Saturday, October 28, 2017

Blessings, Helpful Ideas, and A Scary Corn Maze!

Good morning out there! It is a chilly fall morning - 35 degrees right now! The high
is supposed to be in the upper 60s! I have so many things I want to say and I am
trying to put my thoughts in some kind of order!
Please pray for the people in Puerto Rico - My heart goes out to all of them. I can't
imagine what they are going through. There have been so many natural disasters in
the last couple of months; the fires in California and the loss of so many lives! The
hurricanes that hit so many states and have affected so many families - people are
living in shelters (hopefully not on the streets) because their homes are gone! The
earthquakes in Mexico and then the senseless, evil acts of a gunman in Las Vegas.
Sometimes I really feel helpless. I may not be able to physically help the people that
have been affected by these tragedies but I can help families and people in my area.
Maybe you feel the same way - I'm going to list some helpful ideas for me and you,
if you are interested and wondering what you can do to reach out to others!

1. The Salvation Army - They are in need of socks, toiletry items, blankets, and
volunteers at their soup kitchen. They also need people to help with toys for the
children at Christmas time.

2. Call your local Child Protective Services Agency and see what they need for
children who have been removed from their homes. I know they need things like
clean children's blankets, stuffed animals, children's pajamas, and tooth brushes
and tooth paste for children who are not able to take anything with them.

3. If you have an elderly neighbor who lives alone - drop by for a visit and ask if
you can pick up something for them when you go to the grocery store. If they
get the newspaper and it is out by the street - run it up to the front porch for them
(especially on cold or wet mornings)!

4. Contact the Family Shelter in your area and ask if they are in need of anything
special. Maybe you have some nice clothes you don't wear anymore and they
can use them. They might need toiletries and things for the children; coloring
books, colors, puzzles, etc.

5. Call a friend who isn't able to drive and see if they need a ride to church or to
the grocery store.

These are just a few ideas of different ways to help others. I may not be able to
help those who live in another state or another city but I can reach out to people
right here in my city and in my neighborhood!

