Sunday, December 8, 2019

Blessings During This Advent Season

Good morning out there - Today is the Second Sunday of Advent!
I love this time of year - The decorations, the lights, the music, and all the Christmas
baking! This year I am also spending more of my time doing something really special.
I'm following an Advent Spiritual Exercise work sheet. This includes daily prayers,
scriptures for the day, and spending more quiet time with God. And listening!
Sometimes we need to be still and truly listen so that we can hear what God is
trying to tell us. I read the daily scriptures, prayers, and psalms from one of my
daily devotionals. The following scriptures are from the daily devotional,
 "the WORD among us." (Advent 2019)

Second Sunday of Advent - December 8, 2019
Isaiah 11:1-10
A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse. (Isaiah 11:1)

Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17
May his name be blessed forever;
as long as the sun his name shall remain.
In him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed;
all the nations shall proclaim his happiness. (Psalm 72:17)

I am going to share part of this next scripture from my bible instead of
my daily devotional. (Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible)
Romans 15:4-9
Accept one another, then, as Christ accepted you, for the glory of God.
Yes, I affirm that Christ became the servant of the Jews because of God's
faithfulness in fulfilling the promises to the patriarchs, whereas the
Gentiles glorify God because of his mercy.
As Scripture has it,
Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles   
 and I will sing to your name. (Romans 15:7-9)

Matthew 3:1-12
When John the Baptizer made his appearance as a preacher in the desert
of Judea, this was his theme.
 "Reform your lives! The reign of God is at hand."
It was of him that the prophet Isaiah had spoken when he said:
"A herald's voice in the desert:
Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths."
(Matthew 3:1-3)

Some ideas to help us slow down a little bit during this time of year.
Take your time hanging up the decorations -
it doesn't have to all be done in one day!
Cut snow flakes out of paper and tape to your windows!
Sit down with your family and read a Christmas story
at the dinner table or before bed.
Don't go into debt! Be honest about what you can afford
and what you can't afford.
It's okay if you don't have time to bake from scratch!
Buy some roll out sugar cookies and sprinkles
and then let your kids sprinkle away!
The smell of cookies baking in the oven and spending
time with you is what they'll remember and cherish!
Go to Mass or your church service as a family -
make spending time in prayer and with the Lord a priority!
Hug your spouse, hug your kids
and think about making and giving some sentimental gifts.
Print out some pictures and make a collage in a cute frame for their room.
Or make them a photo album of their very own.
Buy some of their favorite snacks and warm comfy socks!
As a family, pick out a gift for someone who isn't as
fortunate and let your kids help wrap it.
Watch uplifting and faith filled  movies such as:
(These are some of my favorites)
"It's A Wonderful Life"
"A Christmas Carol"
"Miracle on 34th Street"
and movies about the Birth of Jesus!

Come, Let Us Adore Him,
Jesus Christ our Lord!

Blessings to you near or far
Blessings upon blessings wherever you are!
Bye for now, Sharla


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