Sunday, April 29, 2018

Last Week Was Full of Blessings!

Hello out there! The sun is shining, the skies are blue and little puffy white
clouds are scattered all around! The birds are singing, the wind is blowing and
it is a peaceful Sunday afternoon here at the Ynostrosa hacienda (not really a
hacienda - just our happy little home - but I like the way hacienda sounds)!
April has been a very busy month for us. My little desk calendar has something
written on almost every day. I have tons of things to share with y'all and I'm trying
to figure out where to start. Let's begin with the Responsorial Psalm that is in my
daily Mass booklet, the Magnificat. I read this last night (late last night) and I
was singing the response in my head because Jim was sound asleep!
Psalm 98
R: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.

Sing to the Lord a new song,
for he has done wondrous deeds;
His right hand has won victory for him, his holy arm.
(I sang this verse too and I added at the end
"and sing to the Lord a new song!"
R: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.

The Lord has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness and his faithfulness
toward the house of Israel.
R: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.
"and sing to the Lord a new song!" It just seems to fit!

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God.
Sing joyfully to the Lord, all you lands; break into song; sing praise.
R: All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.
"and sing to the Lord a new song!" It still fits!

I love to share prayers, scriptures, and hymns with y'all!
(This is the prayer request box that my friend, Candi and I made to
 put out during  the 40 Days for Life Campaigns.
The tote bag behind the prayer box with the beautiful picture of
 Our Lady of Guadalupe
 holds the large rosary we use when we are praying as a group.)

Next item up is..............
I am going to tell y'all one of my crazy, "it could be the lyrics to a country song"
stories  -
Last Tuesday we were going to serve chili dogs at the sack lunch ministry.
We had done this two times earlier in the month with no problems and no mess!
The first thing that went wrong was our hand held twist it yourself can opener, that
I had just purchased a couple of weeks ago, broke! No problem, I power walked
across the street to our church cafeteria (let them know that I needed to borrow a
can opener) rummaged through the drawers, found one and power walked back
across the street. My friends/volunteers for the day already had the weenies
heating up in the crock pot. We opened the cans of chili and poured them in the
electric roaster and waited for everything to heat up. They already had the sacks
ready and filled with chips, applesauce, and peanut butter crackers. We couldn't
find the metal tongs we usually use and I grabbed a pair of plastic tongs thinking
they would work out fine. Alfred and Jane put the buns on a foil wrap and then
handed them to me. (I had placed several weenies in the chili and would use the
tongs to take them out and simply put one in a bun and hand it back to them to
wrap up. Easy peasy, right? Not this time - those tongs did not work and chili
splashed all over my shirt. I did not have on an apron, and for some
reason I wore one of my favorite shirts. I just kept going because the damage
was already done and we needed to get the lunches ready. After the next splash
that got chili on the white walls we decided we better find that other set of tongs!
Miss Rose, who is like my grandmother, looked at me and shook her head. I went
to the sink and rinsed the chili off my shirt and she took a wet towel and cleaned
the wall. We found the other tongs and got back to work. The lunches were made,
the people we served were thankful for chili dogs, and we laughed about the way
our morning began. Everyone gave me ideas on how to get the stains out of my
shirt and I decided that the next time we have chili dogs was going to be on a day
I wasn't there! Times like this always make me think of the "I Love Lucy" shows
and we all laughed about the episodes we remember. My shirt - I think is going
to be fine! I did not have any Spray n Wash so I squirted Dawn dish washing
soap all over the many stains; scrub, scrub, scrubbed and put it in the washing
machine and prayed that soap suds would not come bubbling out while it was
washing! I was amazed - I let it air dry, there was only one small place that still
looks a little discolored (I forgot to tell y'all - this shirt is white with some blue
splashes) and I think I will get some Spray n Wash and rewash it with that! Yay!
Miss Rose and I shared the chili story with our friends on Wednesday morning
while we were making lunches; ham and cheese sandwiches, bananas, chips, and
crackers - now that is easy peasy! Dominic said, "That sounds like a country song,
got chili on my shirt" and we all laughed because you just have days like that!
Wednesday night I was able to do one of my favorite things - I was blessed to
spend time with the 9th and 10th grade Confirmation Class at St. Thomas Catholic
Church in Miles. My daughter-in-law is one of their teachers and she invited me
to bring my babies (the fetal model sets) and talk to them about how amazing
the miracle of life is. We talked about their hopes and dreams and I told them
that they are all special and that God has a wonderful plan for each one of them.
The time flew by way too quickly - so much more to say - but they were listening,
really listening. I will hop in my truck and drive wherever I am able if I can
help share the pro-life message and God's love to our youth!
I told them that they all have a gift, a talent given by God and that they may not
realize what it is until later on; I told them to pray and ask for God's guidance in
their lives and to remember that their church is a community of people who care
about them. I told them to take care of each other and the younger children, and
to be good examples. I laid out book marks and rosaries (that Father Tom had
blessed), and some bracelets for them to take what they wanted. I also had my
prayer intention box with me. I told them that if they had a prayer request and
wanted to put one in the box that I would take it to the Adoration Chapel with me
and put it in their prayer request box. There are two prayer requests for me to take
to the chapel in the morning - their request is not for me to read. Just writing the
the request down was a prayer in itself - our youth need prayers.
We live in a world that pushes drugs, sex, live for the moment type attitude,
and our kids (I mean all children everywhere) need our prayers. They need to
know that we care; they need their dads and they need their moms to be parents!
They need guidance from people who care about their well being. I've been to
five different church groups this year. I drive home with tears streaming down my
face and my heart feeling like it will explode because I want to protect them all.
I know that seeds are planted - I see it in their eyes - God please keep them safe
and make them strong! Amen.