It is going to be a beautiful day and I am so thankful for many, many things!
This past week Jim and I took care of five of our grandchildren while their
mom and dad went away for a couple of days to celebrate their anniversary. Oh
my goodness, we were busy! On Monday afternoon, our daughter came over
with her three girls, (eight grandchildren) and our son-in-law came over when he
got off work. Jim and our oldest grandson (he will be twelve in January) cooked
hamburger patties, sausage links, and weenies out on my huge barbecue pit that
Jim built for me about twenty years ago.
Imagine this: (2) 2 1/2 year old little girls who are right in the big middle of
potty training. (1) 4 year old little girl, (1) 5 year old little girl, and they are the
best of friends!  (1) 7 year old little boy who is as sweet as he can be!
(1) 10 year old (still little to me) girl, (2) 11 year olds, one boy and one girl, all
great friends and growing up way too fast for me! We were missing two of our
granddaughters who live out of town but we hope are coming down for
Back to the meal - Some ate hamburgers, others chili dogs, some ate both, and
then we made Smores'! The kids jumped on the trampoline and ran all around
the yard (front and back), my driveway has sidewalk chalk art all up and down
it and we were all worn out (especially me)! Our daughter and her family went
home and Jim and I started getting the little ones ready for their baths. He took
care of turning on the water and getting the towels out for our youngest grandson.
I put the two youngest girls in our bathtub and their older sister brought in all
kinds of little toys for them. By the time I washed their hair and rinsed them
off I was soaked and there was water everywhere! Thank goodness the oldest
ones don't need our help! I brushed the girls hair and tucked them in bed and
it wasn't long before they were asleep. The boys finished watching the Smurfs
movie and they went to their room and turned on the lantern nightlight (battery
operated) I put on their nightstand and they quickly fell asleep. I looked in on
Jim and he was already asleep. I fixed a mug of caffeine free sleepy time tea,
sat down and sipped it as I enjoyed a quiet, peaceful moment. I checked on the
kids and went to bed. Our son and daughter-in-law arrived home Tuesday
afternoon and we heard all about their trip and then they all headed home. Jim
and I stood in the driveway and waved goodbye - I was blowing kisses to them
and the windows rolled down and we heard the kids hollering goodbye and that
they loved us. Yes, I am thankful and feel very blessed!
I have to share one more thing that happened this week. Last week, my daughter
told me that she and her oldest daughter (11) were going to go through a
Halloween Corn Maze out in the country this weekend. She asked if I wanted to
go and I said, "sure" it sounds like fun. Now, I either missed this part, or just
didn't understand. I was thinking that we were going to go during the day and
that it was just a maze you tried to find your way out of. My daughter called
yesterday and told me that they were going to go last night. I asked what time
and she told me that it is open from 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. They would
probably get there about 9:00 p.m. (It is a haunted corn maze and scary things
will jump out at you). I told her that I was just too tired and she said that she
understood. Jim had been called out on a job right as we were leaving the noon
Mass yesterday. We hurried home so that he could get ready to go. I told him
about the Haunted Corn Maze and he said that I should go. He said something
like, "You should go with the girls, you will have fun. They want you to go with
them." I thought about it and decided he was right. I called our daughter and told
her to call me when they were on their way. She was happy that I was going with
them. I did take a little nap and then I fed the animals because Jim wasn't home
yet. He got home about 7:30 p.m. He said, "It's pretty cold outside, maybe you
shouldn't go." I told him that I had already said "yes" and that the girls would pick
me up about 8:45 p.m. He and I sat in the kitchen and talked until the girls arrived.
It was cold outside and there was a long line but we were excited. Let me just go
ahead and be honest. I am a big chicken. I don't like scary movies and I don't like
to be scared but there I was, standing in line to go through a haunted corn maze.
It was finally our turn and they sent us in with a couple, the man went first.
We had read the rules as we stood in line. One of the rules was, "No running."
We were slowly creeping through this maze of really tall corn stalks and it was
dark. All of a sudden these people dressed up like zombies and
other nightmare creatures start coming at us and we all screamed but I was the
loudest.  All through the maze you never knew when someone was going to come
up behind you or jump out in front of you and that rule, "No running" no longer
applied! This creepy clown guy was the scariest! I am so glad we were with that
couple because I don't know if we would have ever found our way out of there!
We finally made it out and then we laughed and talked about how fun it was as we
hurried to the truck. It really was fun and it really was scary! I am thankful that
my girls still want me to do things with them but I really might stay home next
year! I told Jim all about it and that he would have loved it - he is not a chicken!
He did say that he might have made his own path trying to get out of there if he
had gone with us!
Oh! I did share a story with the girls on the way home -
I looked in the backseat at my granddaughter and told her that when I was
7 months pregnant with her uncle that Pa and I went with his brother and his wife
to a haunted house in an old building downtown. I told them that the people taking
the tickets weren't sure if they should let me go through! They looked at me and
said something like, "You won't go into labor will you?!" They let us in, we went
through, I screamed my head off, and probably said that I would not ever do
that again! I also told her that when I was pregnant with her mom we went to see
Ghostbusters at the movies. My granddaughter asked if it was the first one and
said that yes, it was. They both liked those stories. Someday my granddaughter
will share the memory of going through a haunted corn maze with her "Scaredy
Cat Nana"!
Jim had another job to go to this morning. That's how it is when you are self-
employed! There were a couple of really slow weeks and the last two weeks have
been really busy! I am going to make a Mexican Cornbread Casserole today.
I haven't made that in awhile and it is one of Jim's favorite meals.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm going to think about some of the
ideas I listed and try to do at least one thing each week to help others. If you are
in one of the areas that have been affected by some of the disasters I've listed or
some other tragedy - I pray that God will protect you and your loved ones. I pray
that God will bless you with people who can and will help and I pray that you will
be given everything you need. Blessings and peace to all of you near and far!
I am going to close with a quote from St. Francis of Assisi -

 My Good Shepherd, who have shown your
very gentle mercy to us...give grace
and strength to me, your little lamb,
that in no tribulation or anguish or pain
may I turn away from you.
St. Francis of Assisi

Bye for now, Sharla

I'm so thankful for my life!: Adoption Saves Generations! Be a Voice for the Unb...

I'm so thankful for my life!: Adoption Saves Generations! Be a Voice for the Unb...: Hello out there! No weather report today just something I have to share, right now! Are you ready for my commercial to promote adoption fo...

Monday, October 23, 2017

A Prayer for Today

Good morning out there! The kids are fed and busy coloring pictures for me.
Just a quick post to share a prayer I wrote last year. Children of all ages need
our prayers - families need our prayers.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and that God blesses you and your families
with everything you need!

