the video trailer for my book, "Adopted and Blessed: Words from my heart." I
watched the trailer, listened to the music, and read the words that I wrote appear
across the bottom of the pictures they used to make this forty-five second video.
I began crying and hollered for Jim to come and watch the short video with me.
The people who made this video don't know me. They have never met me, but
somehow, my words spoke to them and they were able to share what I feel in my
heart. I reached out and touched the picture of the baby's hand wrapped inside
the mother's hand at the very end and I just sobbed.
I wrote a post on April 19th about how I wanted to share the message about
adoption being a loving life option. I didn't know how I was going to do it but
I knew that I wanted to do more to promote adoption. Nine days after I wrote that
post I spoke to someone at Christian Faith Publishing. That nice man called me
every week for about five weeks before I decided to send in my short stories from
my blog. It took me another two weeks to get everything together and then I prayed
some more. I had my manuscript ready to mail but I hesitated. These stories aren't
fiction, these stories are about my life, my family, my friends. I thought what in the
world am I doing? I told Jim that I needed to pray about it some more. He said that
he understood and it was my decision. Then he said something kind of like - Sharla,
people from Russia, Germany, Italy and countries I've never even heard of, read
your blog, so I think it's a little late to be worried about privacy issues at this
point! Of course I started laughing, because what he said was so true. He also told
me that maybe this was our way to let people know about how awesome adoption
is. I know that God has guided us all along this journey. The artwork for the cover
of the book is so beautiful. The video trailer breaks my heart and I am excited and
emotional all at the same time.
The following is the link to watch the video trailer:
YouTube Link:
Video Link: JpwWMHxdmhM
I've shared the video on Face Book. Please share this link. Please help me promote
adoption as the loving life option. Please pray for the unborn and their parents.
Please pray for an end to abortion.
I copied part of the post I wrote on April 19, 2016 and I am going to share it with y'all
again. Thank you for reading my blog. May God bless you all.
I want to get the message out there that adoption is a life option. I would love to see
billboards and commercials and magazine covers about people who have been
adopted. I want to hear adoption stories because I know how special each story is!
I want people to know that babies are a gift. If you are in a crisis pregnancy and
this is not the right time for you to have a baby, please consider adoption for your
baby. I was blessed to have been adopted at birth and I want to share the message
that adoption is a life giving option! I see the commercials on television where the
movie stars are holding a puppy or a kitten and they are crying, begging people to
adopt these poor innocent animals. That is fine, but what about the poor, innocent
babies? What about the unborn, where are the tears? Where is the compassion?
Why are people so afraid to speak up for the human babies? If I had the money to
pay for advertising on billboards about adopting the human babies, I would. Maybe
I need to get more information about how much it costs and have a fund raiser.
Maybe that is why God has placed this so on my heart. I write these posts but I
must do more. Thanks for listening, just writing about this has helped me. It is
time for me to take the next step. If you have some ideas please share them with
me. I will keep you posted on the billboard idea. (4/19/16)
billboards and commercials and magazine covers about people who have been
adopted. I want to hear adoption stories because I know how special each story is!
I want people to know that babies are a gift. If you are in a crisis pregnancy and
this is not the right time for you to have a baby, please consider adoption for your
baby. I was blessed to have been adopted at birth and I want to share the message
that adoption is a life giving option! I see the commercials on television where the
movie stars are holding a puppy or a kitten and they are crying, begging people to
adopt these poor innocent animals. That is fine, but what about the poor, innocent
babies? What about the unborn, where are the tears? Where is the compassion?
Why are people so afraid to speak up for the human babies? If I had the money to
pay for advertising on billboards about adopting the human babies, I would. Maybe
I need to get more information about how much it costs and have a fund raiser.
Maybe that is why God has placed this so on my heart. I write these posts but I
must do more. Thanks for listening, just writing about this has helped me. It is
time for me to take the next step. If you have some ideas please share them with
me. I will keep you posted on the billboard idea. (4/19/16)
I guess God had another plan - not a billboard but a book! Y'all have a wonderful
evening and enjoy the rest of the Christmas Season! Bye for now, Sharla