Hello out there! The St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry is in need of supplies!
We are truly blessed by all the thoughtful, kind, and generous people who
help us out with supplies and monetary donations.
Our ministry is totally dependent on donations; supplies and/or monetary.
Sacred Heart Cathedral donates the building, electricity, and space for the
sack lunch ministry. All the food for the sack lunches depend on donations.
We serve on average 60 - 75 people a day. We hand out lunches five days a
week. That means we hand out between 300 - 375 lunches every week (some-
times more and sometimes less).
The following is a list of items we use on a daily basis. Every item we receive is
a blessing. If you have room in your grocery budget this week maybe you can pick
up one or two of the following items!
1. Lunch Meat: Ham, Turkey, or Bologna (we have plenty of Peanut Butter
right now)!
2. Sliced Cheese
3. Chips: Individual bags
4. Peanut Butter or Cheese Crackers
5. Fruit: Individual servings of applesauce, fruit cups, mandarin oranges or
fresh fruit (cutie oranges, bananas, apples, etc.)
If you would like to make a monetary donation (tax deductible) please make
your check out to Sacred Heart Cathedral and notate (Sack Lunch Ministry)
in the memo area and place in one of the specially marked envelopes in the
vestibule or by the office door.
Once we move to the Catholic Outreach building (sometime in the spring 2020)
the checks will be made out to Catholic Outreach with the same notation.
We pick up supplies at Sam's and I'm posting some pictures below. Items may
be purchased anywhere - this is just to give you an idea of what we go through
in a weeks time.
A double package of ham makes 40 sandwiches.
A double package of turkey makes 40 sandwiches.
The block of cheese has 160 slices.
For example: if we serve meat and cheese sandwiches four days a week and we feed
60 people a day for four days - we need 240 slices of meat (6 doubles packages) and
one and one half blocks of cheese. (We serve PBJs/peanut butter and jelly at least
once a week). If we serve 75 people a day - of course we need more.
Each sack lunch contains a sandwich, bag of chips,
package of crackers, and fruit (canned or fresh).
We are reaching to all of you because this ministry
helps so many people. Our only other options are toput less in the each bag or cut down the number of
days we serve. That will be our last resort!
Thank you for all that you have done to help keep this
ministry going and for all of our volunteers!We also use Mayo and Mustard packets!

Blessings, Sharla