My prayer today is for the unborn, the innocent little babes.
My prayer today is for the little ones who are hungry and abused.
My prayer today is for the children who have to grow up to fast.
My prayer is for the teenagers who move from one foster home to the next.
My prayer is for those who live in group homes and those who have no home at all.
My prayer is that all these children, from the unborn baby in their mother's womb,
to the fully grown young ladies and young men, that they will be loved
and protected, nurtured and fed. I pray that they have shoes that fit and clothes
for all the seasons. I pray that they have a roof over their head. And not just a roof,
but an actual home where they feel safe and feel loved and special.
Dear God, please, protect all children everywhere. Amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Happy Fall Y'all!

Good morning out there! Happy Sunday! It is a beautiful fall day! I am going to be
really busy the next couple of days so I wanted to write a quick post while I have the
time. My son and daughter-in-law are headed this way with their children (five of my
grandchildren) and then they are going out of town for a couple of days to celebrate
their anniversary! Jim and I (Pa and Nana) are ready! We have the refrigerator, freezer,
and pantry stocked full! Thank you, Jesus! I have the meals planned out and we
will have a great time! The grandkids ages range from 2 1/2 - almost 12! I am going
to post a picture that Jim took last November. It was my Happy Fall Y'all picture! Not
really, it was just a beautiful day and I was spinning around in the drive way and Jim
took the picture. I feel like that today.

                                                        Blessings to you and yours!
                                                              Bye for now, Sharla

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Flowers - Beautiful Flowers - All Kinds of Flowers - For Mama Mary

Hello out there! I hope y'all are having a terrific day! The weather has been so nice
this week - cool in the mornings and warm in the afternoons! The Rosary for Life
continues through Sunday, October 29, 2017 and it has been such a blessing for me!
Praying in front of the grotto early in the mornings has been so peaceful. Sometimes
I just sit there and sing my heart out! The birds usually chirp along with me!
I want to share some pictures we took from the celebration we had last Friday for the
100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. It seems like every other day there are
more flowers placed at the grotto.

Isn't this a beautiful picture? Connie and I decorated the grotto with lights Friday
afternoon before the celebration. The procession was so moving. Everyone really
took their time as they placed flowers in the vases. Tomas sang the Ave Maria
in English and then in Spanish during the procession - magnificent!

You can see the Our Lady of Fatima statue in this picture.
This picture was taken on Saturday. More flowers and a little re-arranging!
I took this picture at about 8:30 a.m. today. More beautiful flowers for Mama Mary!

This bouquet was left also - Yes, the tears were falling - really grabs my heart!

I have to go now - this is one of those days I could write so much more - but I have to
do some book work! Please pray for the babies, born and unborn, please pray for families
all over the world! May God bless you and your loved ones with everything you need.
                                                                                    Bye for now, Sharla

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Adoption Saves Generations! Be a Voice for the Unborn!

Hello out there! No weather report today just something I have to share, right now!

Are you ready for my commercial to promote adoption for the human babies!
No, it won't be on television because we don't have the money for that - but I
just saw another commercial about the Humane Society and all the tears for the
animals and I just decided that I have to do what I am able to do.
So let me start at the beginning - Adoption is a loving life option - and you know what?
Adoption doesn't just save one life - but generations of lives! The pictures you see are
of me as a baby, my cousin (who was also adopted) and I at Christmas time,
me as a young mother with my precious son and daughter. Flash forward
quite a few years and you see me and my son and daughter all grown up. The next picture                      you see is three generations - eleven people - because I was blessed with life. Now look at the
picture of just the chairs - they are empty - because the grim reality is this is what you
would see without me. Emptiness! My son and daughter would not be alive and my grandchildren wouldn't be either.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't take care of our animals, but I'm asking this....
if you support the Humane Society - do you also support the Pregnancy Help Centers or Pregnancy Resource Centers? The places who help mothers and their babies, born and unborn.
What type of messages do your t-shirts promote? Are there any messages about the gift
of life for the human babies? I pulled out my Merriam-Webster Dictionary and looked
up the word humane
1: marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for others
The last sentence said on the Humane Society commercial was,

"Become a humane hero and save them."
 I agree, but I'm talking about the unborn babies.
 Isn't it time we start asking the question - Why is it so hard to speak up for the
human babies? If you agree with me - pass this on - or try to think of a way that you can
become involved in speaking up for the unborn.
My name is Sharla Ynostrosa and I approve of this ad because this is my story!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

No Pop-Ups, No Commercials - Just Stories!

