Saturday, October 23, 2021

Re-sharing a Story - Always from my Heart

 Hello out there! I was looking for a particular post and came across this one. I wrote this story back in March of 2018. I decided that this story, is one that needs to be re-shared. Tears filled my eyes as I read this story once more, remembering how I must have felt when I wrote it back then and how I feel the same way today. Peace and blessings to your and yours, Sharla

Adoption - A Loving, Caring, Life Option

Hello out there - it is a sunny and windy day!
Promoting adoption for the human babies is pressing upon my heart -
What do I do, what do I say, I ask the Lord as I pray and pray!

I found this post I wrote a while back - as always, the words come from my heart.
I want to get the message out there that adoption is a life option. I would love to see
billboards and commercials and magazine covers about people who have been
adopted. I want to hear adoption stories because I know how special each story is!
I want people to know that babies are a gift. If you are in a crisis pregnancy and
this is not the right time for you to have a baby, please consider adoption for your
baby. I was blessed to have been adopted at birth and I want to share the message
that adoption is a life giving option! I see the commercials on television where the
movie stars are holding a puppy or a kitten and they are crying, begging people to
adopt these poor innocent animals. That is fine, but what about the poor, innocent
babies? What about the unborn, where are the tears? Where is the compassion?
Why are people so afraid to speak up for the human babies? If I had the money to
pay for advertising on billboards about adopting the human babies, I would. Maybe
I need to get more information about how much it costs and have a fund raiser.
Maybe that is why God has placed this so on my heart. I write these posts but I
must do more. Thanks for listening, just writing about this has helped me. It is
time for me to take the next step. If you have some ideas please share them with
me. I will keep you posted on the billboard idea. I wrote a post back in September
of 2014 and I am going to re-post it today because the words I wrote then are how I
feel again. God bless you all from wherever you are.
A post from September 2014: (I've tweaked it a little bit, just following
my heart!)
You know, things don't always go as we plan, dream or hope. Many times God is
reminding us that He is in charge of our lives, not us. Maybe it's a job loss, a transfer,
not getting the house you want, or maybe it's something like not having good enough
credit for an expensive vehicle or maybe just any kind of vehicle! An unplanned
pregnancy definitely changes everything, absolutely changes how you live your life,
but if you stop and think about it, this baby is a gift from God. Maybe you need a
new direction. This baby will change your life for the better, this baby is part of you.
To all the men out there, no matter what age you are, if your girlfriend or wife is
pregnant, be a real man. Take care of your family, take care of your responsibilities.
Love, protect and support them, be proud to be called dad. As far as that goes,
be proud to be a husband! Take pride in yourself and say "Hey, it's going to be ok,
we can do this." Your girlfriends, your wives, they need to hear you say,
"We're a family, yes this changes everything, but for the better!"
Children need their mothers and their fathers, babies are such a blessing,!
When did we get so off track. We need commercials and television shows that
support family instead of the stupid stuff that's on. We need magazine covers that
have positive messages about happy families and not the tabloid trash
that is on the rack right by the check out stand in the stores. 
Men, step up to the plate and be a loving and supportive dad. Be a great boyfriend,
better yet, be a great husband, make the commitment that says this is for real,
this is forever! I realize that the majority of men are wonderful husbands and dads
who take great care of their families. I personally know many men who are the ones
raising their children.  The single dads I know are amazing, and they do a great job
taking care of their children.
I am talking about the young men who drive their girlfriends to the abortion facilities
and/or those who push them into having an abortion. A baby is not a choice, a baby
is a gift, a unique individual and should be loved and cherished. Choosing adoption
for your baby if you are not able to raise them, is choosing life. I'm not saying that
adoption would be an easy decision but at least you would be choosing life, giving
your baby a chance, just like the chance I was given.
I keep seeing all the challenges on face book to raise money for good causes,
and there is nothing wrong with that. But here is a real challenge, take care of your
family. Be there for your family day in and day out. The world tells you that partying
is the way to go. Bar hopping gets old and what a sad, empty, lonely life.
Being part of a loving, caring family is the most amazing gift you can have, and
give back to others. Put God first, find a parish home, get involved, spend time with
your family. Pray with your family, attend Mass or church with your family.
 A good marriage is such a blessing and it is worth all the time and effort.
Communication and respect are really important in all relationships.
Ladies, motherhood is the most amazing gift, but be careful who you pick to date
and marry, make sure they want the same things in life that you do. The same goes
for men also! Men and women, please make sure that your children, no matter what
their age, are protected, loved and nurtured!
Spend time with them, turn off all the phones at meal time. When you are in the car
driving them here and there, talk to them, sing with them, laugh with them, pray with
them! Tune out the world and tune into family.
This ugliness in our world will not change unless we change. We need to get our
priorities straight, we need to put God first, family second, and everything else will
fall into place.  To sum this all up, I'll say it again, a baby is a gift from God.
Our lives are gifts from God, what we do with our life, how we treat others,
how we love others, is our gift back to God.
So get out there! Reach out and take care of each other, take care of your family.

