Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Hello Out There! The 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade is almost here. So many
thoughts are running through my mind. I have so much I want to say but I just
can't seem to put all of my thoughts in order. My heart is so heavy and I am really
sad, but I know that I have to keep speaking up for those precious little ones who
have no voice. I wrote something back in July 2015 and it really says exactly how
I feel this week so I'm going to re-post it. When I get my thoughts in order, I'll post
those too!
My heart is so full, I have so much to say,
it is gorgeous outside, the start of a beautiful new day.
This morning I woke with a pain in my heart,
knowing my mission, just not sure where to start!

 God has opened my eyes and has touched my heart.
To save the unborn I must do my part.

What should I do, what do I say?
I ask the Lord as I pray and pray.
He fills my head with words to say,
so I write and I write each and every day.

I cry out to Him to show me the way,
How do I make a difference today?
I just don't understand why it's so hard to see,
the horrible death that abortion brings.
What must I do, What must I say?
So I write and I write each and every day.

I send letters to the paper, I write posts for my blog.
I put pictures on face book, and pray for new laws.
I weep for the babies, their innocent lives lost.

What am I missing, am I not doing enough?
Please God help me, please show me the way.
How can I make a difference today?

Then my heart begins to ache,
I know I must speak up!
I know God is telling me, don't you dare give up!
Keep going, keep writing, don't you see?
What you do makes a difference, you are listening to Me!

It matters to God! It matters to Him!
I will write and I will post and I will write again.
I won't give up, I will be their voice!
I will fight for the unborn, because they are babies, not a choice!

                       Precious little babies in your mother's womb,
                 you are not a choice. You are a blessing, a gift from God.
                 I will speak up for you, and I will fight for your life. I will
                     write letters and posts and pray. I will speak up for
        you each and every day!

Legalized abortion has killed over 57 million innocent unborn babies. Please speak up
for the weakest among us, please be their voice.
                                                            Blessings and Peace, Sharla

Friday, January 15, 2016


Hello Out There! The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day! I just brought my
outside Nativity Scene in yesterday. I carefully carried in the statues of Mother Mary,
St. Joseph, Baby Jesus and the manger. I set them up in the living room just like they
were outside. I brought in the statues of the lambs, the donkey, the steer, the star and
the small angel. This is a big Nativity Scene, the statue of Joseph is 3 1/2 feet tall, to
give you an idea of the size. I knew I wouldn't be able to put everything up in the
boxes until today so I made sure the Nativity Scene was set up in the living room out
of the way. Jim came home and said, "I see you've moved the Holy Family inside" and
I laughed and promised I would put them up soon! This morning I left early to pick
up supplies for the Sack Lunch Ministry, I drove to the church and put all the supplies
away while Miss Rose was making the sandwiches. The other volunteers showed up
and Janice and I sat down to write out an article for the church bulletin thanking
everyone for all the coats, caps, socks, gloves, blankets, toiletries and food items that
were donated to The Sack Lunch Ministry over the Christmas Season. My daughter
and two of my granddaughters stopped by to visit and then we ran over to the Noon
Mass. We were running a few minutes late but we made it! Jim and our son were
already there. They work together, we have a family business, and they decided to
go to Mass since I would already be there helping with the lunches. I always love
it when we are at Mass together!
I ran some errands and came home. I fixed a quick snack for lunch, ate and looked
at my Nativity Scene. I knew it was time to put it away. I got a damp cloth and
carefully wiped each statue and put them in their designated boxes and placed the
boxes in my "Christmas Closet." I prayed as I put my Nativity Scene away. I prayed
for families everywhere. I prayed for moms, I prayed for dads, and I prayed for the
babies and children of all ages.
I hope you all have a wonderful, safe weekend! Hug your spouse, hug your kids,
and thank the Good Lord for your blessings! I am trying to keep the Spirit of
Christmas in my heart the whole year through! Blessings, blessings, blessings
to you!                                                       Bye for now, Sharla

