Hello out there! I hope you've had a wonderful day - I woke up in the middle of the
night a couple of nights ago and I had all these thoughts running through my head.
I finally began to pray and ask God to help me put things in order - to be at peace.
I decided to make a list first thing that morning and prioritize. I fell back asleep and
when I woke up I got busy. I sat at the bar in the kitchen and drank a cup of coffee
while I made out my list - I flipped it over and wrote my grocery list on the other side.
I accomplished almost everything on the list and bought groceries and filled my car
up with gas today. We have been busy at the St. Francis Sack Lunch Ministry!
I love that ministry! We've spent lots of time with our grandkids - love that special
time with them!
What weighs so heavy on my heart right now is the upcoming anniversary of
Roe v Wade. January 22nd, next Tuesday, will be the 46th anniversary - 46 years
of legalized abortion in the United States. Almost 61 million unborn babies have died
in the United States since abortion was legalized.
I'm going to copy and paste some of my previous posts on this matter - I need to share
but I'm just so busy right now - I'm going to have to make some decisions because I
don't have the time to write like I need to - that's why I can't sleep - too much to do
and not enough energy or time.
I wrote the following post on January 22, 2015:
How Many More Babies Have to Die?
Good Morning out there! Today is the 42nd anniversary of Roe v Wade.
I woke up during the night to loud, booming thunder. I heard the rain pelt the
windows, and as I listened, I thought how appropriate this storm seemed.
Not a gentle peaceful rain, but a loud, hard rain. I could almost hear God say,
"Why, what does it take? When will you wake up? How
many more babies have to die, isn't close to 58 million enough?" I stayed awake,
I couldn't go back to sleep. I'm listening, I'm trying, here I am, Lord.
Last week I sent the local newspaper my blog post from December 4, 2014.
I thought it would be a good article for today. I received an email telling me that they
couldn't print it in the section I asked for because the story was written as a poem.
I understood, so I sent them a very short poem to be printed in the Letter to the Editor
opinion section. That one was apparently not appropriate either.
I look in todays newspaper, and they published an article about where trash cans
should be located. REALLY? That is the best they could come up with for today?
February 12, 2015: (Part of a pro-life prayer)
Today I commit myself never to be silent,
never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn.
I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement,
and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters
are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty
and justice, not just for some, but for all.
January 19, 2016
Hello Out There! The 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade is almost here. So many
thoughts are running through my mind. I have so much I want to say but I just
can't seem to put all of my thoughts in order. My heart is so heavy and I am really
sad, but I know that I have to keep speaking up for those precious little ones who
have no voice. I wrote something back in July 2015 and it really says exactly how
I feel this week so I'm going to re-post it. When I get my thoughts in order, I'll post
those too!
My heart is so full, I have so much to say,
it is gorgeous outside, the start of a beautiful new day.
This morning I woke with a pain in my heart,
knowing my mission, just not sure where to start!
God has opened my eyes and has touched my heart.
To save the unborn I must do my part.
What should I do, what do I say?
I ask the Lord as I pray and pray.
He fills my head with words to say,
so I write and I write each and every day.
I cry out to Him to show me the way,
How do I make a difference today?
I just don't understand why it's so hard to see,
the horrible death that abortion brings.
What must I do, What must I say?
So I write and I write each and every day.
I send letters to the paper, I write posts for my blog.
I put pictures on face book, and pray for new laws.
I weep for the babies, their innocent lives lost.
What am I missing, am I not doing enough?
Please God help me, please show me the way.
How can I make a difference today?
Then my heart begins to ache,
I know I must speak up!
I know God is telling me, don't you dare give up!
Keep going, keep writing, don't you see?
What you do makes a difference, you are listening to Me!
It matters to God! It matters to Him!
I will write and I will post and I will write again.
I won't give up, I will be their voice!
I will fight for the unborn, because they are babies, not a choice!
Precious little babies in your mother's womb,
you are not a choice. You are a blessing, a gift from God.
I will speak up for you, and I will fight for your life. I will
write letters and posts and pray. I will speak up for
you each and every day!
Legalized abortion has killed over 57 million innocent unborn babies.
Please speak up for the weakest among us, please be their voice.
July 16, 2016
Life is a Blessings! Babies are a Gift!
Good Morning Out There! I have been working on a project that involves the posts
on my blog. To complete this project I have had to read my posts/short stories from
when I very first started my blog back in March of 2014. I came across a post
yesterday that I wrote two years ago and I am going to share it again today. I hope
you all have a wonderful and safe weekend! Blessings and Peace to you and yours!
What if? What if we promoted the pro-life message in such a way that everyone
got it? That everyone understood that a baby is a baby, not a choice. That even
though abortions are legal, no one would choose to have one. That an abortionist
would see that he or she are taking a life, instead of saving a life, that instead of
being called an abortionist, they would want to be called a doctor. You are probably
thinking "dream on sister" and maybe, probably you are right. I just know that right
now I feel an urgency about spreading the pro-life message. I just want to spread
awareness about the help that is out there. I want people to know that abortion is
not their only option. In the early morning hours, my husband and I pray for the
unborn on the East Coast because we know that abortions are already in progress.
We pray throughout the day for all the unborn everywhere, for their mothers and
for their fathers to say NO to abortion and YES to life! We pray that the abortionists
will walk out and say, NO MORE, I will not take another baby's life, not today,
not ever! Please pray with us for the unborn, please pray for the baby girl or baby
boy's mother and father, please pray for the abortionists.
Please pray for an end to abortion.
Today! Wednesday, January 16, 2019
I miss writing stories for my blog!
I have to take the time to write when thoughts come to me, if I wait, too many
other things happen and important items get left out! I am going to start writing
again - even if it is in the middle of the night!
I pray for all of you out there, near or far, wherever you are,
may God bless you and keep you safe!
Please pray for an end to abortion - please pray for pro-abortion people - that their
hearts and minds will be touched with the true horror of abortion.
Please pray that their eyes will be opened and that they will speak out
against abortion. Please pray for the unborn - the innocent victims - please pray
for the voiceless - please speak up and be their voice!
#prolife #adoption #whywemarch