Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Visiting the Desert - A Time of Reflection and Prayer

 Hello out there! It is 6:20 pm and 93 degrees outside! I wanted to go for a walk but decided it was too hot! I decided to write a post for my blog instead! Last week I shared the Mysteries of the Rosary:

Monday - The Joyful Mysteries, Tuesday -The Sorrowful Mysteries, Wednesday - The Glorious Mysteries, and Thursday - The Luminous Mysteries - I included all the prayers, scriptures, and steps that go with praying the rosary. (You repeat The Sorrowful Mysteries on Friday, They Joyful Mysteries on Saturday, and The Glorious Mysteries on Sunday!)

Today I'm sharing The Stations of the Cross - I wrote this post back in September 2018. Jim and I had traveled to Arizona in the heat of summer - last week of July! As we traveled through Tucson we stopped at a Catholic Church that had an amazing prayer garden with The Stations of the Cross. I pray that this journey through the desert garden touches your heart! As I looked at the sculptures and re-read my post from almost six years ago, tears streamed down my face once more. 

Jesus, we need you so much! Please have mercy on us, and on the whole world.

Peace and blessings to you and yours, near and far, wherever you are!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Praying the Stations of the Cross in the Desert - A Peaceful, Nature Filled, Prayer Garden (Lizards Included)

Hello out there! How are y'all? It has been two weeks since I've written a post!
I wont' bore y'all with my everyday busy-ness! I have wanted to share these amazing
pictures I took at a prayer garden we visited in Tucson, Arizona back in July.
The beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains are the backdrop for the
Santa Catalina Catholic Church and the prayer garden they have next to the church.
Let me go back to that day - grab a cup of coffee, a glass of lemonade, or a cut of hot
tea and settle down somewhere comfortable. Are y'all ready? Let me tell you a story.....
On Thursday morning, July 19, 2018, Jim and I were leaving Tucson headed in the
direction of Phoenix, AZ. I was looking for a Catholic Church where we could stop
and maybe catch a noon Mass. I found one that looked like it was close by and
before I knew it, we almost missed the exit! Jim turned down the road and we found
this beautiful church out in the desert. We were told that the chapel was open and
we went inside to pray. I couldn't concentrate because I kept thinking of that desert
garden I had seen out to the side of the chapel. I whispered to Jimmy that I was going
outside. (I'm going to include a bunch of pictures).

I walked through the opening and immediately to my left I saw this amazing sight:

This is the scene where the disciples were asleep while Jesus was praying.
My heart jumped and I walked over to the disciple I thought would look like Peter
and I patted his hand. I think about how he must have lamented over his denial of
knowing Jesus and then I think of all the times I am not listening.
I prayed, "O Lord, how many times am I asleep when I should remain vigilant?"
(Look at the attention to detail on these sculptures)

I walked back to the trail and followed it to the right. Along the path were the Stations
of the Cross. I wish I had begun taking pictures at the First Station of the Cross but I
didn't - I started with the Fourth Station. Before I begin listing the Stations of the Cross,
I have to tell you about one of the signs that was posted along the path, "Watch out for
snakes!" I immediately thought of the devil because of the symbolism. But I did watch
our for snakes, a lot of lizards, small and not so small ran out in front of me! It was hot
outside, but the beauty of this desert garden grabbed me. I walked down the path and
prayed and sang, took pictures, and sang some more. Jim needed the quiet, solitude of
the chapel to concentrate on his prayers and I needed the amazing beauty and peace of
nature to concentrate on mine. Jim came to the garden and found me. He probably
followed my voice!
I really wish I had a picture for each Station of the Cross - The pictures that I did take
are breath taking.

The First Station of the Cross - Jesus is Condemned to Death
The Second Station of the Cross - Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
The Third Station of the Cross - Jesus Falls the First Time

The Fourth Station of the Cross
Jesus Meets His afflicted Mother
(Doesn't this picture break your heart?!)

The Fifth Station of the Cross
Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry His Cross

The Sixth Station of the Cross
Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

The Seventh Station of the Cross 
Jesus Falls the Second Time

The Eighth Station of the Cross
Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem

The Ninth Station of the Cross
 Jesus Falls the Third Time

The Tenth Station of the Cross
Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

The Eleventh Station of The Cross
Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

The Twelfth Station of the Cross
Jesus Dies on the Cross

The Thirteenth Station of the Cross
Jesus is taken down from the Cross

The Fourteenth Station of the Cross
Jesus is laid in the Sepulcher
The Fifteenth Station of the Cross
The Resurrection!
He is Risen!

Thank you for walking down the path of the Stations of the Cross with me! I felt so
at peace after spending time with Jesus in the desert - what a gift!
I have one more picture to share. This statue of "Our Lady of Life" was out in front of
the chapel.
This statue really touched my heart - Mother Mary and Baby Jesus - A unique and
heartwarming statue that goes with the beauty of the desert. I look at this statue and
think about a baby in their mother's womb.

Jesus Protect and Save the Unborn Babies
in their Mother's Womb and
all the Children of the World!

Blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla

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