Hello out there ! This morning I went through all of my pro-life helpful links and re-checked websites, etc. I think it is always important to pass on information that can help people - especially young ladies and women who are dealing with an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.
Many of the places listed I have actually visited. Others I have contacted by phone and/or receive updates via email.
Helpful Information for mothers and
their babies, born and unborn.
Pregnancy Help Center of The Concho Valley -
All services are free; pregnancy tests, sonograms, parenting classes, etc. They
with baby clothes, maternity clothes, etc. The volunteers and staff are
friendly and
compassionate - they want to help the mothers and their babies - the fathers
The following phone number is a National Hotline that is answered 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
1-800-712-HELP (4357) You can speak to someone in English or Spanish. If
someone dials this number they are asked for their zip code or city and state
and they will be given the address to the nearest Pregnancy Help Center/
Pregnancy Resource Center. (Yes, I've called it!)
The hotline information is also on a banner:
Pregnant? You have options We Care -
We Can Help - 1-800-712-HELP. If
you would like to purchase a banner like this for your church or community
center or parish hall - please go to Heritage House 76 where you can find this
banner and all kinds of helpful things; fetal model sets, banners, bumper
stickers, etc. www.hh76.org or call
The Life Center
has four locations in West Texas: Midland, Odessa, Andrews, and Big Spring.
They offer so many things and services for the mothers, their babies and for
the fathers as well. Click on their website; www.midlandlifecenter.org; thelifecentertx.org (I've visited the Midland location).
Seton Home of San Antonio - They provide a safe haven for young teenage girls to live, have their babies, finish school, learn life skills, etc. These young ladies range in age from twelve to seventeen or nineteen if they have their baby before they turn eighteen. Everything they need is there; the daycare while they go to school, the small apartments, the large kitchen and dining area, etc. setonhomesa.org (I visited Seton Home in August 2017).
Gladney Home in Ft. Worth
- This is an amazing place, full of history; providing a safe and comfortable
place for young ladies who are choosing adoption for their babies. Depending on
the young ladies situation, they can live there and finish school while they
are waiting for the birth of their baby. They can choose an open adoption or a
closed adoption. They can also go through the adoption process without living
on site. There are other Gladney locations in the state of Texas. I'm not sure
if they all provide housing but they have offices in Austin, Midland, and
Abilene. (Those are the ones I know of.)
https://adoptionsbygladney.com and www.gladney.org (Visited several times).
Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown, TX -They are nationally accredited. This home is similar to
the Seton Home. https://www.thematernityhome.org.
Elizabeth House Maternity Home, Bryan, College
Station - https://elizhouse.com
Rachel's Vineyard - They offer post abortion counseling and weekend retreats in English and Spanish for women and men. They have women only retreats and men only retreats. They are a very compassionate organization. https://www.rachelsvineyard.org
Please, share some or all of this
information in your church bulletins, news-letters/newspapers. Check out all
the websites for yourselves, and you might find even more good news to share.
Being pro-life begins in our own homes, within our own families, and reaching out to those in our parishes and communities.
Peace and blessings to you and yours, near and far, wherever you are!Bye for now,
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