Saturday, January 25, 2025

"The Dearest Mortals"

 Good morning out there!  

I've been trying to sit down for over a week and write this story. I have my Kleenexes and told Jim the story I was going to share interruptions! 

 I'm sharing a poem that was written for me when I was about six months old and in the hospital with pneumonia. We lived in a small town and the people really cared about each other. I wasn't even two years old when we moved away, but memories and stories were shared and some of those friendships remained strong throughout the years. 

I've shared how the people blessed my family with a baby shower when I was adopted, the story about the banker, the story about the sweetest cards, etc. My dad was a high school teacher at that time and he also drove the school bus. 

The young man who wrote this poem had just finished his freshman year of high school. (1964) I came across the envelope it was in as I was going through some old pictures and memorabilia. I hadn't read the poem in years. The poem is written in cursive, on notebook paper. The faded print on the small, white envelope simply says, Sharla Kay. 

I share this beautiful poem for all the precious babies in this old world. To all the babies who are planned and to all the babies who are unplanned. To the babies still in their mother's wombs and to the babies who have been born. You are all:

"The Dearest Mortals"

The dearest mortals on this old earth

Are all the babes, both sweet and dear

The ones who grant this world its mirth

We'd feel quite lost if they were not here.

Babies are made of pure, sweet love

As clean and white as the purest dove

The little dears are all so nice

They give this old world a lot of spice.

Babies never anyone's feelings hurt

Babies never utter an unkind word

Nor do they do an unkind deed

And when they do a real smart trick

Their parent's pride is like that of a steed.

The little emblems of God's dear love

Rest sweetly, securely in His arm

Someday will go to Him above

And eternally be kept from all harm.

Yes, we must all agree

That if we looked for eternity

In and out of life's many portals

We could not find a more perfect mortal creation

For babies are the Dearest Mortals.

But of all these precious mortals

Who in their cradles lay

There are none sweeter

Than your Sharla Kay

Get Well Soon!

This isn't much, but it's the best I could do,

 so please accept it with feeling of love and friendship for all of you.

Love, Danny Martin

When I found this poem I knew I needed to share it. I wanted to share it in honor of his memory. 

Danny was killed in a car accident when I was six years old. May he rest in peace.

Hug your spouse! Hug your kids! Hug your grandkids! Be thankful for another day! Go out and be a light to others! 

Peace and blessings to you and yours,

 near and far, wherever you are!

Bye for now, Sharla

Saturday, January 18, 2025

2025 - Reflection, Prayers, and Still Following a Star

 Hello out there! No weather report - just jumping right into my story for today! 

This morning I was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee, and looking at my Nativity Scene that is still on the bottom shelf of my china hutch. Yesterday afternoon, I replaced the batteries in the string of small, white lights I have above my Nativity Scene. Jim and I finally took our tree down yesterday. I had already removed the decorations but the white lights and star were still on the tree and I enjoyed having the lights on when we were at home. I told Jim that it looked like we had a large tree with pinecones in our home and that it should just stay up awhile longer...he told me that he had time to help me take it down and went and got the ladder! The tree has been put away. But the string of lights in my kitchen window above the sink are still twinkling, and my Nativity Scene in the hutch will be there awhile longer! I decided that today I was going to spend some time sharing stories and memories! I remembered that I wrote a post last year about my Nativity Scene - I looked back and it was the exact same date, just another year! I'm going to post the story below. 

Peace and blessings to you and yours, near and far, wherever you are!

The picture below is my Nativity Scene, about five years ago, before I had a china hutch.       

    (Last year's story is below the picture!) 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Reflection, Prayers, and Following a Star

Hello out there! It's my first post of 2024 - Happy New Year! May you and yours be blessed! 

The weather has been crazy! Freezing cold from Sunday through Wednesday and the high for today is 74! Tomorrow's low is expected to be 27  with a high of 45 degrees - Texas weather! I have been "under the weather" since Monday afternoon and I'm finally feeling better today - not very much energy but more like myself!

I know that today is January 18th but I still have my small Nativity Scene on the bottom shelf of my china hutch. When I sit down at the kitchen table, the Nativity Scene is where I can see it. Looking at the scene always touches my heart, helps me to reflect and reminds me to be thankful. About an hour ago, I was  drinking a cup of hot peppermint tea and the lights on my Nativity Scene turned off. I looked at the small statues of Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus, the shepherd holding a lamb, the three wise men, and reflected on their humble beginnings, their humble and obedient life. The wise men following a star, the shepherd finding the babe swaddled and in a manger lay. Joseph and Mary looking down at their son; and different hymns filled my head; What Child is This, Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Joy to the World, etc. And then tears filled my eyes as I thought about the times I've grumbled and complained (most times not out loud) about little things that I should not let bother me. I need to be more humble! I whispered a prayer of thanksgiving, asked for guidance, and decided what I was going to cook for dinner tonight - because sometimes my mind just works like that! Homemade potato soup - peeling potatoes is a good way to put things in perspective! I pray that I will be a light in the dark, a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and someone you can share a laugh with!

The following are the first and second verses of  one of my favorite hymns, "The Servant Song" by Richard Gillard

Will you let me be your servant, Let me be as Christ to you; Pray that I many have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey, We are travelers on the road; We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. 

This year I am saying no to drama! My prayer is that I will not be the spoon that stirs the pot! I have a hymn for this one too! I'll share the 1st and 2nd verse:

Prayer of St. Francis

Make me a channel of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring your love. Where there is injury, your pardon, Lord, And where there's doubt, true faith in you.

Make me a channel of your peace. Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope. Where there is darkness - only light, And where there's sadness ever joy.

I'm always humming or singing a hymn or an old country and western song - But I love the way my prayers bring a hymn to my mind and how the words fill my heart!

I will put my little Nativity Scene away sometime soon (or not) - but for right now, it's a visible reminder for me to follow the star, look for the light of Jesus in all situations and to keep a song in my heart!

Peace and blessings to you and yours, 

near and far, wherever you are!

Bye for now, Sharla