Thursday, July 13, 2017

Unexpected Blessings Bring Joy to Your Heart!

Hello out there! I hope you are all having a great day. I've wanted to sit down and write
this post since this morning but I had so many other things to accomplish first. Now, I
can take the time to write this story that has been on my heart.
I sat down this morning with a cup of coffee and my Magnificat. I read the scriptures,
psalms and morning prayers. While I was praying, someone very special came to my
mind. His name is Jerry and I haven't seen him in a long time. He is probably in his
mid twenties and he used to hang around our parish, Sacred Heart Cathedral, quite a
bit. Sometimes he would come and get a lunch and other times he would ask for $2.00.
He would tell you that he needed the money to go and buy a soda. Jerry would go and
buy a large soda and sometimes he would bring it into the sanctuary. We would explain
to him that he couldn't bring the drink into the sanctuary. Sometimes it would even
be during Mass. What I remembered this morning was something that really touched
my heart. Many of us gave Jerry his soda money including the priests, especially
Father H. and Deacon Steve. This is what happened back in December of 2015 -
During Advent, there is a penance service held in the evening at different Catholic
Churches on different dates. Several priests are on hand at the penance services to make
sure that everyone is able to go to confession. There are always a lot of people standing
in line in the sanctuary. I was in line and there were only a couple more people in
front of me when Jerry walked in. He looked around and I could tell that he was
confused. He saw me, came over and stood next to me and asked what was going on.
I explained that people were in line for confession. He asked where Father H. was and
I pointed to the confessional and told him that he couldn't talk to him right now. I
asked him what he needed and he told me $2.00 so that he could go and buy a
soda. By this time, I was next in line. I told Jerry to sit down in the pew and wait for
me. Jerry sat down and I went to confession. When I was through with my confession
I walked over to the pew and sat down next to Jerry. I got some money out of my
purse and gave it to him. He immediately put his arms around me and gave me a
big hug. I smiled and told him to remember to say his prayers. I figured that he would
get up and leave so I knelt down to pray and complete my penance. All of sudden I
felt someone kneel right next to me. I turned my head and it was Jerry. I still get
teary eyed when I remember that sweet young man kneeling next to me. I reached
over and patted his hand and we both finished our prayers. I felt so humbled at that
moment and tears streamed down my face. This morning, as I remembered this
special story I also thought of another time that Jerry touched my heart, and Jim's
too, even though he probably won't admit it. Jim and I were at Mass and we were
sitting together, which is rare, because he is always an usher. Anyway, we were sitting
together and Mass had already begun when Jerry walked in the side door, started
walking down the aisle, spotted me, and scooted into the pew next to me. Jim
looked at me and shook his head. He does that a lot. I smiled at Jerry and patted his
hand. He asked me for money so that he could go and buy a soda. I whispered to him
that we were in Mass and that he needed to be quiet and wait for a little bit. He sat
still for a little while and then we stood up to recite the Prayer of the Faithful.
Jim said in a whisper, go ahead and give him some money now, that way if he leaves
it won't be as obvious since we are all standing. I gave Jerry the money, he gave me
a hug and scooted back out in front of Jim and left. A little while later on during Mass,
Jerry came back, with his soda and sat back down with Jim and I. He left when we
went up to receive Communion. Jerry touched all of our hearts and we would
always wonder where he was when we hadn't seen him in awhile. I prayed for him
this morning and maybe we'll see him again soon. My life has been so blessed by
the people that God sends my way.
"Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. Help me to always see You."
I have to go now. I'm driving to Miles to watch four of my many blessings
 (grandchildren) perform during the final evening of Vacation Bible School!
                                      Blessings to you and yours! Bye for now, Sharla

Love One Another!

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