                                                                                Blessings to you and yours!
                                                                                        Bye for now, Sharla

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Sharing Important Information About Life Options!

 Hello out there - Please share this helpful information!

I'm writing this post in regards to the abortion articles that were published on the front pages of the Standard-Times Newspaper on Friday, October 15, 2021, Sunday, October 17, 2021, and again today!

 If you have not already read the lengthy articles, please take time to read them. The articles state how hard it is to get an abortion now that the heartbeat bill is in effect. I will be sending in a response because I have a lot of questions - they only talk about abortion not any other options. They complain about the long drive, don't talk about any alternatives, and the young 12 and 13 year old girls they talk about in some of these articles. They are taking these girls to get an abortion. Are they asking any questions? Are these girls going back to a safe environment? Were they raped? And if so, was a report filed? Are they still in danger? Do they make sure that the adult with them is their actual parent - What  about child sex trafficking? Are they looking out for these girls and calling in anything suspicious? Anyway - I'll post a copy once I've sent it in. The following information is about the help that is available. Hope and Life - Help is available!

Abortion is not the only option if someone is facing a crisis pregnancy. Four years ago, I traveled to San Antonio to visit the Seton Home of San Antonio. I called ahead and requested a tour of their facilities. They provide a safe haven for young teenage girls to live, have their babies, finish school, learn life skills, etc. These young ladies range in age from twelve to seventeen or nineteen if they have their baby before they turn eighteen. I was very impressed with all they have to offer these young ladies who want to keep their babies. Everything is right there; the daycare while they go to school, the small apartments, the large kitchen and dining area, etc.                 https://setonhomesa.

I went to the Gladney Home in Ft. Worth about a month later. I have visited there quite a few times. This is an amazing place, full of history; providing a safe and comfortable place for young ladies who are choosing adoption for their babies. Depending on the young ladies situation, they can live there and finish school while they are waiting for the birth of their baby. They can choose an open adoption or a closed adoption. They can also go through the adoption process without living on site. There are other Gladney locations in the state of Texas. I'm not sure if they all provide housing but they have offices in Austin, Midland, and Abilene. (Those are the ones I know of.) and 

I have not been to the Annunciation Maternity Home in Georgetown, TX,  but I do receive their newsletter by email. This home is similar to the Seton Home.

I just found a website for, Elizabeth House, a maternity home located in Bryan, College Station.    Check out their website as well;

The following phone number is a National Hotline that is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 1-800-712-HELP(4357) If someone dials this number they are asked for their zip code or city and state and they will be given the address to the nearest Pregnancy Help Center/ Pregnancy Resource Center. (I called and asked questions - the lady was very nice!) English and Spanish

The banner says, Pregnant? You have options We Care We Can Help 1-800-712-HELP. If you would like to purchase a banner like this for your church or community center or parish hall - please go to Heritage House 76 and you can find all kinds helpful things; fetal model sets, banners, bumper stickers, etc. I think of every banner and every bumper sticker as a seed planted for hope and life. or call 1-800-858-3040

In San Angelo we have a wonderful center: 

Pregnancy Help Center of The Concho Valley -
All services are free; pregnancy tests, sonograms, parenting classes, etc. They help
with baby clothes, maternity clothes, etc. The volunteers and staff are friendly and
compassionate - they want to help the mothers and their babies - the fathers too!

In June of 2017 I drove to Midland and toured The Life Center. They have four locations in West Texas, Midland, Odessa, Andrews, and Big Spring. They offer so many things - for the fathers as well. Click on their website;

I think it is important to make this information available; church bulletins, bulletin boards, church secretaries, friends, neighbors, etc. We need to make sure that people know about all the help that is available for mothers and their unborn babies! 

Share this information in your church news letters/newspapers and websites. Check out all the websites for yourselves, and you might find more good news to share.

Planned or unplanned, a crisis pregnancy or a much prayed for pregnancy; a baby is a baby - a gift from God.

