Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I Wrote a Prayer for You Today

 Good morning out there! Peace and blessings to you and yours, near and far, wherever you are! I'm sure most of you have heard the old saying of how things change yet in some ways they stay the same. I was looking back in the archives of my blog for a certain post about prayers and praying. I found it - I wrote the post on May 1, 2015 - eight years ago. I've copied it and am going to paste it below. I hope you all have a blessed day. The prayer I wrote eight years ago - I pray for you today. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Prayer is the Answer

Good Morning Out There! Just a quick post to say hello and I hope your day goes
well. I woke up this morning with my grandchildren on my mind. I read the news-
paper last night, and that was probably not a good idea.  I know that I can't
hide my head in the sand, but there are just so many horrible things in this old
world, it just breaks my heart. So last night and this morning I did the best thing
I could do, I prayed. I talked to God and told him my fears and my worries. I lifted
up my family in prayer, I lifted up friends and the special intentions that I've been asked
to pray about. Last night when Jim and I prayed before eating dinner, we gave thanks
for our meal and then prayed for the sick. After I named off everyone I knew
who needed and had asked for our prayers Jim started naming those I had forgotten
to mention. I love that we pray together, I'm so thankful that we remind each other
about all those who need our prayers. When someone asks us to pray for them, we
really take it to heart. This morning when Jim was leaving for work he reminded me
about someone else we needed to pray for. I thank God for blessing me with such
a wonderful husband. He is an awesome example for our children and grandchildren.

I pray that your day is full of blessings. If you are sick, I pray that you will get well.
If you have lost a loved one, I pray that you will be comforted. If you are anxious,
I pray that a feeling of peace will wash over you. If you are lonely, I pray that someone
will reach out to you, I pray that you will know that even though I may not know you,
I really do care. If you are struggling financially, I pray that God will send you what
you need. If you are struggling with addiction, I pray that God will give you strength
and courage to give up whatever is holding you hostage. If you are in a crisis pregnancy,
I pray that you will be directed to the path of life, and guided to all the help that is
available for you and your baby. If you are a caregiver, I pray that you will get the
rest you need, and know that it is ok to take time for yourself.
Dear God, I lift all the intentions I've listed above to you. I pray for anyone and
everyone who might be suffering or going through any of the things I've written
about. Please God, show us how to take care of each other, to love one another and
help us to be discerning in all that we do. Thank you for today, please guide us and
help us to live the way you want us to. Please keep us safe and help us to look to
You, and not the world for direction and answers. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

                                                                Bye for now, Sharla


  1. Sharla , thank you for your prayers .. we all need them and in return w pray for your beautiful family .. You’re such a good, loving person and I’m so glad you have a great husband and family .. that’s a God send … I live reading all you write . God Bless you n yours … clelia

  2. Very very good lil lady. Here goes a big hug to you and Jim from Marcos and Sandra Perez.. Love you guys.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing. God bless!!

  4. A very lovely prayer and much needed by so many of us! Thank you for sharing with me. It’s like you are “right here” beside me in prayer.
    Blessings to you and Jim🥰🙏