Good morning out there! It's a beautiful morning, thank you, Jesus! I just tried to read
a story that someone sent to me on face book. It sounded like a wonderful story and I
really wanted to read it! I wasn't able to read the story all the way through because of
all the pop-ups, commercials, etc. I finally just closed the link.
 I started my blog in March of 2014. In May of 2014 I started receiving information
about how I could make money with my blog by allowing pop-ups, commercials, etc.
 I said no then, and I still say no, now. My blog has never been about making  money.
The stories on my blog are meant to be informative and helpful. I am glad that when
 you read my stories you don't have to deal with commercial interruptions! I hope that
my stories bring a smile to your lips, a tug to your heart, and yes, maybe sometimes, a
tear to your eyes. I hope my stories are a blessing to you and for you! Commercial free,
no pop-ups, just me saying, "Let me tell you a story!"

"Once upon a time, in the world we live in today, there was a lady whose hair was
beginning to turn gray. She had a great big smile with dimples on each side.
Her love of life shone through her smiling eyes. She felt so very blessed, 
with so much love in her heart.
The gift that God had given her - to share stories from her heart.
The words would come to her as she sat down and prayed.
Typing on her keyboard day after day.
Sometimes she wondered, "Is this really what I'm to do?"
She would pray and she would listen and there would be a tug upon her heart.
A tug that softly says - the words will come - don't depart.
These stories you tell, are a message the world needs today.
So she sat down at her desk and began to type once more.
Listening ever so intently to the calling of our Lord."

Today we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary -
Here is a sweet picture of the children and Our Lady of Fatima!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Prayers and Peace

Hello out there! I hope y'all are doing well. The Rosary for Life began on Sunday,
October 1st at 7:00 a.m. Jim and I drove over to St. Mary's Catholic Church early on
Sunday morning. We were in separate trucks. He unloaded what I needed and then
he headed home. I went and sat down on a bench in front of the grotto. It was still
dark outside and very quiet. I sat there in the peaceful stillness as the sun began to
rise and a small kitten scampered out from behind the grotto and began to meow.
I wish you could feel the peace I felt as I sat there watching the sun rise above the
grotto. Tears streamed down my face as I thanked God for the beautiful, serene,
perfect place for our prayer vigil. The kitten climbed up onto the lower part of the
grotto and curled up in some vines and went to sleep. Families started arriving for
the 8:00 a.m. Mass. My daughter came and prayed the rosary with me and another
lady joined in. The morning was full of prayerful people. My friends and co-
coordinators, Candi and Connie, were there also. Connie and her family and members
of the St. Philomena Rosary group prayed before the Noon Mass. My heart was
so full - so many people praying in front of the beautiful grotto. Connie's sister and
her family brought fresh flowers for Mama Mary and added them to the colorful
array of plants that were already there. There was a huge smile on my face and
peace in my heart when I left to go back home.
Jim and I went to Mass on Sunday evening and then went home and got things
ready for the next morning. We went to bed early because we were going to
Adoration on Monday morning. We were filling in for our friend
who goes to Adoration from 4:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. and then we would stay for our
regular time from 5:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. (I call it double duty when we do that)!
He fills in for us when we are going to be gone (double duty)! We heard about the
shootings in Las Vegas right as we got to the Adoration Chapel. Why? Why is
their so much evil and hate in our world? We had plenty to pray about for the
two hours we were there.
We drove home and I grabbed a few things and another cup of coffee and headed
to the grotto at St. Mary's Catholic Church. This has been a wonderful way for
me to begin my day this week. People have been coming to pray! It has been a
huge blessing.
Last night I picked up my friend, Lupe, and we went to the Pregnancy Help Center
fundraising dinner. My daughter-in-law was the Table Host. I was able to spend
the evening with my daughter-in-law, my daughter, and two of my closest friends,
and some other very nice ladies that sat at our table. The speaker was really good
but her story is very emotional. She survived a saline abortion in 1977. A miracle,
her life and how she survived is truly by the grace of God.
I have to go and fix dinner now. But first, I'm going to attach a couple of pictures
I took this morning while I was praying at the grotto. Another beautiful sunrise
and birds flying in and out of the trees. Dear Lord, please have mercy on the whole
world and please bless us all with peace on earth. Amen.
                                                      Bye for now, Sharla