The following scripture is from the
 "Saint Joseph Edition of the New American Bible."
Jeremiah 1:4-10
The word of the Lord came to me thus:
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you,
a prophet to the nations I appointed you.
"Ah, Lord God!" I said,
"I know not how to speak; I am too young."
But the Lord answered me,
Say not, "I am too young."
To whomever I send you, you shall go;
whatever I command you, you shall speak.
Have no fear before them,
because I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.
Then the Lord extended his hand and touched my mouth , saying,
See, I place my words in your mouth!
This day I set you over nations and over kingdoms,
To root up and to tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and to plant.

I have more to share but this is a long post so I will save it for another day!

                                                                    Blessings to you and yours!
                                                                         Bye for now, Sharla

Friday, April 20, 2018

How About A Reality Check

Hello out there! A quick post before I turn in for the night. There has been some
more information about Planned Parenthood returning to San Angelo. I read several
of the comments and I am amazed at how misinformed people are.
I really feel like education and helpful information is vital in regard to this issue.
I do not want Planned Parenthood in our city or our diocese.
The following is my calm, prayerful and informative response:

Sharing some information: Sometimes you have to check around to find the help that
is available. I read many of the comments and decided to make some phone calls.
The Health Department at 2030 Pulliam Street, Suite 8 in San Angelo offers STD
testing for a very reasonable amount. The office visit and testing for HIV,
Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, and VD is $25.00 - Monday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
from 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. please call 657-4214
to make an appointment or stop by.
I was curious about how much Planned Parenthood would charge and I called
their office in San Antonio at the Babcock address. For the office visit and the tests
I listed above the full price would cost $300.00. If you have insurance they would
charge that amount.
I know that they have a sliding scale depending on your income but $25.00 (at the
health department) sounds pretty reasonable.
Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms, they do not have the equipment to
perform mammograms however they do perform breast exams and pap smears.
La Esperanza Clinics (3 locations in San Angelo) also perform pap smears
and breast exams plus so many more healthcare needs including some dental and
they also charge according to your income.
The Pregnancy Help Center in San Angelo offers free pregnancy testing and free
sonograms. They also provide services such as free parenting classes and they have
a wide selection of baby clothes that are given away and they have some maternity
clothes too.
If you are having trouble paying for your prescriptions please let your doctor know
and maybe they can prescribe something similar but more affordable - and ask for
samples - sometimes they have what you need and will give you the sample.
If you need a mammogram and cannot afford one let your doctor know because there
is a foundation here that will help with the cost.
 And last but definitely not least - if you are dealing with a crisis pregnancy -
adoption is a loving life option. I was adopted at birth and I have a lot of resource
information if you are interested.

