborn! I pray I say this correct?

    1. Thank you for always supporting my pro-life work! Love you bunches!

  2. Thank you for sharing! We must continue to pray for the unborn.

  3. I’m not crying… you are!!! Thank you for the story, Sharla!!!!!!
