Hello out there! Good afternoon - what a beautiful, sun shiny day! I'm back at home! Our granddaughter and daughter-in-law are back at their home too, thanks be to God! The three week hospital stay at the children's cancer hospital ended up being almost six weeks. Our granddaughter is doing better and we are thankful for everyone's prayers. She still has long journey ahead - please continue to pray for her and our whole family, especially her mom and dad and her brothers and sisters.
Jim and I have been married for over thirty-seven years. His work was always close to home and we have not been apart very often. I have been away from home several nights this past six weeks helping out with our grandchildren while their mom and sister were in the hospital and their dad was working. I'm thankful that I've been able to help out and there were times when Jim would switch out with me so that I could come home for a little while. One Sunday afternoon we passed each other on the highway and waved. Last night I walked out into the backyard and noticed something on the sidewalk - Jim had written our initials with a pecan on the sidewalk. Tears came to my eyes as I walked back into our home to get my camera. I'm going to close with something I wrote in a previous post.
I always say - a wedding is a day, a marriage is a life-time and if you
want to have
good marriage, it takes work! Communication is very important. You can't read
each other's minds, so talk! God must be number one in your marriage, pray
together, pray for each other and attend Mass as a family. Pray when you wake
up, thank the Lord for a new day and ask for His help throughout the day.
Pray before meals, always thank God for the food you have to eat and ask Him
to be with those who don't. Pray before you go to sleep! Hold hands, hug, laugh
and be quick to forgive! Put down the phones! Talk to each other and make sure
your friends are on the same path you are! Remember to say thank you and please
and you’re welcome to each other.
Love is patient, love is kind! Marriage is awesome!
Peace and blessings to you and yours!
Bye for now, Sharla
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