Let's all work together to bring a culture of life back to our community and the communities around us. I pray that we will all be a light in this dark world.

Peace and blessings to you and yours!

Bye for now, Sharla


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Thankful for Sundays and God's Amazing Grace

 Hello out there! This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice! Sunday is such a special day. I treasure the slower pace, and am thankful to Almighty God our Father, because He knew we would need a day to rest. Our phones don't ring as much, very few text messages are received or sent, coffee is finished before it gets cold, and the highlight of our day is going to the 6:00 pm Mass on Sunday evening.

This morning, Jim opened the kitchen windows so that we could feel the morning breeze. He had filled up our bird baths that are in the front yard last night. We have a regular bird bath, next to our statue of St. Francis, not far from our kitchen window. And two "red-neck" bird baths that are next to an oak tree  closer to the road. One of the "red-neck" bird baths is an oblong stock tank. This tank is used by the thirsty deer, stray dogs, including a three legged dog that jumps right into the stock tank every-time he runs by (cools him off and he get a drink), Jim calls him Lucky! Several birds splish-splash as they take a bath! Our cardinals came and visited us this morning - three couples! Three bright red handsome male cardinals and their lovely wives! They flew in and out of our large oak tree and jumped all over the ground until two squirrels dashed by and they all took flight.

I glanced through the newspaper this morning and quickly folded it back up. There is nothing I can do about all the craziness in our world right now except to pray. I pray for our eyes to be opened to God's words, His message for us, His path for us. I pray for God to help me hold my tongue, to listen more and speak less. And I say this in all seriousness because I have a tendency to say too much, always have an answer, always want to help, and sometimes people just need a listening ear. I pray that these posts/stories I write will touch the hearts of those who need them the most. I pray that God will continue to remind me of the Serenity Prayer: 

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change;                                             the Courage to change the things I can;                                                                                                     and the Wisdom to know the difference.

I'm thankful that Jim and I are able to spend time with our children and grandchildren. I pray that as they grow older and look back, they'll remember how much we love them and the example we have tried to teach by our actions, not just our words. I pray that they will remember how much we depend on God and how thankful we are for our many blessings. God is always with us, through everything He is with us. Sometimes He walks beside us, sometimes He carries us, and He always loves us - through it all - reach out to Him, answer the door when He knocks, and always seek His guidance.

Last night, Jim and I sat on the back porch and enjoyed the evening breeze, the starry skies, and the skinny, crescent moon. We solve the world's problems on our back porch. We pray and hope for people in office to seek God's counsel, to use their common sense, and then we pray the Serenity Prayer. I told Jim that I think about St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta a lot. She was an amazing, giving, and courageous woman of God. Can you imagine what she saw everyday? She and the religious community she founded, Missionaries of Charity, took care of the poorest of the poor on a daily basis. Jim and I talked about how there was no end in sight to their mission. Everyday, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and dying who lay in the streets. Getting up every morning, praying and going out to take care of the many who so desperately need their help. Look up the Missionaries of Charity to find out more about all they do and where they are located.

One of my favorite quotes from St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta is, "God doesn't require us to succeed; only that we try." I've also heard the quote this way, "God hasn't called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful."  Either way, the message is simple and one I carry in my heart. If you know me, or you've read other stories from my blog, you've heard my pro-life/pro-family message. I will share my message of life, of adoption being a loving, life option, the miracle of life from conception, and the help that is available for pregnant moms and their babies. I will pray for the fortitude to work each and every day, even if it's in a small way, to be a voice for precious unborn babies and their mothers and fathers as well. I will continue to reach out and share the beautiful message of life because planned or unplanned; a crisis pregnancy or a much prayed for pregnancy; a baby is a baby. 

I will close with a prayer I wrote five years ago:

My prayer today is for the unborn, the innocent little babes.
My prayer today is for the little ones who are hungry and abused.
My prayer today is for the children who have to grow up too fast.
My prayer is for the teenagers who move from one foster home to the next.
My prayer is for those who live in group homes and those who have no home at all.
My prayer is that all these children, from the unborn baby in their mother's womb,
to the fully grown young ladies and young men, that they will be loved
and protected, nurtured and fed. I pray that they have shoes that fit and clothes
for all the seasons. I pray that they have a roof over their head. And not just a roof,
but an actual home where they feel safe and feel loved and special.
Dear God, please, protect all children everywhere. Amen.

Peace and blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla