Thursday, January 24, 2019

If We Don't Speak Up Our Voices Will Be Silenced

Hello out there - I've been writing/typing letters in my home office all morning long.
Before I share the reason why I was diligently working on these letters - I want to
write about hopeful/faithful news.

Several pro-life people met at the Tom Green County Courthouse on Tuesday,
January 22, 2019 - the 46th Anniversary of Roe v Wade - A time of silent prayer
was planned from 12:15 pm -12:45 pm in memory of all the unborn babies who
have died since abortion was legalized in all fifty states. Walking up to the courthouse
steps and seeing people already there, and more people arriving was very touching.
People from different faiths gathered together in unity for a time of silent prayer.
I'm not sure about the exact number of people but my estimation was between
sixty - seventy, give or take a few. Some people have said even more. When the
opening prayer was over, we all bowed our heads and prayed in silence. And silent
it was - even the noise from the traffic during this busy time seemed to quiet down.
Everyone I've spoken to has remarked about how amazingly quiet it was. The people
who came out of the courthouse while we were praying were so respectful - they
didn't make a sound. The chirping birds even seemed to whisper their songs during
our quiet prayer vigil. After the closing prayer, people hugged and visited before
going their separate ways.
A time of unity, a time of remembrance, an uplifting time of prayer.

Last night, my daughter and I spoke to the Confirmed Faithful Class at
St. Mary's Catholic Church. We each have a story of faith and life to share. We are
both passionately pro-life and being with the youth and sharing our stories is
always a blessing.

This morning I received a text message letting me know that our silent prayer vigil
was on the front page of our local newspaper! Everything about the article was
positive; the title, the pictures, and the story.
Pro-life supporters rally at courthouse - the title
The pictures are beautiful and moving - truly capturing the heartfelt, sincere, peaceful
prayers of the people who came out to pray.

Now, back to my letters. Something else happened on Tuesday:
In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law legalizing late term abortions.
Abortion is now legal up to birth in the state of New York. Andrew Cuomo says that
he is Catholic. The letters that I am writing are to the Catholic Bishops, Archbishops,
and Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

The title of this bill is, "The Reproductive Health Act or RHA" and the passing of
this bill also allows non-doctors to perform abortions.
This a quote from Governor Cuomo, "Today is sweet, because in a few minutes, I will
sign this bill, and another New York national precedent will be established, the most
aggressive women's equality platform in the nation is going to be a law in this state,
and that's the way it should be."

The bishop of Albany, New York wrote a very powerful letter to Governor Cuomo
and you can find the letter on and the Facebook page for the Diocese of
Albany. The title on is "Do not build this Death Star": Albany's bishop
writes to one of his flock, Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Bishop Scharfenberger is very honest and he brings up several questions
that we need to think about. Several things stood out in his letter and the reality
of what Bishop Scharfenberger is concerned about should scare us all. Could
being pro-life one day be a hate crime in the State of New York? That is just one
of the extremely important issues Bishop Scharfenberger brings up in his letter
to the governor of New York.

The following is an excerpt from my letter:
Last night my husband and I watched the news and witnessed the celebration
that took place in the courtroom when the bill to kill an unborn baby up to
birth was passed.
I watched in shock and horror as people clapped and cheered and gave each other
double high fives! I could almost see the blood of the unborn babies dripping
down the walls and the devil hovering above with his claws reaching out to the souls
of all those who celebrated. If I was an artist I would paint that picture and add
angels and our beloved martyrs weeping and crying. You could see the evil spirits
hovering on the shoulders of each person who celebrated the passing of this evil bill -
a bill that says it is okay to kill an unborn baby up to birth for any reason. A violent
death for the most innocent among us.

I found this picture and knew that it was the one I needed to share.

May God have mercy on us all - please speak up now before all of our voices are silenced.
Write letters - they don't have to be long letters, just say that you are not okay with this law.     Write to your representatives, congressmen and congresswomen, your pastors, your priests,      your bishops, everyone and anyone who will listen!
 Write letters to your newspaper, your church paper, and let your voice be heard!  
Don't think that this can't or won't happen in the state you live in. New York legalized abortion        in 1970 and just three years later it was legalized in all fifty states!
Speak up now while you still can!
                                                                  Bye for now, Sharla



  1. Beautifully said!! If we do not speak up now it will be too late. And pray, pray and pray some more! Thank you for all you do for our community. We are blessed by you💖

    1. Thank you so much! Blessings to you and your loved ones! Yes, we need to pray, pray, and pray some more!