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Hello Out There! I hope each day of this new year has been and will continue to be
wonderful! Something happened this week that stopped me in my tracks, brought
tears to my eyes, and made compassion fill up in my heart so fast I had to catch my
breath. I will tell you a condensed version of the story up until the important part.
Tuesday - 1/05/16
Went to Sam's to buy supplies for the Sack Lunch Ministry.
Drove back to church, where Muriel and I unloaded the supplies and stocked the fridge
and the pantry.
I decided to go into the Cathedral to pray before I left. I walked into the church, the
vestibule and just stood for a minute. It is always so quiet and peaceful during the day.
The lights on the Christmas tree were plugged in and there was a little bit of light
coming through the stained glass windows, but it was a cloudy day, so the sanctuary
was only dimly lit. I stopped to pray at the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and
then I walked further into the sanctuary and filled up my little container with Holy
Water. I walked up to the Tabernacle and knelt down to pray. It was so quiet in there,
and when I stood up to leave something caught my eye. I saw something blue on the
first pew in front of the altar, I walked toward it, looked down and immediately
stood still. A homeless man was sound asleep, lying on the pew wrapped up in a
sleeping bag, his feet clad in worn tennis shoes sticking out. He had two bags, one
on the floor and one next to his head. He was sound asleep, snoring peacefully and
my hand reached out to touch him just to pat his shoulder but I stopped because I
didn't want to wake or startle him so I made the Sign Of The Cross over him and said
a quiet little prayer for him. I stood there for a moment so overcome with this heart-
breaking yet beautiful picture, thinking about how the sanctuary where we worship
was a different type of "sanctuary" for him. He felt safe there, his tired body was able
to sleep peacefully because he knew he would be safe. I walked over to the kitchen
and grabbed some crackers, some nuts, some fruit and a bottle of water and walked
back to sanctuary planning to quietly leave the food by his other things but he was
already gone. I walked around the church looking for him, I drove around the block
but he was gone.
Wednesday - 1/06/16
I was helping Miss Rose (her name is Rosa but we call her Miss Rose) and I told her
about the man. She told me that he had come in on Tuesday for a sack lunch. He didn't
have a shirt on under his thin coat so she went to the pantry where we keep some extra
things during the cold months to help those who live on the streets. She took out a new
sleeping bag that had been donated from another Catholic parish (St. Ambrose) and gave
him that along with some warm cotton gloves. She said that he sat in the cafeteria and
ate and when he was through he asked if he could have another sandwich and they gave
him another one. Most people take their lunches with them, but they are always welcome
to sit and eat in the cafeteria if they want to.
Another lady and I went into the pantry and dug through the bags with gloves and socks
and we found a warm sweatshirt, it was brand new. We took the sweatshirt and two pair
of socks and placed them close by so that if he came back they could put the clothes in
another sack for him. He didn't show up for lunch on Wednesday.
Thursday - 1/07/16
The sun is shining but the wind makes it really chilly, especially if you have to be
outside. There are four of us handing out lunches today, we all talk about how
thankful we are for this ministry that helps so many. We wonder if the man will come
back. About 12:30 he limps in, he gets his lunch and sits down to eat. I get the sweat-
shirt and two pair of socks, put them in a bag and take them to him. He smiles and
thanks us. I go into the pantry and once again fill a bag with some crackers, some
nuts, some fruit and another bottle of water. I take it to him and he smiles and tells
us that we are too sweet. I tell him that we are happy to do this for him. He thanks us
and leaves. We close up for the day, but tomorrow we will once again hand out
lunches to those in need. This ministry blesses my heart as much as the food fills
their hungry stomachs.
I knew on the way home that I had to write a post about this man, this story, so when
I got home I fixed something quick to eat and headed to my office.
I got out my big old Random House College Dictionary and looked up the word
sanctuary. These are some of the different definitions:
l. A sacred or holy place.
2. Judaism, a. the Biblical tabernacle or the Temple in Jerusalem.
b. The holy of holies of these places of worship.
3. An especially holy place in a temple or church.
4. The part of a church around the altar; the chancel
5. A church or other sacred place formerly providing refuge of asylum.
There are some more definitions but I mainly wanted to point out #5 - I'm so
thankful that the man who was sleeping in the front pew of the sanctuary in our
Cathedral parish found the "sanctuary" he was seeking.
I am going to close with the refrain from one of my favorite hymns, if you have
read very many of my posts you will recognize it.
We are many parts, we are all one body, and the gifts we have we are given
to share. May the Spirit of love make us one indeed; one, the love that we
share, one, our hope in despair, one the cross that we bear.
                                                                    Bye for now, Sharla