Hello out there - The weather out here has been up and down. The weather on
Easter Sunday was absolutely perfect! A beautiful, warm, sunny day - a great day
to celebrate The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I walked around singing,
"He is Risen, is Risen Alleluia!" Our children and grandchildren came over and
we cooked out hamburgers and sausage. We usually have ham but everyone
wanted something a little different this year and that was fine with me! We set
up a table outside for the kids to color all the eggs I had boiled. They had a great
time. We had a big Easter Egg Hunt before everyone went home and that was
really fun. I am so thankful for my family and I love spending time with all of them.
The St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry is really going well. We served chili dogs today!
They also received homemade brownies one of our volunteers baked and individually
wrapped. We put a package of chips, crackers, and a fresh orange (also donated)
in each bag too. We made a couple of pots of coffee (it is kind of chilly today) and
we took orders - some wanted it black, others wanted cream and sugar, etc. and we
were happy to fix it up for them just like they wanted it. This ministry just warms
your heart.
We have received some awful news this week. A person donated 9 million
dollars to Planned Parenthood so that they could open back up somewhere in
West Texas. Another person gave them 800,000 dollars to help with this venture.
I keep thinking about how 9 million could be used to help bring down the cost of
adoptions. Just think about this - You could give 5,000.00 towards adoption fees for
1,800 couples, or 10,000.00 per 900 couples, or so many other useful and needed
services for children and families. I will never understand how people can support
abortion. We found out last night that PP is planning on opening two facilities;
possibly right here in San Angelo and the other one might be in Midland, Lubbock,
or Abilene. That is all we know right now.
Please pray for the unborn all over our world - the weakest and most innocent among
us and their lives are ended because they are considered a choice. May God have
mercy on us all for allowing this. I have to go now - I wish this post wasn't ending
on a sad note but I needed to share this information because the babies really need
all of our prayers. Children of all ages need our prayers.
Blessings to you and yours,
Bye for now, Sharla
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