Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Sharing Important Information About Life Options!

 Hello out there - Please share this helpful information!

I'm writing this post in regards to the abortion articles that were published on the front pages of the Standard-Times Newspaper on Friday, October 15, 2021, Sunday, October 17, 2021, and again today!

 If you have not already read the lengthy articles, please take time to read them. The articles state how hard it is to get an abortion now that the heartbeat bill is in effect. I will be sending in a response because I have a lot of questions - they only talk about abortion not any other options. They complain about the long drive, don't talk about any alternatives, and the young 12 and 13 year old girls they talk about in some of these articles. They are taking these girls to get an abortion. Are they asking any questions? Are these girls going back to a safe environment? Were they raped? And if so, was a report filed? Are they still in danger? Do they make sure that the adult with them is their actual parent - What  about child sex trafficking? Are they looking out for these girls and calling in anything suspicious? Anyway - I'll post a copy once I've sent it in. The following information is about the help that is available. Hope and Life - Help is available!

Abortion is not the only option if someone is facing a crisis pregnancy. Four years ago, I traveled to San Antonio to visit the Seton Home of San Antonio. I called ahead and requested a tour of their facilities. They provide a safe haven for young teenage girls to live, have their babies, finish school, learn life skills, etc. These young ladies range in age from twelve to seventeen or nineteen if they have their baby before they turn eighteen. I was very impressed with all they have to offer these young ladies who want to keep their babies. Everything is right there; the daycare while they go to school, the small apartments, the large kitchen and dining area, etc.                 https://setonhomesa.

I went to the Gladney Home in Ft. Worth about a month later. I have visited there quite a few times. This is an amazing place, full of history; providing a safe and comfortable place for young ladies who are choosing adoption for their babies. Depending on the young ladies situation, they can live there and finish school while they are waiting for the birth of their baby. They can choose an open adoption or a closed adoption. They can also go through the adoption process without living on site. There are other Gladney locations in the state of Texas. I'm not sure if they all provide housing but they have offices in Austin, Midland, and Abilene. (Those are the ones I know of.) https://adoptionsbygladney.com and www.gladney.org 

I have not been to the Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown, TX,  but I do receive their newsletter by email. This home is similar to the Seton Home. https://www.thematernityhome.org.

I just found a website for, Elizabeth House, a maternity home located in Bryan, College Station.    Check out their website as well;  https://elizhouse.com

The following phone number is a National Hotline that is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 1-800-712-HELP(4357) If someone dials this number they are asked for their zip code or city and state and they will be given the address to the nearest Pregnancy Help Center/ Pregnancy Resource Center. (I called and asked questions - the lady was very nice!) English and Spanish

The banner says, Pregnant? You have options We Care We Can Help 1-800-712-HELP. If you would like to purchase a banner like this for your church or community center or parish hall - please go to Heritage House 76 and you can find all kinds helpful things; fetal model sets, banners, bumper stickers, etc. I think of every banner and every bumper sticker as a seed planted for hope and life. www.HH76.org or call 1-800-858-3040

In San Angelo we have a wonderful center: 

Pregnancy Help Center of The Concho Valley -
All services are free; pregnancy tests, sonograms, parenting classes, etc. They help
with baby clothes, maternity clothes, etc. The volunteers and staff are friendly and
compassionate - they want to help the mothers and their babies - the fathers too!

In June of 2017 I drove to Midland and toured The Life Center. They have four locations in West Texas, Midland, Odessa, Andrews, and Big Spring. They offer so many things - for the fathers as well. Click on their website; www.midlandlifecenter.org

I think it is important to make this information available; church bulletins, bulletin boards, church secretaries, friends, neighbors, etc. We need to make sure that people know about all the help that is available for mothers and their unborn babies! 

Share this information in your church news letters/newspapers and websites. Check out all the websites for yourselves, and you might find more good news to share.

Planned or unplanned, a crisis pregnancy or a much prayed for pregnancy; a baby is a baby - a gift from God.

Let's all work together to bring a culture of life back to our community and the communities around us. I pray that we will all be a light in this dark world.

Peace and blessings to you and yours!

Bye for now, Sharla


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