Monday, February 7, 2022

Humbled and Blessed by God's Amazing Grace

 Hello out there! Just a quick post to share something that lifted my spirits and added some extra sunshine to my day! This afternoon, I had just filled my explorer up with gas and driven out towards the signal light. I noticed a jeep behind me as I pulled into the right hand lane. The light was red and the jeep pulled up next to me. I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and turned and looked at the jeep. Two young ladies were waving and smiling. I rolled down my window and they said, "We love your bumper stickers, we agree!" I smiled and thanked them and then I told them that adoption was a loving option and that I had been adopted many years ago. They both smiled and said, "ahhhhhhhh!" I thanked them again and told them that they had made my day! I have two bumper stickers on the rear window of  my explorer. The one behind the driver side has a picture of a baby's face and says, "I'm a child, not a choice." The sticker behind the passenger side has a pink heart and says, "Love Babies, Born and Unborn."

The rest of the story - Those young ladies will never know how much I needed that encounter today.  Jim and I had a long talk after we got home from Mass last night. I told him how much I miss speaking to our youth about the miracle of life and sharing a positive message of respecting life from conception to natural death. 

The first scripture reading at Mass last night was from Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8. Verse 8 has stayed with me:

Isaiah 6:8  

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"                      "Here I am," I said, "send me!"

I went to the noon Mass today. When Mass had ended and I was praying, I looked up at Jesus on the cross and I opened my hands, palms up and whispered quietly, "Here I am Lord, send me."                   That brief conversation with those young ladies was truly a gift from the Lord. I rejoiced and gave thanks - "Here I am, Lord, send me!"

Peace and blessings near and far, peace and blessings wherever you are!

Bye for now, Sharla 

(T-shirts are another way I share my pro-life message!)

I'm adding a picture of one of the bumper stickers -