Hello out there! It's a beautiful day!
My weather report is:
It looks and feels like fall, y'all!
November is National Adoption Month!
And today is National Adoption Day!
I decided I better sit down and type out a post/story since I'm adopted! As I sit here and think about what story I should share...I realize that I will just be repeating what I've posted before. So I'm going to add the links to previous "adoption story" posts and you can click on them if you have not read those stories or if you would like to read them once more.
My home office has a desk with a hutch above it. And the wall of the hutch that connects to my desk is covered with snap shot pictures of my grandchildren, when they were younger. I have a piece of paper that sticks out from the pictures where I've written the refrain from one of my favorites hymns:
"Lead me, Lord, lead me, Lord
by the light of truth to seek and to find the narrow way.
Be my way; be my truth; be my life, my Lord, and lead me Lord, today!
I also have an old "Baby Blues" cartoon that I cut out of the newspaper many years ago - It is taped up above one of the pictures. There is a picture of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta tucked in with my photos. On my desk I have a candle with a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a small wooden Crucifix standing next to it. I have a bible, a dictionary, and a "Today's Missal - Music Issue " from 2015, and some pro-life information that is stacked between my computer and the outside wall of the hutch. My office is the perfect place for me to sit and write. I have my dad's old pictures of the beach, and ships hanging on one wall. A beautiful picture of Mother Mary and baby Jesus hangs on another wall. And then I have hand written notes, and pictures the grandkids have colored for me hanging on the wall next to my desk. My office is full of memories near and dear to my heart.
And yes, it is also where I keep the books for our family business! Besides my comfy, very worn, old office chair - I have a wooden chair that Jim sits in when we discuss "work things" and sometimes he is the first one to read my blog (or I read it to him!) He usually gives me a thumbs up but sometimes he will remind me of something to share!
Links to previously written stories about my adoption:
And...If anyone would like one of my books; "Adopted and Blessed: Words from my Heart" first two years of my blog stories - March 2014- June 2016. I have a handful and would be happy to give you one.
I'm thankful for my life! I'm thankful for my family!
Adoption didn't just save my life, it saved generations of lives!
Pray and Trust in God, His timing, His plan!
And as always,
Peace and blessings to you and yours,
near and far, wherever you are!
Bye nor now, Sharla