And one more thing - It really is hypocritical and in poor taste that they show a picture of
a sweet newborn baby on the link about Planned Parenthood coming to town. Since
PP provides contraceptives so you won't get pregnant and then provides abortions if you
do get pregnant - I think they need to find a more appropriate picture advertising what
they actually do.

Please say a prayer for the precious unborn and children of all ages.

Friday, April 13, 2018

God is Great, God is Good, Let us Thank Him for our Food!

Hello out there, again! Another post - two in one day!

The St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry is growing every day! We are now handing out
lunches to 40 - 63 people a day. I think we served 67 people on one of our busiest days.
This ministry is truly blessed by all of our volunteers, and everyone who drop supplies
off. And most of our volunteers bring supplies with them!
I am an old school type person and not very creative but I wanted to write a thank you and
please note. I knew it would be faster if I did it by hand - hence the following picture!

The sixth grade CCD class and their awesome teacher donated some really unique and
creative supplies. Big plastic cups with lids and straws full of goodies and baggies full of
hygiene items taped to the sides! Talk about a heart warmer! Another picture!

A really neat outreach and community service project! God is good! I love that our youth are
learning different ways to help one another.
                                                  Have a wonderful weekend full of blessings!
                                                                        Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hello Out There

Hello out there - The weather out here has been up and down. The weather on
Easter Sunday was absolutely perfect! A beautiful, warm,  sunny day - a great day
to celebrate The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. I walked around singing,
"He is Risen, is Risen Alleluia!" Our children and grandchildren came over and
we cooked out hamburgers and sausage. We usually have ham but everyone
wanted something a little different this year and that was fine with me! We set
up a table outside for the kids to color all the eggs I had boiled. They had a great
time. We had a big Easter Egg Hunt before everyone went home and that was
really fun. I am so thankful for my family and I love spending time with all of them.

The St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry is really going well. We served chili dogs today!
They also received homemade brownies one of our volunteers baked and individually
wrapped. We put a package of chips, crackers, and a fresh orange (also donated)
in each bag too. We made a couple of pots of coffee (it is kind of chilly today) and
we took orders - some wanted it black, others wanted cream and sugar, etc. and we
were happy to fix it up for them just like they wanted it. This ministry just warms
your heart.

We have received some awful news this week. A person donated 9 million
dollars to Planned Parenthood so that they could open back up somewhere in
West Texas. Another person gave them 800,000 dollars to help with this venture.
I keep thinking about how 9 million could be used to help bring down the cost of
adoptions. Just think about this - You could give 5,000.00 towards adoption fees for
1,800 couples, or 10,000.00 per 900 couples, or so many other useful and needed
services for children and families. I will never understand how people can support
abortion. We found out last night that PP is planning on opening two facilities;
possibly right here in San Angelo and the other one might be in Midland, Lubbock,
or Abilene. That is all we know right now.
Please pray for the unborn all over our world - the weakest and most innocent among
us and their lives are ended because they are considered a choice. May God have
mercy on us all for allowing this. I have to go now - I wish this post wasn't ending
on a sad note but I needed to share this information because the babies really need
all of our prayers. Children of all ages need our prayers.

                                                                    Blessings to you and yours,
                                                                                Bye for now, Sharla